
Kung Hei Fat Choi

January 23, 2012 by · Comments Off on Kung Hei Fat Choi 

Kung Hei Fat Choi, Aside from the good fortune and prosperity that the Year of the Water Dragon brings, expect bigger savings and longer talk time when you greet your relatives and friends abroad “Kung Hei Fat Choi!” That’s because Sun Cellular is offering special rates to select countries via its Sun Todo IDD Tawag P300 promo.

Chinese New Year, or also known as the Spring Festival, is a major event welcomed in key cities around the world. Singapore and Hong Kong usher in this most anticipated celebration with floats, lion dances, spine-bending acrobatics and fireworks display. Learn how the locals celebrate Chinese New Year in this side of the world and be at the center of these colorful festivities by calling loved ones in Singapore or Hong Kong at just P1.50 per minute. Exclusively available in Sun Todo IDD Tawag P300 load, the low rates offered by Sun is another reason to stay on the line, extend your conversation and swap animated stories amidst the backdrop of loud fireworks and drum beating.

That’s more than three hours of uninterrupted communication. Unlike other budget IDD services cards that require prefixes or codes to make a call, Sun IDD calls are made convenient and hassle-free as subscribers only need to dial the country code + area code and the number they wish to call. The same rate of P1.50/minute also applies to calls in Canada and the U.S. (mainland).

Subscribers with relatives in other countries such as China, Guam and Hawaii, may also enjoy the benefits of affordable overseas communication as Sun Cellular extends its promo to include other destinations around the world. The Sun Todo IDD Tawag can be conveniently loaded to your cell phone either through call card (P300 denomination only), Xpress load and load conversion (and Text TODOIDD 300 send to 247). Varying rates apply depending on the country one
wishes to call.

Call all your loved ones even after the Chinese New Year celebration because the promo runs until February 24, 2012. Sun Todo IDD Tawag P300 is available to all Sun prepaid subscribers. To know more about the countries covered by the Sun Todo IDD Tawag P300 promo and applicable rates, visit The Sun Shop outlets located across the country. You may also call the Sun Hotline 200 using your Sun-powered mobile phone or (02) 395-8000 from any landline phone. Log on to or visit the Facebook page To get updates, follow Sun Cellular on Twitter via

Year Of The Rabbit 2011 Predictions

February 3, 2011 by · Comments Off on Year Of The Rabbit 2011 Predictions 

Year Of The Rabbit 2011 Predictions, An announcement about changes zodiac sign made last month to everyone in arms over what to expect when it comes to predictions for 2011 but we are pleased to announce that the Chinese Zodiac remained the same and, for those interested, today marks the first day of the year of the rabbit!

True, February 3rd, 2011 marks the first day of the year of the rabbit that means many things for people bore this year and what each can expect for 2011. The first thing you should know is that if you’re a rabbit. The years of a rabbit, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 201.If you are a rabbit you have the following characteristics: bright, wise, fashionable, kind, mysterious, affectionate and cuddly. You like being the center of attention, but only occasionally. For the most part, you’re a big-party donor and host, but prefer to focus on someone else.

2011 will be a good year for rabbits, particularly in the areas of work and careers. Your outgoing personality will put you in an excellent position to compete for promotions at work. From March to May and October-November are the months to wait. A lot happens in these periods of time that will make your whole year a memorable one.

Bunnies can only expect to find love this year. August, September and December will be a time intensive and can be stressful for many of its large rabbits to make sure you keep your heart open to love, especially during these months. If you let love in 2011 could be a make it or break it for a year for your love life. Rabbits tend to be more compatible with sheep, pigs & dogs.
Year of the Rabbit – a zodiac sign representing a chance, agility and malice. When herbivorous mammals bit emerges from its burrow on February 3 and greets us with “Kung Hei Fat Choi” while chewing on a carrot, an auspicious lunar new year yet delicate begins.

Under the spell of magic rabbit active stock markets in China and Hong Kong will adopt 20% growth, supported by gains promising, but the two economies continue to be distracted by feeding excess liquidity and asset bubbles Inflation, Credit Suisse, said yesterday in its annual report on how to spend your lai see.

Therefore, investors need to be as agile as the hare, in other words, they need to be mentally equipped with ears long and muscular hind legs to detect the potential gain and, pending the leakage losses, according to the bank. A very difficult year for investor’s effect.

The bank believes that there will be a growth of 25% in the A-share, H-share markets and the MSCI China with promising prospects of gain, while Hong Kong Hang Seng Index (HSI) can gain of 22 % and property prices in Hong Kong may surge another 30% from now until the end of 2011. The prediction seems in line with the belief that astrologers stock prices tend to raise in the years to rabbit because the rabbit is the luckiest sign in the Chinese calendar.

However, three years earlier rabbit show a mixed picture. The HSI has been a phenomenal growth of over 75% in 1975, but 1987 was the year of the Hong Kong stock market crash. And although 1999 saw a sharp rise in the HSI, it has been known to be a bounce after the Asian financial crisis.

In 2011, inflation is the greatest risk to China that the country is likely to record a growth of 9.3% of GDP for the year, according to Credit Suisse.

“It looks like a slowdown compared to 10.3% last year. However, for China, a slowdown in GDP is not a problem, inflation,” said Dong Tao, an economist at Regional the bank.

Tao believes China’s inflation, which should reach 6% by mid 2011, will increase prices for food service costs. The reason is that countries suffering from a severe labor shortage that “more jobs available in central and western China, the infrastructure projects growing need workers and people are generally reluctant to move to the cities where the cost of living coasts are much higher than in the hinterland. ”

Chinese migrant workers have received wage increases averaging 14% last year and their salary will increase by 20% to 30% in the coming years, according to Tao.

Similarly, inflation and consumer prices both assets will be a key issue for Hong Kong in 2011.
Hong Kong is surrounded by the monetary policies of the United States and China, which are not really suited to its own economy, the city is immersed in an excess liquidity, again, the real interest rates are near zero for percent, which will surely send housing prices more, the bank said.

The asset inflation increasingly also create more social tension internally as the distribution of wealth has already become polarized, it added.

Hong Kong people, especially children and single people who traditionally receive lai see during Chinese New Year, will feel the effects of inflation and the money they receive will decrease in real terms.

However, Credit Suisse gave investors a bit of how their lai see more generous, naming eight stocks with a potential average increase of 36% over the next 12 months, namely AMVIG, Great Eagle, Kaisa Midland Realty, Peak Sports, Skyworth, Sparkle Roll Texhong.

That said, given that the market will be as difficult as the rabbit, investors are advised to check before jumping.
