
Justin Bieber Haircut

February 22, 2011 by · Comments Off on Justin Bieber Haircut 

Justin Bieber Haircut, Justin Bieber received a haircut, which is apparently charity auction. Now, the actress Jennifer Aniston has started a new bob sexy when she did a photo shoot in Madrid for “Just Go With It.” Just a day before a photo shoot in Berlin, her hair was several inches longer (pictured above, right). Maybe Aniston Bieber and decided jointly, the call for a truce after the battle at the box office.

Aniston hair has always been the subject of much noise, as her “friends” hairdresser “The Rachel” became a craze at the national level. Hilarious Jen recently told Allure that her 90 ‘was not’ the ugliest cut hair [she had] ever seen. ” “What I really want to know is how this thing have legs?” Aniston asked.
Justin Bieber has cut his hair famous. The hair was about six when he was shot in the prime of his life lush. Bieber (pictured with Jay DeMarcus) took the decision to cut the strings of a video he did with Rascal Flatts. Nobody has been arrested for the crime. Yet. The hair was partly responsible for the wave of Biebermania that has permeated the masses of teenagers and New England Patriot quarts.

The locks have been cut in vain. Bieber tweeted last night that he intended to donate hair to charity fell, where they will be auctioned. Even in death, the hair will continue to be a beacon of goodness to the world. “Never in the history of human civilization was so much owed by so many to so few strands of hair,” said the little son-great-great-great Winston Churchill.

There is obvious concern that an auction open could allow hair to be in the wrong hands. Rogue governments with not so secret ambitions to grow a herd of unicorn’s rainbows were looking hair for several years. Certainly, there are also Hollywood record executives who would like an army of clones Bieber under their control. But it seems clear that the government thugs and record executives will be no match for 13-Year-Old Girls With Daddy’s credit card. These young patriots that will keep the hair and our way of life safe.

A generation of teenie boppers is currently mourning the round chop heard “in the world. Justin Bieber sacred cut his hair yesterday, wearing a short “more mature” ‘do. His barber Vanessa Price called it the “Justin Bieber 2011,” but despite the positivity JB and his camps on wearing his new mane, he may lose some Beliebers (at least on Twitter).

[Source: image via TMZ.COM]
