
Spring Equinox

March 21, 2011 by · Comments Off on Spring Equinox 

Spring Equinox, Halfway sandwiched between the shortest day of the year (winter solstice in December) and longest (summer solstice in June), the vernal equinox is the evidence of Earth’s motion around the Sun and, more importantly for those of us who live in high latitudes of the North, that warming and sunny days are finally on their way.

The word “equinox” is very similar to “equality” and in that sense, the days and nights are now almost on the same hours and the next few days longer and the nights shorter as we head toward summer.

In short the entire Northern Hemisphere welcomes the summer the southern hemisphere’s autumn and winter ahead.

Although it is now astronomical spring there are still many traditional winter constellations visible beginning in the southwestern night sky, but their days are numbered.

Looking at the sky color of the card can see one of the most westerly of these, Canis Minor, with its upper right edge. With the coming of spring, we have other constellations related to the time of annual renewal.

Leo, the Lion, is one of the most dominant season and it’s easy to find, just look for the big back “question mark” in the southeast. Some compare his sickle-shaped harvester is used to cut the stalks of ripe wheat.

Another method, more familiar to locate Leo is to imagine the famous Big Dipper full of water. If you drill a hole through its bottom, the water is running out and if you listen, you hear a roar as you dumped on your head (above the question mark upside down) of the so-called “King of Beasts. ”

However, you find that question mark is the lion’s mane (the curve), chest (straight line under the curve) and heart (the star Regulus is clear that the time the question mark is). The right triangle is the tilt to the left haunch of the lion’s right leg, so the final appearance of this majestic mane looks not unlike the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt.

Regulus, meaning “little king”, was named by Nicolas Copernicus (1473 – 1543), the same re-astronomer who proposed that the Sun was the center of the solar system and the planets in orbit.

Appearing in one eye Regulus is actually two pairs of stars orbiting around each other. Since that bright star is so close to the plane of the solar system, it is often obscured, covered or not by the moon as it moves through this part of the sky, it can even more rarely covered by the planets Mercury and Venus, and even more rarely by some asteroids.

Denebola, the brightest star in the triangle that marks the lion right thigh, has a name that actually tells us something about his position. It is derived from an Arabic phrase meaning “lion’s tail” and verbal descriptions of this group of Leo’s tail curls down her body, then again with Denebola marking tufts at the end.

Saturn is low in the southeast this time of year near the Virgin, Star of the Virgin, Porrima. If you look closely you’ll notice that all the stars twinkle or sparkle due to turbulence in Earth’s atmosphere, the planets are not. See Saturn’s yellowish white in the coming weeks, he slowly seems to approach Porrima, a combination of rings and the planet movement of our own world around the sun.

While watching this part of the sky your eyes can be easily captured by Arcturus colorful and dazzling in Bo? Tes, the Herdsman.

Finally, and certainly in this case, is the group known as the wave Coma Berenices, Berenice’s Hair?

Lying between Leo and Bo? Tes, it becomes more interesting if you scan it with a pair of binoculars. In doing so, you will be able to see a myriad of stars that are, according to legend, supposed to be the hair silky beauty of this ancient Egyptian. Although the modern constellation itself was not done until the 16th century.

Additionally on March 21 at 20:30 the chart can also be used in the coming weeks – March 28 to 20 hours and 4 April at 19:30.

Protect your vision at night using a flashlight with a piece of red tape gel to its target, or turning your flashlight in a red plastic or brown paper bag. These will help reduce the brightness of the flashlight is still let you see the black and white version of the chart you can print to take off.

September 21

September 21, 2010 by · Comments Off on September 21 

September 21, The Senate is scheduled for a bout in the afternoon as Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., Plans to call a vote to proceed to the Department of Defense authorization bill. Many Republicans in the Senate have major problems with the inclusion of a provision repealing the military “Do not Ask, Do not Tell” sexual orientation policy. Also attached to the funding measure is the DREAM Act, which would give legal status to illegal aliens came to the U.S. as children and enrolled in college or the army. The Republicans say it is wrong to link these political elements for a bill to fund the military.

In an attempt to counter this argument, led by Democratic Sens. Richard Durbin of Illinois plan to hold a 11:30 a.m. ET presser to promote the adoption of the bill “to ensure that our armed forces reflects the values of our nation. ”

Prior to the vote, the Senate leadership will hold their weekly policy lunches and availability of resources. Republicans begin the presentation shortly after 2:00 pm ET, with Democrats for a short time later.

A bipartisan group of senators led by Jeff Bingaman, Democrat of New Mexico, and Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas. Submit a draft law to introduce a bill renewable electricity standard at a press conference 2:30 pm ET. The laws require that sellers of electricity to obtain a certain portion of their supply from renewable sources. Earlier this year, the Senate tried to reach an agreement on comprehensive energy legislation, but did not reach the threshold of the sixty votes needed to overcome a filibuster.

The Senate Intelligence Committee holds a hearing on the nomination of David Buckley to be Inspector General of the Central Intelligence Agency at approximately 2:20 pm ET.

We will have covered these stories and more, so stay with Fox News for the latest.

First Day Of Fall 2010

September 20, 2010 by · Comments Off on First Day Of Fall 2010 

First Day Of Fall 2010, As the fall season is approaching, people are increasingly curious about that when the first day of fall 2010 is. Sources said the first day of autumn 2010 has been corrected and has declared that 22 of the month of September will be the first day of autumn 2010. This means that winter is not far away and soon we will see snow falling from the window of the room out.

The fall season is called fall in America as a whole, while the rest of the world knows as the fall season. Maybe we call it fall because you can see the fall “leaf tree this season. In the warm parts of the country folk are very happy on the first day of fall, as it indicates that the summer is over and winter is coming, this is a great sign for children who enjoy the cool breeze of the winter season. This Wednesday is the first day of fall and people will spend the day enjoying the family.

While no one can decide that, when the actual decline will start, because his work of God to decide, but the government only states the day after the observation of scientists. The winter season is about to begin in about a month, everyone should be concerned about their health and especially for you prevent ill. The H1N1 virus caused many deaths last winter and this year people should take steps to care for themselves.
