

November 17, 2010 by · Comments Off on Chemtrails 

Chemtrails, You know Jerry Brown Democrat and Republican are Meg Whitman as governor. But you might not know any of the four minor party candidates … as the self-described “homeschooling mother, a concerned citizen and independent business woman” who carries the American Independent Party banner. Chelene Her name is Nightingale. But it is equally important as it is American Independent Tea Party.

The former actress and model has an independent streak and a sex appeal button down that’s attractive to many conservative voters looking for new blood. Nightingale mixed with a few dozen supporters last week at a fundraising dinner and a 50-plate in Pomona. Every penny counts in a campaign running on empty.

“I know how to work with a small budget,” she said, sitting in the living room well-appointed multi-storey house a supporter of Pomona.

Campaign contributions have come mostly in the form of small donations from individual voters. Much of that money is pumped directly into the gas tank. For months, Nightingale has traveled the state of his house in the Antelope Valley to sound a message of tougher border control, smaller government and fewer environmental rules.

“My name is everywhere,” said Nightingale. “This was done on a budget of $ 50,000. I knew how to manage a budget when I was in a production company and distribution. I know how to manage a budget with our own business. ”

Handling a budget has not always been so. Nightingale and her husband almost lost their business Palmdale air when their real estate investments went south a few years ago. They filed for bankruptcy; Nightingale said that puts shoulder to shoulder alongside many Californians recession battered.

“And that is why I am running because I can understand people, what they have experienced,” said Nightingale. “Actually, we made a trade in which I say that my husband and I are in financial difficulties and we lost our home and our dignity, and I do not want that to happen to another in California. ”

In campaign ads, Nightingale argues against the environmental laws will Does slow job growth. She wants pumping limits on the delta of the San Joaquin River rose. She supports the proposal 23, the measure to suspend AB 32 – California law historic global warming has approved four years ago.

“AB 32, it takes a little too far. We all know that” climate-Gate and scientists by saying: “No, we’re really cool,” said Nightingale. “We now have an act that is based on” We are not sure if “science. AB 32, if it comes into force fully, will destroy 1.1 million jobs, we can not afford to lose these jobs. ”

Nightingale can be a skeptic of global warming. But she is receptive to the notion of “chemtrails” – a claim by some fans of conspiracy contrails left by aircraft of many toxins are actually deliberately sprayed onto unsuspecting communities by an unknown entity disaster. Nightingale even appears in a “chemtrails” web documentary.

“And you just see these trails, miles of these lines zigzagging the sky. I saw with my own eyes.” It’s not the weather. What kind of society that are the engine of the aircraft? Who are the flying the planes? I’m not an expert, but we should ask questions. ”

People ask questions about the candidacy of Nightingale.

“Does she agree with our pro-life plank in the platform? Does she agree with our platform? We do not know, “said Markham Robinson, chairman of the executive committee of the American Independent Party. Nightingale – a former Republican – joined the party along with two factions fighting for control.

The Conservative Christian inclination was founded 43 years ago on a platform of lower taxes and smaller government. Markham said Nightingale simply co-opted the American Independent Party brand to stand for election.

“It is obviously unfair to our party,” said Robinson. “She is also qualified to hold office. Her views are unknown on critical issues and it seems to have been detrimental to the movement of border control, immigration [anti -] illegal, which is its main claim to fame. ”

Nightingale used to run the illegal immigration group Save Our State anti-. It dissolved shortly after Nightingale took the reins. Some former members accuse him of financial mismanagement – a charge it denies.

“When I became the Director General that they had like 900 members. I talked to over 5,000. I’ve been national and international media.”

Nightingale said dissolution SOS had more to do with ego and members compete to scuttle the basic mission of the group. Nightingale said she and SOS founder Joseph Turner may try to resurrect the group in the future.

Nightingale is also, unsurprisingly, drawing the fire of moderate Republicans who say it will siphon off precious votes Meg Whitman, who is a fairly tight race with Democrat Jerry Brown. But the Republican party may have lost votes already.

“Democrat, Republican right, just two heads of the snake as far as I’m concerned,” said defender Ryan Nightingale Banderas. Frustrated by choice for governor this year, Banderas was ready to vote for himself as a write in candidate countries until he discovers Chelene Nightingale. He attended the fundraiser last week in Pomona learn more about the candidate.

“We really need something different so that the number of people for such third parties are going to be increasing. There is an alternative on the market. You must create a dynamic somehow, some way. And I suppose that’s why I’m here tonight. ”

And why Chelene Nightingale tank of the car again and head to Sacramento and San Francisco for the candidate debates this week.

National Unfriend Day

November 17, 2010 by · Comments Off on National Unfriend Day 

National Unfriend Day, We do not know if Jimmy Kimmel chose the calendar date of November 17th a specific reason when he decided to launch its Facebook cleaning initiative “National Day Unfriend (NUD).” In case you have not heard (or seen), the most brilliant of all the TV talk show hosts nightly social networks want to do a little house cleaning next Wednesday and relieve themselves in-FB- name’s “friends”.

This made us think, if successful, how will rank Kimmel 11/17 initiative in terms of technology, coldness date. Here are the quick responses we got:

– On this date in 1511, Spain and England allied against France. It is quite hostile.

– In 1863, Confederate forces began the siege of Knoxville, Tennessee. Anything but Southern hospitality style there.

– And in 1947, surprisingly, the Screen Actors Guild established an anti-Communist oath.

But if Kimmel Network Anti-social really takes flight, then it may well earn a place on one of the highest pedestals hostile Nov. 17. The day in 1973 when President Richard Nixon told 400 Associated Press Editors, “I am not a crook!” Because in the end, who really lost several friends that Tricky Dick?

Sc Lottery

November 17, 2010 by · Comments Off on Sc Lottery 

Sc Lottery, SC Education Lottery will close its Greenville and Mount Pleasant claims centers for good Jan. 14.

The lottery said in a news release that the decision to close the two centers of claims was based on measures of cost reduction of â € œmaximize funds transferred to the state to support education in South Carolina. Â €?

To claim win cash up to $ 100,000, players can visit the latest lottery remains the center of the claims on British streets Assembly or redeem earnings in the mail.

For earnings above 100,000, winners must present themselves in person at the British claims to redeem the ticket. Price up to and including 500 and can be used anywhere lottery.

Facebook Search

September 23, 2010 by · Comments Off on Facebook Search 

Facebook Search, For the second consecutive day, the popular social networking site was inaccessible for millions of Americans, while Facebook representatives said the cuts on Wednesday and Thursday were not related, such as those caused by the problems separately. As of this afternoon – at least for this user – Facebook seems in place, although some bloggers have reported hiccups continued the search functionality.

According to reports around the Web, the site for the first time down around 2:30 pm EST and continued to drift in and out of service during the day.

Users attempting to log on were greeted by an internal error message from the server, the Facebook “As” button, which is independent of the Facebook home page, also appears to have been affected. “We are currently experiencing some problems causing Facebook site to be slow or unavailable to some users. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. This is not related to yesterday’s cut,” he told representatives of Facebook today Mashable.

CNN, meanwhile, has reported that an outside vendor caused Facebook cut on Wednesday. This report was supported by the information posted on the Facebook Developers blog, later said the matter had been resolved.

The cuts come at a time of incredible growth for Facebook. In July, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the site had been the target of 500 million users. Meanwhile, research firm comScore recently announced that U.S. consumers spend more time on Facebook – 41100000 minutes – than they did in all Google sites combined.

What Is Wrong With Facebook Today

September 23, 2010 by · Comments Off on What Is Wrong With Facebook Today 

What Is Wrong With Facebook Today, Perhaps Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are wrong, privacy is not dead. Ultra-private, ultra-personalized news engine today announced that users spend more time on their pages in Facebook, according to statistics generated independently by groups at random from thousands of users, what Genieo one of the stickiest sites on the Web.

Genieo users spent 300 minutes per line per month, according to the analysis. Facebook reported last week that its users spent about 100 minutes per line per month, according to comScore.

Unlike other newsreaders, Genieo is fully automatic to fully customize the private motor that can sense the difference between the intention (I’m looking for a new apartment) and attention (they always worry about the stories related to capital risk), but can differentiate between Derek Jeter worry all the time (which is a stalker fan fear) and worry about him only from May to October (‘re a Yankees fan).

Another innovative feature of customization involves Facebook and Twitter feeds. Genieo brings to its users tweets, messages or Facebook status updates that are concerned that might otherwise be lost. Genieo powerful algorithm will search for their active interest – not just in the news flow, but also in mainstream society, including live events or messages that are lost because they were not online or because no algorithm Facebook promote them in their food. Say “liked” a blog once, but then forgot about it, but it happened that blog post a month later the story about venture capital – or Derek Jeter – Genieo know it might be interesting and put on your personal home page. Or if a friend does not speak often puts a tweet, or link to a Facebook status update that matches your interests, which are displayed on the page Genieo well.

“We believe that privacy is essential for customization, and personalization is essential to the Internet next steps forward, notes Sol Tzvi, co-founder and CEO of Genieo.” Genieo brings real value to their users because we have an overview of customization: Use a different approach for each of the tasks users online. The way the current social Genieo user is totally different from the way we deal with news or blog feeds. And the combination of foods together in an intelligent and personalized service keeps our users coming back to your pages Genieo. That’s why we are so sticky. Are super interesting implications in all areas? ”

“Some programs are called custom, when in fact only custom API,” said Tzvi. “These numbers validate Genieo that consumers respond when they are carrying the content that interests them, they did not know existed or had lost.”

The number of users registered for the period July to September 2010, by a large group of users mostly based in the U.S. that was recently installed and were using Genieo.

About Genieo

In Genieo for the first time, privacy and personalization combine to deliver the content that is as dynamic as the lives of its users: online, evolving, relevant – and private. Genieo private proprietary algorithms detect the intentions of users and care and offer an interesting and relevant content such as blogs, videos, blogs Facebook, Twitter, or breaking news. Genieo also automatically detects the difference between short-term interests, such as finding an apartment, or a long-term interest as news of a specific sports team, favorite artist or even a local issue, and school news.

Unlike other personalization solutions, Genieo protects user privacy, keeping all information in the user’s computer or mobile device and not share a server. Genieo has huge implications for advertising and media; highly targeted ads can be precisely delivered without revealing personal information.

Founded in 2008 with 15 employees, headquarters Genieo Innovation and development center are located in the heart of the high-tech industrial zone in Herzlia, Israel. For more information, visit


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