
Demi Lovato Rehab

March 8, 2012 by · Comments Off on Demi Lovato Rehab 

Demi Lovato Rehab, Demi Lovato revealed shocking details of her recovery from self-injury and eating disorders in a new documentary — and said it has not all been smooth sailing.

Demi Lovato has made a remarkable recovery since her 2010 stint in rehab, but it has not been nearly as easy as she has made it look. To make sure her young fans understand exactly what she went through and how hard she is fighting to get her life back, the former Disney star agreed to let MTV cameras follow her through her recovery — and what she revealed is raw.

In Stay Strong — a title derived from the tattoos that now adorn the star’s wrists — Lovato is shown at her first Thanksgiving dinner in recovery from self-injury and bulimia, and is seen obviously struggling with the cornucopia of food in front of her. With the help of multiple phone calls from her sponsor throughout the day, Lovato managed not only to eat but to keep everything down.

“And that’s something that I’m really proud of,” she said.

Demi Lovato Tyler Shields

January 16, 2012 by · Comments Off on Demi Lovato Tyler Shields 

Demi Lovato Tyler ShieldsDemi Lovato Tyler Shields, La estrella adolescente Demi Lovato, a quien le encanta sorprender gratamente a su p?blico, se encuentra en este momento trabajando en una nueva sesi?n de fotos con el prestigioso artista Tyler Shields, con quien ha trabajado anteriormente. As? lo dio a conocer la texana en la red social Twitter, donde public? lo siguiente: “Haciendo una loca sesi?n de fotos con el infame/brillante @tylershields… Estoy emocionada… espero sobrevivir.”

En este nuevo proyecto, al cual est? entregada en estos dias Demi Lovato, tal parece que ser? algo fuera de lo com?n, en vista que la ex estrella de Disney, dej? entrever que pasaron muchas cosas extra?as en el set, como por ejemplo: ‘Tengo un vaso roto en mi cabello’, alcanz? a comentar Demi. Esperemos entonces a ver el resultado de este trabajo fotogr?fico, que sin dudas dar? de qué hablar.

Demi Lovato est? consiente que su éxito se lo debe a su p?blico, as? que siempre est? en la b?squeda de ofrecerle lo mejor a sus fans y seguidores. Una de estas maneras es trabajar con gente talentosa, para lograr un resultado que sea del agrado de sus lovaticos, los cuales a medida que pasa el tiempo van en aumento, consagr?ndola como una de las favoritas de los j?venes en la actualidad.

Demi Lovato

January 5, 2012 by · Comments Off on Demi Lovato 

Demi LovatoDemi Lovato, Miley Cyrus (l) and Demi Lovato have a contentious relationship, Lovato says (X17 Online), Former Disney tween star Demi Lovato confessed that she has a love/hate relationship with fellow former mouser Miley Cyrus. “(Miley) and I are strong headed. When we fight it’s brutal and we’re like, ‘We’re never going to be friends again!’ Then two days later, were like, ‘I love you and I miss you!'”

Lovato has been involved in several well-publicized spats with Cyrus, including an infamous video the “Party in the U.S.A.” singer posted to YouTube where she and a friend viciously mocked Lovato and fellow Disney star Selena Gomez.

Eventually, Cyrus apologized-sort of-and removed the video. “I mean if we offended (Gomez and Lovato), we’re super sorry, but we were, like, just having fun,” Cyrus said at the time. “Elvis says imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so we were imitating them being funny.”  Now, all is forgiven.

“Both (Miley and Selena) will never leave my life no matter what happens, because we’ve been through so much together,” Lovato told Seventeen.

Lovato, who entered rehab in November 2010, also revealed to Seventeen how she dealt with her adolescent angst.

“I’m not gonna lie. I was self-medicating,” she said. “I was doing things like drinking and using [drugs], like a lot of teens do to numb their pain. (But now) I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, I don’t throw up after my meals, I don’t starve myself. There’s nothing that I do that I feel ashamed of.”
