
Francesca Split Martha Stewart’s Lip

February 12, 2012 by · Comments Off on Francesca Split Martha Stewart’s Lip 

Francesca Split Martha Stewart’s Lip, Martha Stewart’s lip was split by her French bulldog Francesca when she bent down to “whisper goodbye”—and she ended up in a hospital where she criticized the “dated” wallpaper. “I must have startled her, because she bolted upright with such force that she hit me in the face like a boxing glove,” Stewart notes in her blog. “Blood gushed from my split lip. Frannie was as upset as I was and cowered in her bed.”

The queen of all things domestic received three stitches at Northern Westchester Hospital, where Martha took the time to snap a photo of the faux ceiling borders, and wondered if the “little patient room could use some updating.” To

Francesca & Sharkey Stewart

January 11, 2012 by · Comments Off on Francesca & Sharkey Stewart 

Francesca  & Sharkey StewartFrancesca & Sharkey Stewart, As the world well knows, there pretty much isn’t anything Martha Stewart can’t do … not to mention, do better than you. No surprise then that even her famous French bulldogs, Francesca and Sharkey, are just as fantastique. No longer content with their cameos on their mistress’s TV show, the pawsome pair have taken to the Internet, launching their very own blog, “The Daily Wag,” earlier this month and of course, signing up for a very fashionable Twitter account.

“The Daily Wag” is housed in the new Nestle Purina PetCare-sponsored pet section of, which also includes a variety of pet-related articles and photo galleries. Here, Francesca (“I have a high opinion of myself”) and Sharkey (“spontaneous and daring”) share their adventures making the rounds with Martha or getting into mischief on the farm.

From the beginning, “The Daily Wag” received hundreds of comments from the canine contingent (perhaps dictated via their humans). Meanwhile, after only three tweets, these gregarious gals already have over 1,500 Twitter followers. Francesca, who “feels superior to Sharkey,” very graciously took time out of her very busy media schedule to “speak” to Technotica about “The Daily Wag.”

First, the question everyone is itching to know: How did Martha take the news that you two were defecting to your own separate blog?

Martha always encourages us to try new things. She also knows that a lot of her fans are devoted to their pets and might enjoy a dog’s eye view of Martha’s world. I should also add that we’re irresistibly cute and stylish. Martha shouldn’t keep us to herself.

“The Daily Wag” just launched, but the post comments from other canines already number in the hundreds. Are you surprised by the reaction you’ve inspired in the Dogosphere?

Not at all. We know that dogs, everywhere, need a platform to speak their minds and if that platform is on our blog we couldn’t be happier.

Keeping a blog fresh and interesting can take a lot of work – did you consider taking an easier route with Facebook or Twitter?

You are right – it is a lot of work, but just like Martha, we’re not afraid of hard work. We like being tech savvy, so come follow us on Twitter, as well!

Was it a mutual decision to start “The Daily Wag,” or did one of you grab the lead?

It was my brilliant idea to start this blog. We have been frequent guests on Martha’s blog and I wanted to have one of our own. Sharkey was a little apprehensive about making the commitment, but now that she sees how much fun it is and what bigger stars we have become, she’s all about it.

Were you inspired by other Web sites, blogs or Twitter feeds? If so, which ones?

No, we don’t like to read too much about what other dogs are doing, as we like to keep our blog fresh and original. Martha, of course, has always been our mentor.

You’re not the first dogs to blog on the Web, but you may be the most prominent and the most fluent in human communication. I believe Francesca, you even speak French. If we add your ages, you’re still very young – even in human years. Can you share the secret of your skills? Does living with Martha inspire you to perfection?

Living with Martha or spending any time with Martha should inspire anyone to perfection. However, Martha’s drive for perfection is a little much for us to take at times. We just like to laugh and have fun, even if that means doing it sometimes behind her back.

And, je parle Français parce que je suis Française. I speak French because I am French! I also really like the way it sounds. Now I just wish I could learn to sing like ?dith Piaf.

Do you hope “The Daily Wag” will inspire other Internet-active dogs to improve their writing skills the way your TV and magazine appearances have inspired Fido fashion?

Of course! The whole point of being seen and writing a blog is to inspire others – you know the expression, “If I can do it, you can do it.”

As your fans well know Francesca, you and Sharkey have very different personalities – does working together ever turn into a real tug-o-war?

Sharkey and I are very different but that is what is so great about writing this blog together. We learn so much from each other. Even though we have our tiffs, we really do have respect for each other.

Some might find Sharkey’s recent post about your unfortunate run-in with the skunk embarrassing. Francesca, were you OK with Sharkey putting the blame on you?

Yes, you’re right – those photos were really ugly of me. Sharkey likes to blame me for a lot of things because she knows that I am worldlier than she is. And about skunks – dogs should really not chase them. They are quite nasty smelling and canines should know better.

How do your fellow fur babies feel about your blog? Are the cats jealous? Do the donkeys have you bookmarked?

Sharkey and I couldn’t care less what the others think. If they want a blog, they can write their own blog.

One last question, for the tech-minded pups out there: Do you each have your own laptop – and how do you manage the keyboard with those big Frenchie paws? (I mean that as a compliment.)

As you may have read in our very first blog, Sharkey and I rarely work alone. We also employ Martha’s excellent and crackerjack blog duo, Laura Plimpton and Eliad Laskin, because when we want a nap, we take a nap.
