
Evan Rachel Wood

September 14, 2011 by · Comments Off on Evan Rachel Wood 

Evan Rachel WoodEvan Rachel Wood, Directed by and starring George Clooney, “The Ides of March” takes place during the last frantic days before a heavily contested presidential primary in Ohio, where a campaign coming up and press secretary (Ryan Gosling) is involved in a political scandal that threatens to upend throw their candidate for president.

Along with Ryan Gosling and George Clooney’s film stars Philip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti, Marisa Tomei, Jeffrey Wright Minghellal Max and Evan Rachel Wood. “The Ides of March ‘opens in theaters October 7 October 28 in the U.S. and the UK. The film will be the fourth film as director after Clooney’s” Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, “Good evening and Good Luck “and” Leatherheads. ” Check out Evan Rachel Wood that had to say about the film below.

What was it that brought Molly to his game?

Evan Rachel Wood: What I like about her is that she is very honest, in a world where not a lot of people. She is not, I do not … … that is still herself, she still sees something he wants and goes after him, so do not think there’s a lot of excitement right relationship with her and Ryan’s character in the situation that end up in, which are a kind forced to join in a way that I do not think either of them expected. I think it’s one of the few victims of the film, a victim of a world where the two things that should have been taking care of it’s kind of the things that inevitably destruction – that is religion and politics. She was kind of between a rock and a hard place, and should be the opposite. She is a person who was honest, and she is really suffering, it was very interesting for this story. You ask questions.

I’m also a big fan of George Clooney and his films, he is an amazing guy, talented and intelligent. Also, the writing was brilliant. I loved that there are plenty of things in this movie that kind of wish I could see in real life. There are speeches and messages that really gives you hope … … or not (laughs), what you want to take away from this film. You can be cynical about it, or can be used to promote some kind of inspiration. In addition, you can not ask for a better deal.

Your character is facing a series of moral dilemmas …

Evan Rachel Wood: Every character in “The Ides of March ‘is facing some kind of moral dilemma, and have the question of who want to be, whether to commit to what they believe they get what they want, or what they believe is the common good. Everyone in this begins with the best intentions. There is no good or bad person, because everyone is human, nobody is absolutely clean (laughs), no one is perfect – especially when you is a candidate, it is impossible. People have to accept the fact that people are human beings, and that’s not a bad thing. You can not be the perfect person.

The film was very exciting to me, and also, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, rather fun.

Evan Rachel Wood: Yes One thing I like about it is it’s a thriller, is dramatic, and there is an incredible stress on the film. But since it is showing the behind the scenes of politics and the game of chess that is engaged in a campaign is all nonsense – a lot of fun, there is much humor in it, and moments of light. That really gets to strip what is seen on the surface, to get there in the sand and dirt. It’s kind of fun, you feel like you’re watching something you should not see (laughs).

Can you talk a little about the intentions of the characters that you?

Evan Rachel Wood: I think for my character, and many of the characters in the film, going into this with the best intentions, and they really believe in what these people represent – the ideas, hope. In this world there is a dirty side that can really crush his dreams (laughs), to think there is a perfect person or candidate, a perfect way to do something. Forcing people to commit so that you never thought possible.
