
Anniversary: Martin Luther King Jr

April 4, 2011 by · Comments Off on Anniversary: Martin Luther King Jr 

Martin Luther King Jr, 43 yrs back today; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had been murdered, shot standing on the patio of the Lorraine Lodge in Memphis. He was in Memphis upon account of the sanitation people, who had been striking for the to certainly organize and together deal with the town. Their plan slogan, I AM A Man, was a reference point to the self-respect they deemed has to be given to all laborers. Elmore Nickelberry was one among the men, which marched along with King during the strike.

At this time, Mr. Nickelberry, 79, is still carrying Memphis’ trash, as he has accomplished for over 55 yrs.
The child, of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. is using the anniversary of his dad’s death to weigh up in on a suspect city wage offer.

“New York City presents a national road map for continuing my father’s unfinished work of economic justice, ” Martin Luther King 3 writes in a statement planned to be discharged Monday – the rd anniversary of his dad’s assassination in Memphis.kickoffipaddress

The concern is presently roiling the City Authorities, exactly where a experiencing is predicted this month on a bill which might need a lot of businesses in city-subsidized developments to pay up to $11. 50 an hour – wages far exceeding the state’s $7. 25 minimum wages. Mayor Bloomberg opposes the union-backed measure, saying it will hurt economic development. The bill hung in limbo for nearly a year until Council Speaker Christine Quinn agreed last month to grant it a hearing.

“A majority of City Council members back the legislation, ” King writes in his statement. “Now I urge the rest to embrace it. ”

King lives in Atlanta, but has ties to the New York through the Drum Major Institute, a liberal think tank where he serves on the board. His name was recently floated as a member of a group interested in buying a stake in the Mets. He also lent his name to Bloomberg’s recent push for better background checks for gun buyers.
Union workers, who say their fight for rights is similar to King’s fight for justice, are set to march in Memphis. The Communication Workers of America said that King is usually only remembered for his opposition to racism, but was also a strong advocate for workplace justice and equality.
