
Carrot Top Plastic Surgery

March 5, 2012 by · Comments Off on Carrot Top Plastic Surgery 

Carrot Top Plastic SurgeryCarrot Top Plastic Surgery, Scott Thompson born on february 25, 1965, an American comedian who is better known by his stage name Carrrot Top. He is popular for his bright red hair and prop comedy.Carrot Top or Scott Thompson has entertained a whole generation with his unique comedy and equally unique looks.

However there is a sudden change in his face which indicates that he might had gone through Plastic Surgery. Before he was a thin skinny guy but the sudden change of a skinny guy into a strong WWE wresteler shocked his fans, and give air to blow the rumors. Not sure the changes could be of steriods or physical work, but his face looks really Bad After Plastic Surgery.

Plastic Surgery Gone Bad

March 5, 2012 by · Comments Off on Plastic Surgery Gone Bad 

Plastic Surgery Gone Bad, Plastic surgery is often used to enhance what nature gave you. But sometimes it backfires. These celebrities may have been better off without. As with most things in life, there are hundreds of disasters that can happen with wrong plastic surgery. But just think of the millions of planes that have taken off and landed safely, we hear nothing about them in the newspapers. There is a similar attention devoted to the many success stories of cosmetic surgeries as there is to plastic surgery gone wrong.

There are risks involved with these types of surgery, as there are with all operations, but the normal difference is that no doctor can force a patient to have surgery – even if it is a necessary operation to remove cancer – plastic surgery is generally a little more optional than the other. Maybe this is why we seem to delight in hearing about wrong plastic surgery. Nowhere is our interest in celebrities as sharp or as brutal as in this arena.

Wrong Plastic Surgery

Despite the expensive doctors and nurses they have access to, the rich and famous are as at risk to the vagaries of Happenstance as the rest of us – sometimes, things just go wrong! Cosmetic surgery has been the death of some people, and side effects can be life threatening. Even minor mishaps can be ugly and embarrassing, and wrong plastic surgery includes an enormous range of problems, from capsular contraction in breast implants (where the implants and nipples harden painfully) to problems with the wound and the moving of implants inserted in a range of locations, including cheeks, chin, and bum. Plastic surgery gone wrong can be a horrible ordeal. We would not wish these accidents on our worst enemies – unless they’re in the public eye. So celebrities may have thousands of things we think we want, but they are as subject to the Whims of higher powers just as all of us are. We are all human, and wrong plastic surgery, regardless of the paycheck can be a painful and upsetting time. Let’s just hope they get well soon.

Below are all of the photos we’ve gathered from Wrong Plastic Surgery. We hope you’re not too squeamish as some of these plastic surgery pics are not particularly pleasant. Featured below are celebrities from all over the world pictured after their life changing wrong plastic surgery, now don’t laugh too hard!

Some life occurrences would demand that people to go into reconstructive surgery to save their lives and to repair damaged bodily functions. Even these procedures require patient consent. Since cosmetic surgery is not normally a matter of life and death, it is normally more voluntary than reconstructive surgery. It has in a number of cases gone wrong.

Modern plastic surgeons will tell you that the latest innovations on the field present almost no risk. Numerous practitioners actually do great jobs that satisfy patients. It is still a fact, however, that images of wrong plastic surgery still circulate online. It is also a fact that there are many law firms that specialize in bad plastic surgery. What does this mean? If lawyers see this as a profitable area to focus on then cases of wrong plastic surgery must therefore be a reality. Figures say that one in four people have had a bad surgical reaction or experience.
