
Kristin Davis Governor

October 19, 2010 by · Comments Off on Kristin Davis Governor 

Kristin Davis Governor, The highly anticipated debate of the governor of New York featuring the Democratic front-runner Andrew Cuomo and Republican Carl Paladino, his nearest challenger, was dominated by five fringe party candidates on Monday night.

The usual debate fodder – taxes, wasteful spending, rights and social issues – was overshadowed by a series of bizarre remarks hopes of representing the little-known organizations such as rent received is too Damn High Party.

The debate in the State of Henrietta has failed to produce a fruitful dialogue between the two candidates establishment.

Cuomo Paladino and greeted with friendly handshake, then sit back while the debate turns into a circus.

Paladino was relatively clear for most of the discussion, even leaving early to use the toilet during his concluding remarks.

“When you gotta go, you gotta go,” his campaign manager was later quoted as saying in The New York Times.

Whisper-key businessman Buffalo may have been a calculated effort to show New Yorkers another facet of his personality.

Earlier this week, the poll results New York Times showed Paladino lose ground to Cuomo amid concerns that the favorite tea may not have the temperament to hold a senior position.

Paladino, including “I’m Mad As Hell” campaign slogan has energized the anti-Albany crowd engaged in a confrontation with an angry New York Post editor in September, and made comments seen as critical of homosexuals earlier this month.

Cuomo was also content to take a back seat, offering a number of superficial answers to policy questions.

His comments came the more remarkable when asked about the Authority of New York City Metropolitan Transit, which he called “useless and ineffective.”

“Nobody’s responsible,” Cuomo said, adding that the Governor should support the MTA.

A litany of hopes about the third offset generated laughter from the audience, which has struggled to accommodate requests by the moderator to moderate their reactions.

Kristin Davis, the former Madame best known for allegedly providing the former governor Elliot Spitzer with call girls, suggested that she was uniquely qualified to lead in Albany because of his time among the ladies of the night.

“Politicians are the biggest whores in this state,” Davis joked.

Without changing the status quo in Albany, “Companies go out of this state faster than Carl Paladino in a gay bar,” the prohibition of the Anti-Party candidate said.

Jimmie McMillan Rent is too Damn High Party had a focus of a laser on an issue. Hint: it was not gay marriage.

The Rent Is Too Damn High

October 19, 2010 by · Comments Off on The Rent Is Too Damn High 

The Rent Is Too Damn High, The highly anticipated debate of the governor of New York featuring the Democratic front-runner Andrew Cuomo and Republican Carl Paladino, his closest challenger, was dominated by five fringe party candidates on Monday night.

The usual debate fodder – taxes, wasteful spending, rights and social issues – was overshadowed by a series of bizarre remarks hopes of representing the little-known organizations such as rent received is too Damn High Party.

The debate in the State of Henrietta has failed to produce a fruitful dialogue between the two candidates establishment.

Cuomo Paladino and greeted with friendly handshake, then sit back while the debate turns into a circus.

Paladino was relatively clear for most of the discussion, even leaving early to use the toilet during his concluding remarks.

“When you gotta go, you gotta go,” his campaign manager was later quoted as saying in The New York Times.

Whisper-key businessman Buffalo may have been a calculated effort to show New Yorkers another facet of his personality.

Earlier this week, the poll results New York Times showed Paladino lose ground to Cuomo amid concerns that the favorite tea may not have the temperament to hold a senior position.

Paladino, including “I’m Mad As Hell” campaign slogan has energized the anti-Albany crowd engaged in a confrontation with an angry New York Post editor in September, and made comments seen as critical of homosexuals earlier this month.

Cuomo was also content to take a back seat, offering a number of superficial answers to policy questions.

His comments came the more remarkable when asked about the Authority of New York City Metropolitan Transit, which he called “useless and ineffective.”

“Nobody’s responsible,” Cuomo said, adding that the Governor should support the MTA.

A litany of hopes about the third offset generated laughter from the audience, which has struggled to accommodate requests by the moderator to moderate their reactions.

Kristin Davis, the former Madame best known for allegedly providing the former governor Elliot Spitzer with call girls, suggested that she was uniquely qualified to lead in Albany because of his time among the ladies of the night.

“Politicians are the biggest whores in this state,” Davis joked.

Without changing the status quo in Albany, “Companies go out of this state faster than Carl Paladino in a gay bar,” the prohibition of the Anti-Party candidate said. Jimmie McMillan Rent is too Damn High Party had a focus of a laser on an issue. Hint: it was not gay marriage.

Rent Is Too Damn High

October 19, 2010 by · Comments Off on Rent Is Too Damn High 

Rent Is Too Damn High, In what The New York Times today called “political theater on the edge of farce,” the governor of New York candidates squared off in a debate last night, highlighted by a candidate of the rent is too hairy Damn High Party.

(Do not mess.)

Jimmy McMillan stole the spotlight from what was expected to be a showdown between Republicans and Carl Paladino Democratic front-runner Andrew Cuomo.

“As an expert in karate, I’m not going to talk to someone here,” McMillan, wearing black gloves, said. “Because our children can not afford to live anywhere. Nowhere. There’s nowhere to go.

“Again, why?” (Pause … the public is beginning to respond.)

“You said. The rent is too high crazy. ”

And on gay marriage: “If you want to marry a shoe, I thee wed.”

Jimmy Mcmillan

October 19, 2010 by · Comments Off on Jimmy Mcmillan 

Jimmy Mcmillan, There were a lot of (justified) laments this election cycle the anonymity of donor’s pour millions of dollars into advertising campaigns that target more often than Democrats.

But if more and more rare when the curtain is raised, we find that the usual suspects – the interests of companies with medium and super-rich conservative ideologues – are funding outside groups attacking the Democrats and Republicans strengthened across the country.

As a watchdog campaign finance told the Washington Post Sunday, “Obviously what you see with some of these reports is the tip of the iceberg. But even when you see the tip of the iceberg, you have a pretty good idea of what the rest of the iceberg is likely to resemble. ”

We’ve documented about how the financing of the Karl Rove supported by Carrefour U.S. – at least the small portion thereof for which donors are described – came almost entirely from a handful of billionaires. For example, Dallas oil (and billionaire) Trevor Rees-Jones gave Carrefour and at least 2 million this year. The group was to advertise in almost all the major races in the country.

Crossroads has raised more money from donors who, because they give a group of partners organized in a section of the tax code differect remain anonymous. Yet we can be pretty sure that money is not streaming in $ 50 and and 100 controls. It comes from the Rees-Jones on the world – and most probably from commercial interests in particular states where Carrefour is active.

Kali Hawk

November 17, 2009 by · Comments Off on Kali Hawk 

The film Couples Retreat follows four couples who go on a retreat in hopes of fixing their relationships. So why are there only three couples on the international poster?

Faizon Love and Kali Hawk, who are both African American, are mysteriously missing from the movie posters in the British ads, which prompted some in the U.K. to question whether the decision to omit these cast members was based on their race.

Couples Retreat tops box office

A rep for Universal told the Daily Mail that the poster was “simplified” for the U.K. and international markets, though they have since abandoned plans to use it in other countries. The studio “regretted causing offense.

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