
Htc Surround

October 11, 2010 by · Comments Off on Htc Surround 

Htc Surround, Windows 7 Phone has finally landed. Today in New York, Steve Ballmer launched Windows 7 Phone by saying that “the phone is another Windows phone type. Always delicious, wonderfully personal, and help you get in, out and back to life. “As corny as it sounds, so far, it seems true enough.

Our first impressions of Windows Mobile 7 are that it is really very unique. We were a bit nervous that the OS would be too irresistible to eat himself, how was the Kin, but it’s actually quite intuitive and fun to use. All the phones we’ve tried are very fast and responsive. The keyboard on the screen in particular is quite spectacular, and we managed to escape from e-mails as quick as lightning. The typing experience seem much faster than the iPhone even big-screen keyboard. This impressive onscreen keyboard is a good match for the strong Outlook integration and the slick and very easy-on-the-eyes Windows 7 Phone inbox. Office applications included are pretty sweet too – not only can you view Word, Excel and PowerPoint, but you can also edit them (in some capacity), and even PowerPoint files with read complete their animations.

That said, all combined in the line-ups are created equal. Focus Samsung for AT & T seems to be leading the pack with an amazing 4? Super AMOLED display, while devices like the LG Quantum have a physical keyboard mushy and disappointing.

Xbox Live integration on Windows 7 Phone means you can customize your avatar, access your accomplishments, results, Thurs accept calls, and interact with the Xbox Live community, the right of the unit. EA has already lined up several games for the platform, including the Sims 3, which looks neat. We are really impressed by how some graphically intense games while playing on these devices. The integrated accelerometer allows you to add the game experience

We also tried to test an Internet Explorer one of the handsets, but it was not working – probably because the phone could not get a good connection inside the building in which we have been overwhelmed by the Journalists and their smartphones and laptops. Windows Marketplace also worked on the devices, even if Microsoft has not officially talk about at the press conference. Microsoft, however, did make a point to mention that all the Windows 7 Phone handsets will work with software updates as they are implemented. Such an update will include Copy & Paste and will be released in early 2011.

The new Windows Mobile 7 will be available from 60 carriers in 30 countries, and combined first go on SALE November 8th U.S. See the gallery for hands on photos of the new handsets.

Samsung Focus

October 11, 2010 by · Comments Off on Samsung Focus 

Samsung Focus, Look closely Phone Windows 7 and I had hands on time with Samsung’s new Focus. This new handset WP7 heads to AT & T and packaging will be a 1GHz processor, 8GB of internal memory, a 5MP camera with flash and of course, Samsung Super bright 4-inch AMOLED screen.

In the hand, the Focus feels incredibly light and thin. In fact, Microsoft boasted about the Focus as Samsung’s thinnest smartphone on the market at just 9.9mm thick. After handling the other Windows 7 Phone devices, which is really stuck with the Focus is its screen. If you had the chance to play with Samsung smartphones Galaxy S Series, you’ll know exactly what I mean. The colors are rich, vibrant and contrast is profound, it is even more dramatic by the fact that Microsoft has chosen colors for WP7.

Although the focus seems to be very smooth and slender, she has a plasticky feel like Vibrant T-Mobile, and it does stain very easily in the front and back. One thing I liked about this device is a soft-touch rear to prevent the smudging, but it’s more a matter of personal preference.

However, the Focus felt good in the hand and the screen was extremely sensitive – good news for you impatient types, and that’s about what you can expect when you take this thing home in the store. After all, Microsoft has told us that this is the final software will be available at these bad boys on the market.

Be as thin as it is, you having absolutely no problem with tight jeans or anything else. But do not be fooled by the thinness you: Samsung makes some pretty decent hardware and the development is probably my favorite of the AT & T job (the other being the Quantum LG and HTC Surround).

Focus Samsung will be available November 8th at AT & T for $ 199.99 with a two-year contract. If you’re reading this from the far north, be sure to check the version information by Rogers.
