
Arbor Day

April 26, 2013 by · Comments Off on Arbor Day 

Arbor Day, Thanks to the JOY CARDIN show on WPR this morning with guest, Bob Gensemer, a certified arborist with Tree Care Specialists in Mequon, I was reminded that today is ARBOR DAY! Thanks to JOY and BOB! Did YOU already know that today is ARBOR DAY?

I urge you to make time to hear the podcast of the show using this link to the Joy Cardin Show archive. It will be online later.

In the meantime, I reviewed the history and development of Arbor Day reading the Wikipedia feature article, “Arbor Day.”

And then, I checked out the website for Arbor Day Foundation.

Are you planning to plant a tree?

Earth Day

April 22, 2013 by · Comments Off on Earth Day 

Earth Day, There’s a popular saying about our planet and humankind’s negative effects on its ecology:

“We treat this world of ours as though we have a spare in the trunk.”

Since the nearest planets that could possibly sustain life appear to be more than 1,200 light years away, it may be wise for Earthlings to do what we can to preserve the nice place we already have.

Since 1970, every April 22, Earth Day reminds us to do just that.

If you think we have more pressing matters to deal with than keeping Mother Earth in shape, consider the people of Afghanistan.
