
Conan O Brien Injured Video

September 29, 2009 by · Comments Off on Conan O Brien Injured Video 

conan obrien injured video head injury hurt tonight show

Conan O Brien Injured Video, Remember last week’s big news that Conan O’Brien hurt himself while taping an episode of the Tonight Show? It topped the search charts after NBC revealed that the Tonight Show host was injured (a head injury, in fact) “doing a stunt” in the studio. Well, O’Brien himself revealed the truth about that mishap on the Tonight Show. But, as always, he turned the incident into a comedy.

While taping an episode yesterday, Conan showed the audience what really happened by showing a video tape of the incident. “As many of you
may know, on this past Friday’s show I was doing a stunt and I hit my head and suffered a slight concussion. And I promise, if you’re a good audience, I’ll do it again tonight,” O’Brien said.

According to the host, he and guest Teri Hatcher were on a footrace when the Tonight Show host stumbled and hit his head. The foot race between him and Hatcher was to end at the studio with the two rushing down stairs to the finish line. His memory was fuzzy, Conan said, but he thinks he was trying to slide on a slick floor when he lost his footing. No word on who was winning the race before he stumbled. (Maybe it was Teri or he wouldn’t have rushed to cause the stumble.)

O’Brien also joked that he got so much mileage out of that injury (the web was abuzz with it for 24 hours) that he’s planning a sequel with Eval Longoria pushing him down an elevator shaft! That was funny. At least he got a lot of laughs this time. Maybe he should do this more often as many of his jokes aren’t funny at all.

Haven’t seen the Conan O’Brien injured video from Tonight Show? Watch the video of Conan O’Brien’s head injury below. I know it’s bad to laugh at someone else’s misfortune but this one is good. Can’t help it.
