
Official Time

November 7, 2010 by · Comments Off on Official Time 

Official Time, Daylight saving time (DST) ends today! Daylight Saving Time, starting in the spring of each year and ends in the fall, actually ends today, November 7.

You should have turned all the clocks (except those computer chip or drive satellite) back one hour.

The date we turn our clocks to end the last Sunday in October, but now ends the first Sunday in November. This year, that date is November 7.

It is also used to start the first Sunday in April, now starts the second Sunday in March. This year, that date was March 14. In 2011, we will move our clocks ahead one hour to save time on 13 March.

Daylight Saving Time was designed to buy more hours of light (and therefore use less energy at night).

Benjamin Franklin was the first to suggest daylight saving time in 1784, but not implemented until 1895.
