
Mark Kelly Astronaut

January 8, 2011 by · Comments Off on Mark Kelly Astronaut 

Mark Kelly Astronaut, (AFP) – A member of the Congress of the United States was in critical condition after being shot in the head Saturday by a gunman who opened fire in Tucson, Arizona, killing six people including a federal judge.

President Barack Obama has called the attack during a public meeting “a tragedy for our entire country,” while Senator John McCain called the local shooter – that would be a white male in his early 20s – “. Arizona disgrace “a

Published media reports have suggested that the Democrat Gabrielle Giffords was dead after the shooting in a Safeway grocery store.

But the hospital where she was treated said later, they expressed the hope that it will recover despite a bullet in his brain, although the U.S. federal judge John Roll was among the dead, according Obama.

Giffords hosted a congress on your corner “event with constituents when the gunman attacked, killing six people and wounding 12, police spokesman Rick Kastigar, while Obama has said at least five deaths.

“She is in critical condition. They have finished operating on it and the period of time, I am optimistic about recovery,” said University Medical Center trauma chief Peter Rhee.

“We can not say what kind of recovery, but I’m about as optimistic as you can get,” he added.

Witnesses said the legislature was hit at close range in the shooting, for which no motive was immediately known.

National Public Radio, the suspect fled and was approached by a passerby, before being detained, and that witnesses have described as being in his late teens or early 20s.

Local media and CNN were identified as Jared Lee Loughner, 22, a white man.

Andrea Gooden, a witness who was in an office down the street, told Fox News she heard a burst of gunfire and “immediately after there were people running through the parking lot.”

Another witness told CNN he heard 15-20 shots and saw people running and screaming from the scene before police trucks and fire arrived about two minutes later.

Images of the scene showed paramedics rushing stretchers for helicopters.

The incident occurred after packages turned into a post office in Washington, DC on Friday and two government buildings in neighboring Maryland, on Thursday.

Giffords, 40, became the first Jewish woman to be elected to Congress from Arizona in 2006 and is married to Mark Kelly, a NASA astronaut.

She was a member of the centrist and so-called Blue Dog Coalition of fiscally conservative Democrats who support the pro-business policies.

She pushed for more troops to guard the US-Mexico border and close for a path to legalization that would require illegal immigrants to criminal background checks, pay back taxes and learning English.

Obama has condemned the attack as an “unspeakable tragedy”, adding: “Such a senseless and terrible act of violence has no place in a free society.”

Arizona senator and former presidential candidate John McCain said: “Whoever did this, whatever their reason, they are an embarrassment to Arizona, this country and the human race.

“They deserve and receive the contempt of all decent people and the highest punishment the law,” he said.

House Republican John Boehner Speaker said he was “horrified” by the attack.

“Acts of violence and threats against public officials have no place in our society. Our prayers are with the Congress Giffords, its staff, all who were injured and their families. It is a day sad for our country, “he said.

Senior Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi added: “This terrible act of violence is a national tragedy, and today is a very sad day for our country.”

Several other lawmakers also issued statements condemning the attack.

The shooting took place less than a week after Congress reconvened with Republicans in control of the House of Representatives and with a strengthened minority in the Senate after their term of Democrats to Obama in the November elections.

Conservative standard-bearer Sarah Palin has also offered his condolences to the victims.

“We all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice,” Palin wrote on his Facebook page.

Gifford was among those affected by the defeat of Palin because of Democratic support for Obama’s health care overhaul.

Giffords name was on a list of parliamentarians under the slogan “It’s time to take a stand” and an advertisement for SarahPAC, political action committee of Palin.

Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved

Congresswoman Giffords

January 8, 2011 by · Comments Off on Congresswoman Giffords 

Congresswoman Giffords, Statement of U.S. Rep. Ted Poe – “I can not express my sorrow at shooting today. Gabby is not only a colleague, but a close friend. My prayers are with his family and loved ones of those who lost life needlessly today. As for the person who committed this heinous crime, I hope justice is swift and the punishment is severe. ”

(AP) – Barack Obama’s statement on the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz, Tucson, Saturday.

This morning, in an unspeakable tragedy, a number of Americans killed in Tucson, Arizona, during a constituent meeting of the Congress with Gabrielle Giffords. And while we continue to receive information, we know that some have disappeared, and that the representative Giffords is seriously injured.

We do not have all the answers. What we do know is that such a senseless and terrible act of violence has no place in a free society. I ask all Americans to join me and Michelle accordance Representative Giffords, victims of this tragedy and their families in our prayers.

Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
