
Google S Birthday

September 27, 2010 by · Comments Off on Google S Birthday 

Google S Birthday, Google S Birthday  The landscape is changing, “said Blair Levin, a member of the Aspen Institute in Washington, in an interview.” There are a number of new issues, new standards for promotion in September ’20 road.McAdam puts it in line with CEO Ivan Seidenberg, who is his 65th birthday in December 2011, to succeed retiring. McAdam and Seidenberg declined to comment on the vote by Marquett skills helped SmithHis McAdam, 56, Verizon Wireless, the largest mobile phone company in the U.S. built Now McAdam, who began his career in the private sector in 1983 as the old Ma Bell was broken into pieces, they need skills to help Verizon to succeed in an industry, Apple Inc. and Google Inc.

Several Yahoo spokeswoman declined to say one way or another, if the company intends to exercise its patent for “Instant Search.” And the company has refused to play in certain patents point Seth. “Yahoo is constantly innovating to help people better access to information they want when they want, so it makes sense for each user,” says the official statement of the company. “We regularly take appropriate measures to protect innovation through patents, copyrights or trade secrets Yahoo! not comment on the specifics of how we can protect our innovations for a specific product or innovation.

Happy Birthday Google!

September 27, 2009 by · Comments Off on Happy Birthday Google! 


Happy Birthday Google! , Congratulations to Google. Today is 11th birthday of big search engine Google. Google workers celebrate 11th years of their success. A special logo prepared for Google’s for its birthday is fitting to Google. The logo looks like same as usual, but there are two Ls, signifying 11th years.

Big search engine company Google has an intriguing history.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin launched “Google” as research project, working on the Stanford Digital Library Project (SDLP). The goal of project was to develop the enabling technologies for a single, integrated and universal digital library. Now, Google is biggest search engine on internet.

If you would like to know Google’s intriguing history, you can Google it.

Google has a special logo up on September 27, 2009, which is above the text. That means Google celebrates their eleventh birthday. We don’t have here candles and presents for you. But I am sure there will be for you at there.

Happy Birthday, Google! 🙂

Most likely, the site is recognizing its 11th birthday, because clicking on the altered “Googlle” — or is it “Goog11e” — logo links to a search page containing a number of subtle references to the 11-year milestone.

Not only does the search page’s URL contain the element “11th_birthday” within its name, but the first result on that page, headlined “Google,” contains the term “Google’s 11th Birthday.”

Clicking on that first result takes you back to the Google home page.

So is today the actual birthday
