
Founder Of Ms. Magazine

March 12, 2012 by · Comments Off on Founder Of Ms. Magazine 

Founder Of Ms. Magazine, Ms. is an American liberal feminist magazine co-founded by American feminist and activist Gloria Steinem and founding editor Letty Cottin Pogrebin together with founding editors Patricia Carbine, Joanne Edgar, Nina Finkelstein, and Mary Peacock, that first appeared in 1971 as an insert in New York magazine. The first stand-alone issue appeared in January 1972 with funding from New York editor Clay Felker.

From July 1972 to 1987, it appeared on a monthly basis. During its heyday in the 1970s it enjoyed great popularity, but was not always able to reconcile its ideological concerns with commercial considerations. Since 2001, the magazine has been published by the Feminist Majority Foundation, based in Los Angeles and Arlington, Virginia.

Co-founder Gloria Steinem has explained the motivation for starting Ms. magazine, stating “I realized as a journalist that there really was nothing for women to read that was controlled by women, and this caused me along with a number of other women to start Ms. magazine.” As to the origin of the name chosen for the magazine, she has stated, “We were going to call it ‘Sojourner’, after Sojourner Truth, but that was perceived as a travel magazine. Then we were going to call it ‘Sisters’, but that was seen as a religious magazine.

We settled on ‘Ms.’ because it was symbolic and also it was short, which is good for a logo.”

The title of Ms. magazine was suggested by a friend of Gloria Steinem who had heard the term in an interview on WBAI radio and suggested it as a title for the new magazine. Modern use of Ms. as an honorific was promoted by Sheila Michaels.

Michaels, whose parents were not married to each other, and who was not adopted by her stepfather, had long grappled with finding a title that reflected her situation: not being “owned” by a father and not wishing to be “owned” by a husband. Her efforts to promote its use were ignored in the nascent Women’s Movement. Around 1971, during a lull in an interview with “The Feminists” group, Michaels suggested the use of the title “Ms.” (having chosen a pronunciation current for both in Missouri, her home).

Gloria Steinem

January 3, 2012 by · Comments Off on Gloria Steinem 

Gloria SteinemGloria Steinem, Demi Moore will soon be trying on aviator sunglasses. The “Margin Call” actress has been tapped to play feminist icon Gloria Steinem in the upcoming movie “Lovelace.”

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Moore has joined the cast of the Linda Lovelace biopic, which is currently filming in Los Angeles. In the based-on-a-true-story movie, Amanda Seyfried plays the “Deep Throat” p*rn star who later denounced her participation in the film, claiming that her then-husband Chuck Traynor forced her to do it at gunpoint. Traynor will be played in the film by Peter Sarsgaard.

The details of Moore’s role in “Lovelace” are scant, but Steinem was a major critic of the p*rnography industry in 1972, when “Deep Throat” was released. In 1980, Steinem’s Ms. magazine ran a story called “Linda Lovelace’s Ordeal” about the abuse Lovelace claimed to have received at the hands of ex-husband Traynor.

Seyfried recently spoke out about her upcoming role.

“It’s going to be really hard and kind of terrifying at the same time,” Seyfried told “I do have some liberties there but I am playing someone that existed in history and had quite an established reputation for something very extreme.”

Moore, Seyfried and Sarsgaard will be joined in the cast by Hank Azaria, Adam Brody, Bobby Cannavale, Chris Noth and Sharon Stone. James Franco is currently in talks to play Hugh Hefner in a cameo.
