
Earthquake In New Zealand

February 22, 2011 by · Comments Off on Earthquake In New Zealand 

Earthquake In New Zealand, A series of Quacks came into New Zealand and New Zealand Shacked very badly according to the reports that the scale on rector of Earth was above 6. About 70 peoples were dead in earthquake; Rescue teams from many countries were set to approach at the place. According the AFP, (AFP) – Britain has dispatched a mission of search and rescue in New Zealand, Prime Minister David Cameron said Tuesday, to help find survivors of a powerful earthquake that killed at least 65 people in the second city of Christchurch.

Expressing his “deep sympathy and condolences” to New Zealand, Cameron said the UK “ready” to provide additional support for this “dark and difficult period.”

“There are many people in Britain with links of friendship or family in New Zealand,” said Cameron, speaking to British journalists traveling with him in Kuwait.

“I have been in contact with my good friend, Prime Minister John Key, and he knows that Britain is ready to provide all necessary assistance to support local emergency services.

“The people of New Zealand were hit by a devastating earthquake, not once but twice in a few months, and I wish to pay tribute to their resilience.”

An earthquake measuring 7.0 struck Christchurch six months ago but miraculously claimed no victims.

Cameron said British High Commissioner to New Zealand was en route to Christchurch, and the consular staff.

Earthquake In New Zealand

September 4, 2010 by · Comments Off on Earthquake In New Zealand 

Earthquake In New Zealand, The land in New Zealand have been hit with a major earthquake and the land of the second largest city in New Zealand, Christchurch is not safe yet. The lands of New Zealand had to suffer an earthquake of 7.0, which created a lot of devastation on the land. This earthquake in New Zealand was very bad. Christchurch residents say the walls of their houses trembled when this natural calamity hit land in Christchurch. On Saturday will be remembered for all who live in that area for many days. This earthquake in New Zealand has said that the worst of all and the largest in the history of these lands.

The whole city was lying because of this earthquake and all the windows and bricks of various buildings were scattered on the roads after the earthquake. Some people like Markham McMullen who is the director of the school in Darfield living near the epicenter of the quake, said it was so strong that it caused him and his wife who fell on the floor of his bed. Many old buildings and various other structures turned to dirt and dust flew in the air. According to Civil Defense officials only two people were injured by the earthquake in New Zealand and the people were very fortunate that there were no casualties reported. Christchurch followed lands against the crisis is after this great earthquake and the land of New Zealand are still in an emergency such as the occurrence of another earthquake could become the truth.
