
Ikhyd Bronfman

February 8, 2012 by · Comments Off on Ikhyd Bronfman 

Ikhyd Bronfman, Madonna, center, regret inviting M.I.A., right, to join her for the Super Bowl halftime show, along with Nicki Minaj?  If M.I.A. wanted the spotlight to herself, well, she’s got it.

The rapper and Sri Lankan native, who flipped the bird to cameras during the Super Bowl halftime show quarterbacked by Madonna and thus succeeded in dominating post-game chatter, is revealed to be an absentee mom who spends weeks at a time away from her 3-year-old son with fiance Benjamin Bronfman. Ain’t fame great?

Did we say fiance? Make that ex: The New York Daily News reveals that Bronfman, the son of Seagrams heir and philanthropist Edgar Bronfman Jr., has split from the rapper and appears to have moved on. M.I.A. has been spending most of her time in London while Bronfman, with the help of his mother, cares for Ikhyd (yes, that’s his name) in New York.

And how does Madonna feel about the (not altogether unfamiliar) spotlight-snatching tactics of M.I.A.? A source tells Britain’s the Sun that the singer had no idea that M.I.A. was going to pull the stunt, and wasn’t impressed. “Madonna wanted to put on a world-beating performance. But everyone ended up talking about this girl’s middle finger.” The same newspaper also cites a source close to M.I.A. saying she was caught up in the moment and regrets the gesture.
