
Lunar Eclipse 10 December 2011

December 10, 2011 by · Comments Off on Lunar Eclipse 10 December 2011 

Lunar Eclipse 10 December 2011, Lunar eclipse 2011 is going to be visible in a large part of the world today. People are eager to see the lunar eclipse when the eclipse is full with many suggesting that this time, during the lunar eclipse, the moon would look unusually big.

The excitement is at an all time high among people all over the world. They are eager to know as to when it will be the best time to watch it and are there any precaution in watching it.

Experts say that unlike solar eclipse, when it is dangerous to see the sun directly with nak*d eyes, it is rather safe to watch the moon during lunar eclipse with the nak*d eye.

When the full lunar eclipse occurs, it is caused by the full moon passing through the Earth’s shadow. The earth’s shadow makes the surface of the moon dark giving it ghostly color. Usually the moon becomes very red and at times brown. Experts have been at their wits end as to how the moon starts looking so big during full lunar eclipse.

In some Asian countries including India there is a belief that lunar eclipses are a time when important changes take place in a person’s destiny. A report on Indian mythology about the impacts of eclipses says, “…at the time of a solar or lunar eclipse in areas where it is seen one should stop all activities, meditate or chant the name of God in a purified state and after the eclipse one should take cold bath with the clothes they are wearing and then make donations ( especially cereals) according to their means…One should also not eat 12 hours before the solar and 9 hours before the lunar eclipse begins. One can drink water”.

Solar Eclipse

June 26, 2010 by · Comments Off on Solar Eclipse 

Lunar EclipseSolar Eclipse:Major countries in the world experienced a lunar eclipse today. Astronomers from Australia said that people would be able to see the eclipse without any safety equipment. The eclipse was seen in various parts of South America, Canada, China, Russia and India. According to Indian ministry of science of the eclipse was set to end in India and sky watchers may be able to catch a glimpse of the eclipse. This year, another miracle of nature will be observed by the people when a solar eclipse is expected to last more than four minutes will be tested next month. The eclipse will be experienced in the July 11th will be the first to hit the Moai statues on Easter Island.

As astronomers a solar eclipse occurs because of the presence of the moon between the sun and the earth. July 11 The solar eclipse will reach areas such as New Zealand and South East of Tonga. The solar
eclipse on July 11 is expected to last two hours and will be in parts of Argentina and Chile as well. The eclipse of July After the eleventh to the people who are suffering the next eclipse after more than two years. The date scheduled for November, the thirteenth in 2012 and reach the region of Australia and the Pacific Ocean. Many cultures in the past have predicted that these eclipses do not become a new phenomenon among human beings

Moon Eclipse

June 26, 2010 by · Comments Off on Moon Eclipse 

Moon Eclipse:KUALA LUMPUR, June 26 (PL) – Muslims are encouraged to perform khusuf (eclipse) optional prayers in connection with a partial eclipse of the moon tonight.

Islamic Development Department (Jakim) officer Mohd Noor Islamic Affairs assistant Syarizal Nunar said the eclipse prayer can be done after Maghrib (sunset) prayers either individually or in congregation.

He said Muslims were invited to play khusuf optional prayers, which would be accompanied by a special sermon lunar eclipse, the National Mosque and the Mosque of Putrajaya.

The partial lunar eclipse will begin with a penumbra (shadow) phase at 16:57 and reaches the maximum eclipse at 19:30 before they are expected to end at 22:22, according to the National Space Agency (Angkasa) .

Meanwhile, the public could observe the partial lunar eclipse of the National Planetarium here 19:38 to 22:20.

According to the website Angkasa, telescopes will be provided free of charge during the partial eclipse of the moon observation 20:00 to 22:00.

Lunar Eclipse June 2010

June 26, 2010 by · Comments Off on Lunar Eclipse June 2010 

Lunar Eclipse June 2010Lunar Eclipse June 2010:The June 2010 lunar eclipse will be visible in India, Japan, New Zealand and Australia today. The eclipse is partial and the Earth’s shadow will cover 53.7% of the moon. The North American viewers will see a larger moon, because illusory affect lunar eclipse in June 2010.

Today’s full Moon and the largest moon illusion offers spectacular views for observers. The picturesque view is expected to be seen in central and western parts of the U.S.. The view is just a delusion captured by human eyes as the camera captures the normal size. The reason for this anomaly is not known and scientists offer no response.

According to astrologers eclipses are important in human life. The partial lunar eclipse in June 2010 has its own astrological significance. Some astrologers believe that the eclipse will take effect on ordinary people would be willing to overthrow the repressive rulers.

In some countries, military can take over by overthrowing civilian governments. The lunar eclipse of June 2010 mainly affect people born under the “cardinal signs.” The eclipse will lead to events that disrupt the schedules through war or environmental changes, such as situations. The positive element to consider is that agitation is the basis for a new beginning or a new start in life for many people.

Well, apart from the prophecies of the large moon would be a beautiful sight to be seen and captured in the movies or photos. So I know the times of visibility of the eclipse in your area to catch the spectacular view.
