
Alaska Senate Race Results

November 3, 2010 by · Comments Off on Alaska Senate Race Results 

Alaska Senate Race Results, The race for U.S. Senate in the state of Washington is still too close to call.

The Republican candidate Dino Rossi is the way to the Democratic candidate Sen. Patty Murray. The latest issue of show Ms. Murray leads Mr. Rossi about 18,000 votes (1 percent).

Mrs. Murray Mr. Rossi trails, 49.5 percent to 50.5 percent.

The race, experts are still to follow, is one of three U.S. Senate left undecided. The other races, one in Colorado and one in Alaska, also remain very close.

U.S. Senate race in the state of Washington was seen as a bit of a firewall for national Democrats.

The latest numbers out of state seem to be well aligned with the polls released before the election. Earlier polls showed Mr. Rossi and Ms. Murray engaged in a tight race. A series of polls showed Mr. Rossi led by Mrs. Murray, while additional surveys to Mr. Murray in front.
