
Jetblue Flight Attendant

August 10, 2010 by · Comments Off on Jetblue Flight Attendant 

Jetblue Flight Attendant, MTV – The world is buzzing about Steven Slater, a flight attendant for Jet Blue Airlines, which was fed up with her was in a profanity-laden tirade in the PA system on a plane sitting on the runway, took a couple of beers and escaped through the inflatable slide designed to be used as an escape (he was arrested shortly thereafter). Slater has become a folk hero, dividing the people who thought that what he did was totally crazy and people who say that this incident is a moment in which he expresses the anger of many in the service industry.

In addition, he was seriously rock and roll.

So for now at least, we’re a rock star Slater fees and putting it in the class of top musical tantrums. He joins the following icons.

Fiona Apple
In a performance that still lives in the tradition of live music in New York, Fiona Apple took the stage at Roseland Ballroom and made things quite problematic for all involved. I was so annoyed by the sound problems I was having that began ranting about the club’s staff, the threat of non-journalists to skillet, mourn and leave the stage twice. She only got through a handful of songs before putting an end.

Johnny Rotten
In one of the most famous breakdowns in history, leader of Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten decided that his band had reached the final and the crowd shouted “Do you ever feel you’ve been cheated?” Then he went out in both fans at the club and the band.

Axl Rose
Always a performer in a bad mood, Rosa rose to new heights at a concert in Montreal in the summer of 1992. After the first set band Metallica had to be cut short because of the leader of pyro-related injuries James Hetfield, Rose arrived late (which made the difference between the performers, even longer) and then left the stage after only nine songs, saying he was having problems with his voice.

Ryan Adams
Perhaps the prolific singer-songwriter should stay away from Minneapolis, Minnesota. In a choppy look famous in 2003, Adams constantly complained about the sound problems and mocked the local hero Paul Westerberg. In 2007, again leaving early stage after spending most of the series trying to move their display in the right places. And that’s not including all the fight near Adams has been involved in concert with the audience that they call and request Bryan Adams “Summer of ’69.”

Courtney Love
Almost every show has been a bad day at the office for love, but the tour in the wake of Live Through This was particularly problematic. After the death of husband Kurt Cobain, was the long rein and often threatened people in the crowd.
