
Hope Floats

July 18, 2010 by · Comments Off on Hope Floats 

Hope FloatsHope Floats, Attractive as a badge Sandra Bullock is a residence architect who learns that her companion and her best friend had an affair. A friend call the finest shows this in sequence on a nationwide chat show, leaving Bullock shocked and embarrassed. Back in his small hometown in Texas, she seeks safe haven with her unconventional mother. Laconic Harry Connick Jr., a earlier high school classmate, attempt to put his Bullock hopelessness and be successful her feeling. He has, you observe, been moving a torch for her since they were kids.

You will not necessitate a gemstone sphere to see where this goes. It works like an ordinary novel, but is a waste of potential bother. The script has much to say about finding your true identity, but does so with all corniness and depth of a Hallmark card. Rochelle O’Gorman
