
Day Light Savings

November 4, 2011 by · Comments Off on Day Light Savings 

Day Light Savings, Daylight saving time ends on Sunday as “backward” and set the clocks back one hour. This is also a good time to review the things that keep us safe and ready for emergencies.

Smoke Detectors – Check and replace batteries if necessary and make sure your home devices are functioning properly. The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission estimates that about 16 million households in the country with smoke detectors that do not work. In most cases, the batteries are dead or missing. Nearly 2,700 people die and more than 15,000 are injured each year because of fires that began at home.

Carbon monoxide (CO) – Make sure you have CO detectors in your home. According to the Centers for Disease Control, carbon monoxide is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in the United States, with more than 20,000 people visit the emergency room and about 500 die each year from exposure to the gas .

In addition, all homes and duplexes in Wisconsin are required to have carbon monoxide detectors. The new Wisconsin law requires that the detectors on each level of the house including the basement, but not the attic or storage areas. Any home that requires a building permit should have CO detectors connected directly to the electrical service with battery backup. Existing buildings can be used independently of detector batteries.

Emergency Kits – Everyone should have a basic emergency kit in your home with supplies such as food and water for you and your family for at least three days. Other elements such as a battery or crank radio, flashlight and first aid kit should also be included. Summertime is a perfect time to get a kit – and if you already have a kit to check that food and other items that are not near or beyond their expiration date.

For more tips on how to prepare yourself and your family, please visit our website:
Information on how to get a kit and a plan for when disaster strikes.

Day Light Savings Time

November 2, 2011 by · Comments Off on Day Light Savings Time 

Day Light Savings Time, The last vestige of saving time ends at 2 am on Sunday, November 6, residents set their clocks back one hour.

Most Americans associate the summer time with summer. Spring forward in March as the weather gets warmer and people spend more time outdoors. Moving clocks forward gives an extra hour of daylight after work each day.

In November, falling clocks to standard time, and the extra time is shifted to the morning.

History of Daylight Saving Time

Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay in 1784, savings of natural versus artificial light. Some Franklin credit as the author of DST.

Congress passed the first law regulating the time the March 18, 1918, a law that establishes rules and daylight saving time. A year later, daylight saving time was repealed, and local governments were allowed to decide to continue the use of the extent of summer.

During the Second World War, the DST is used throughout the year to save electricity. After the war, the DST has again become a matter of local choice.

The Uniform Time Act of 1966 made the starting date of daylight saving time on the last Sunday of April and the end date of the last Sunday in October. Local jurisdictions have the option to use or not.

Congress passed the hours of emergency power saving Time Conservation Act 1973, in response to the oil embargo in the 1970s. Most states observe daylight saving time from January 6 to October 27, and in 1975, from February 23 to October 26. In 1976, the start date changes to the date set in 1966.

In 1986, Congress changed the start date until the first Sunday in April since 1987.

The time change occurred in 2007 in response to Congress passes the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The Energy Policy Act changed the start of daylight saving from the first Sunday in April until the second Sunday in March and ends daylight saving time on the first Sunday of November instead of the last Sunday in October.

At that time, federal officials said extending DST by an additional period of four weeks, reduce energy consumption by the equivalent “of 100,000 barrels per day of delay.

Why we do it

Despite the many theories as to the reason for changing the time, the most common reason is to save energy, especially during the two world wars.

As Americans began to use more gadgets, small appliances, televisions, stereos – the demand for electricity grew. Today most people have at least one computer, television and lots of gadgets and electricity use is at its highest point ever.

More and more research is being done to create energy efficiency and affordability. Research in the production of electricity from renewable resources like wind, sun and water, is at its highest point ever.

White some argue that it is not beneficial to change the time, officials say that the basic premise proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 is still true – all U.S. households use the most electricity before and after work and after the sun it gets.

Having an extra hour of daylight after the workday ends also allows more time to play outside, participate in sporting events and shopping, so there is a strong feeling of summer the weather is good for the economy. Health officials believe it helps to keep Americans in shape with the people who are less inclined to take a walk or jog at night. The results are mixed regarding the effect on crime. Preachers church attendance report is usually in the morning after. The companies say more employees are late for work.

Some ask why not use daylight saving time all year. The main reason seems to be the public.

Many people do not like daylight saving time in the winter. Parents complain of having to send their children to school in the dark. People do not like driving to work in the dark. Some religions bind their services to the rising and setting sun and prefer the standard time all year, like those involved in agricultural activities. Twice a year the weather changes go against the grain, they say.

Still, some argue that it would be best to pick a moment and let that be. Research shows most car accidents happen in the first weeks after the change, as people try to adjust their sleep patterns. Students have trouble staying awake during morning classes. Change is especially difficult for shift workers and others who work nights or hours long. The jury is still out on whether or not there are good or bad time for a person’s biological clock.

Regardless of their opinion, do not forget, Sunday, November 6th is the day to set the clocks back one hour before bedtime. And do not forget to check the batteries in your smoke detector and change the timers on sprinklers.
