
John Kerry’s Wife

March 8, 2012 by · Comments Off on John Kerry’s Wife 

John Kerry’s Wife, Teresa Heinz says she is being treated for breast cancer discovered through a mammogram and wants younger women to keep undergoing the tests despite a federal panel’s recent recommendation to reduce their frequency.
The 71-year-old wife of the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. John Kerry, of Massachusetts, told the Associated Press that the cost of mammography is far lower than the physical and personal tolls women ages 40 to 60 face if their cancer goes undetected early and they later have to be treated with aggressive chemotherapy.

“Chemotherapy is serious. It also costs a lot of money. It’s very painful. And it’s very destructive of people’s — most people’s — lives for a while, anyway. So why put people through that instead of just having a test that’s done, and it’s done?” Heinz told the AP during an interview this week. “So that’s why I was so upset about that decision of this panel.”

She recalled nurses in a hospital where she was receiving a magnetic resonance imaging procedure, or MRI, being “so livid” when they heard the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommend last month that women start receiving mammograms at age 50, rather than the long-standing practice of 40.

“They said, ‘We’ve taken all these years to teach women to do preventive mammograms, and now look at this,'” Heinz said.

President Obama’s administration later backed off the recommendation amid criticism from many medical and women’s groups. It said the government’s policies “remain unchanged.”

Kerry helped launch Obama on the national political stage by giving the then-Illinois senator the keynote speaking role at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

Heinz — the widow of Sen. John Heinz, heir to the Heinz ketchup fortune — said she found out in late September that she had cancer in her left breast after having her annual mammogram.

Armed Man President Home

January 26, 2012 by · Comments Off on Armed Man President Home 

Armed Man President Home, The Secret Service detained, questioned and released a man who had a firearm in his vehicle as he pulled up outside the north Dallas home of former President George W. Bush.

Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan says the unidentified man showed up “uninvited” about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, saying he wanted to see Bush. While agents and Dallas police questioned him, the man revealed that he had a gun in his nearby vehicle.

Donovan says the man had a permit for the gun and his answers checked out, so he was released and left.

A Bush spokesman says the Bushes weren’t home at the time. The street leading to the house is blocked by a gate.

Donovan declined to comment on how the man made it past the gate.

GOP: George W. Bush

January 3, 2012 by · Comments Off on GOP: George W. Bush 

GOP: George W. BushGOP: George W. Bush, A funny thing happened recently in the presidential campaign in Iowa: The last Republican president’s name actually surfaced. “We’ve had, in the past, a couple of presidents from Texas that said they weren’t interested in wars … like George W. Bush,” a voter said to Ron Paul, the Texas congressman who has been sharply critical of U.S. military entanglements overseas. “My question is: How can we trust another Texan?”

It was an odd, almost discordant moment in a GOP contest where Bush, a two-term president who left office just three years ago, has gone all but unmentioned. While the candidates routinely lionize Ronald Reagan and blame President Barack Obama for the nation’s economic woes, none has been eager to embrace the Bush legacy of gaping budget deficits, two wars and record low approval ratings — or blame him for the country’s troubles either.

“Republicans talk a lot about losing their way during the last decade, and when they do they’re talking about the Bush years,” said Jack Pitney, a political science professor at Claremont-McKenna College. “For Republicans, the Bush administration has become the `yadda yadda yadda’ period of American history.”

The eight-year Bush presidency has merited no more than a fleeting reference in televised debates and interviews. When it does surface it’s often a point of criticism, as when former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum told CNN on Sunday that he regretted voting for the No Child Left Behind education law Bush championed.

The former president himself has been all but invisible since leaving office in 2009 with a Gallup approval rating of just 34 percent. His predecessor, Democrat Bill Clinton, had a 66 percent approval rating in early 2001 when he stepped down after two terms marred by a sex scandal and impeachment.

In a presidential contest dominated by concerns over the weak economy, government spending and the $15 trillion federal debt, the Republican candidates have been loath to acknowledge the extent to which Bush administration policies contributed to those problems. Republicans also controlled Congress for six of the eight years Bush was in the White House, clearing the way for many of his policies to be enacted.

George W Bush Book Tour Dates

November 10, 2010 by · Comments Off on George W Bush Book Tour Dates 

George W Bush Book Tour Dates, On Tuesday, George W Bush is due to appear on Oprah to promote her new book “decision point.” His book tour is followed by several dates of The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel, Hannity, Fox and his friends, and Greta Van Susteren. Then, on November 18, is scheduled to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

This is a paragraph pair of what George W Bush, writes in “decision point”

My first reaction was outrage. Someone had dared to attack the United States. They will pay. Then I looked at the faces of the children in front of me. I thought the contrast between the brutality of the attackers and the innocence of children. Millions of people like them will soon be counting on me to protect them. I was determined not to disappoint.

I saw journalists in the back of the room, learning the news on their cell phones and pagers. Instinct kicks in. I knew my reaction would be recorded and broadcast throughout the world of the nation is in shock, the president could not be. If I was assaulted in a hurry, that would scare children and send waves of panic across the country.

“Decision Points” Product Description
President George W. Bush, describing the critical decisions of his presidency and his personal life.

The decision point is the extraordinary memory of the 43 rd president of the United States. Breaking the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush proposes a strikingly candid tour through the definition of life decisions.

In gripping detail never before heard, President Bush leads readers into the Texas Governor’s Mansion on the night of the disputed election of 2000, aboard Air Force One, the 9 / 11, in the hours after the most devastating attack on the United States since Pearl Harbor, at the head of the table in the Situation Room in the moments before launching the war in Iraq, and behind the desk of the Oval Office for a decision on the historical and controversial financial crisis, Hurricane Katrina, Afghanistan, Iran and other issues that have shaped the first decade of the 21.

President Bush writes honestly and directly about their shortcomings and mistakes, and its achievements in education reform, treatment of HIV / AIDS in Africa, and safeguarding the country amid warnings of more terrorist attacks cooling. It also offers new intimate details about his decision to stop drinking, the discovery of faith, and the relationship with his family.

A revolutionary new brand of reports, the decision point will captivate fans, critics by surprise, and the prospects for change in one of the most momentous periods in American history – and the man at the center of events.

Obama Speech

September 1, 2010 by · Comments Off on Obama Speech 

Obama Speech, President Obama’s Oval Office speech was good, but the imagery was great.

In his speech marking the effective end of the war in Iraq, Obama used the tight fit. The flags behind him, the family pictures on both sides, the flag pin in his lapel, the red tie, white shirt and blue suit … that all projects of patriotism and authority.

One thing that worked on the speech was his drawing a straight line between the huge monetary cost of war and economic despair swamp in which we are sunk. One thing that did not work was its assertion that the purpose of fighting in Iraq, which they turned a page. We’re still at war, and Obama said that now more resources are available for Afghanistan.

Political will be universally satisfied. The Liberals say they gave George W. Bush too much credit, the Conservatives, is not enough. But I think he did it himself and his party some good tonight. He had the generosity of George W. Bush, firm in their intentions and obviously sincere in his praise of the troops. He had the presidency with a specific gravity of accessories that Americans expect and appreciate:

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