
Britney Spears Criminal

October 18, 2011 by · Comments Off on Britney Spears Criminal 

Britney Spears CriminalBritney Spears Criminal, Means incredibly elegant English boyfriend of Britney Spears asks his lovely girlfriend, “Why do not we see that pretty face of yours?” the principle of “Criminal” video. That remark sets off a chain of events that will surely leave fans of Britney watching Chris Marrs Piliero directed (“I Want to Go”) video on repeat.

Like Britney and her abusive boyfriend of her way out of the party, shouted to her to defend herself as she flirted with other girls, who come through Britney’s real life boyfriend, Jason Trawick, who is playing a bad guy very hot with a heart of gold. Britney’s boyfriend slaps, and Jason comes to their rescue, launching their very hot – love – and very nkd.

Take it back to his place, where a headline reveals that it is – you guessed it: a criminal. However, Britney did not seem to care. She kisses him. He kisses her. They do this by showing lots of skin and giving the fans a look at her personal life.

Then the head of a convenience store, where Britney decides to take the place off and up, guns blazing. After the heist, the pair of stealing a car and Jason return to the loft of a shower scene includes shots very revealing that persistent wet and nkd body.

As the session concluded steam shower, authorities approach them, firing bullets into the apartment. However, Britney and Jason just keep sharing passionate kisses as bullets are fired around John Woo style.

Just when you think that is the end of Bonnie and Clyde queen of pop, the police entered the apartment to see that the duo has escaped unhurt, motorcycle away from Jason. As the credits, everyone was wondering what to do next.
