
Solid Gold Dancers

January 5, 2011 by · Comments Off on Solid Gold Dancers 

Solid Gold Dancers, Every few years a new trend saturates the design industry, and this year we were hit hard with one. As I gear for the furniture market is held twice a year in High Point, North Carolina, to schedule meetings with my suppliers, I the most important. I prioritize tasks; I’m looking for based on customer demand. But mostly I’m looking to find The Next Best Thing; this trend does not affect the chain stores for a few years.

Right now, everywhere you look is gray. Retailers do business, and although it has been a trend with designers for a few years he was very popular market in October. Most vendors I talked to seem to think that this trend will be around a few years.

During my visit to the Global Views showroom, my agent informed me the company’s decision to use gray with accents of lemon in his front room display. Just downstairs in the International Home Furnishings Market, a 12-story building with 3.5 million square feet of showroom, we could see traces of gray everywhere. A new line, Mr. Brown, a subsidiary of the line designer Julian Chichester was using gray with accents of green, pink and lemon.

A trip to the showroom Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams has confirmed that the company had been influenced by shades of gray as well. MG + BW have its own building of 24,000 square meters which houses most of the collection at the market. The showroom is available for a number of things: being almost obsessively well preserved and presented with impeccable service and men in black with white everywhere else.

Mitchell and Bob (yes, they are real people) believe in letting their furniture stand out and set the mood for settings. The showroom has two levels and usually 13 to 15 vignettes of furniture placed on each floor in the living room or in environments present new products and fabrics as well as current inventory.

The first half of my appointment he went along business as usual. Then we took the stairs to the second level, and I was transported in Moody, dark chocolate and surrounding gray. Even the floors were painted gray! After so many years of white floors, this trend has been big enough to take note.

Thank you for the current trend, but the thought has crossed my mind that it was a bit exaggerated. Gray is beginning to depress me frankly. Having seen this look everywhere I turned, I was ready for something to stand out in the sea of gray.

Fortunately, my luck has changed when I visited the showroom Oly. I had a hunch was confirmed: Gold is the new gray. A plush, mohair gold had been introduced with a beautiful hand carved wooden chest covered in natural brass, illuminating a beautiful luster of gold. The gold is bright and vibrant, and in my opinion, it goes with everything. There were even “Solid Gold” dancers at the party Oly showroom after hours.

If the big box stores do, you can almost guarantee that I will not. Rather than go home for the district of KC “gray train,” I felt inspired by the idea of brewing rich, vibrant color that is breathing life into a space.

Do not worry, though. I always have a fondness for gray and gold and gray look in other colors, living in harmony.

