
What Is The Tea Party

September 15, 2010 by · Comments Off on What Is The Tea Party 

What Is The Tea Party, Forty-four percent of Americans now see the upstart “tea party” movement in a favorable light, according to a new Christian Science Monitor / TIPP poll.

Moreover, about 40 percent of the tea party supporters say they will attend a tea party event, which means they are essentially “closet fan” of small-government movement, says Raghavan Mayur TIPP pollster.

“The general line of the party said that the tea party is marginal, but I think most people did not buy this point of view … and see the tea party movement in a positive light neutral” says Mr. Mayur, president of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence in Ramsey, NJ, who oversaw the weekend survey of 908 American adults. “The message here is that the Democrats have been in denial about the tea party] [phenomenon … and I think coming back to haunt them.”

PHOTOS: Tea Parties

But the poorly organized “enough taxes already,” a movement that has now gained 18 wins and special primary elections to support Republican candidates in the most conservative, remains a polarizing force, with 41 percent of Americans viewing it unfavorably . In March, a Gallup poll showed 37 percent of Americans saw the movement favorably compared with 40 percent who did not, but this survey used a different issue and can not be compared directly with the Monitor / TIPP survey.

It has been debated for months about whether the movement Tea Party 18 months of age, that helps or hurts the GOP in the midterm elections. In Tuesday’s primary Republican Party-backed candidate snack Christine O’Donnell, a candidate for U.S. Senator from Delaware, long surpassed Rep. Mike Castle on a come-from-behind victory. Mr. Castillo had been favored to flip the seat former Vice President Joe Biden the Republican column, but the success of Ms. O’Donnell could give his Democratic rival in the general election, Chris Coons, a new beginning.

“If Mike Castle is not welcome in the Republican Party of Delaware, the GOP just hang a sign saying that the moderates do not apply,” said Dan Pfeiffer, head of the White House communications, in a statement.

It is not the first time that Democratic officials have tried to link the Republican Party – and the Republican candidates – with the tea party, with the expectation that the connection lead independent and moderate voters of the Republican Party candidates.

And it has a certain amount of sense, given high ratings unfavorability tea party in the polls. However, by linking the Republican Party and the tea party, Democrats are also taking tea activists who helped the party candidates win in the style of a series of victories, including key GOP Senate primary in Utah , Kentucky, Nevada, Alaska and South Carolina, as well as the surprise victory Tuesday in Delaware O’Donnell, prompting the conservative daily calls to exclaim: “It’s official: the inauguration of the Tea Party Republican is in full effect. ”

“[Partyers tea] are, in general, … more active and politically committed people who are not compatible with the tea party,” says pollster Christopher Parker of the University of Washington. “So this is not a mirage, is the real deal.”

In fact, for some, the move gives voice to the general feeling of disappointment and outrage at the bad economy and the focus of Washington’s economic recovery.

As for bonds GOP-tea? Parker’s recent analysis shows that the two are not ideological twins. Instead, he says, “Tea Party ideas on the margins of conservative political discourse,” for example, topics such as conspiracy if President Obama is a socialist. Moreover, a segment of the tea party can, in fact, be traced to reactionary – as well as xenophobic and even racist – citizens’ movements through the history of America, said.

Tea party supporters, however, say that the conclusion of TIPP poll of fans of the “closet” shows that what many Americans find attractive or interesting about the movement is its focus on reducing taxes and the size of government.

“What unites the movement is the commitment to get government under control,” says Adam Brandon, a spokesman for Cato in Washington, a player in the tea party scene. “It reflects a change in the U.S. where there is a significant shift to decentralization, and where both parties are losing control over the two-party system.”

Not surprisingly, among those respondents who have low favorability toward the tea party, 73 percent want to maintain Democratic control of Congress. Furthermore, among respondents who see the tea party favorably, 87 percent want Republicans to win in November. More interesting, for those who come to the tea party with moderate favorability (rank 5 or 6 on a scale of 10 points), 70 percent want to see Republican control of Congress, according to the TIPP / Monitor survey.

University of Wisconsin political scientist Charles Franklin, who co-founded the website, said that the tea party movement, if successful in November, could force a showdown in Congress, especially in the Senate.

“The tea party does not like to hear it, but it will be difficult, given the rhetoric of the members of the tea party, to reconcile with the reality of the federal government will hold [which runs the risk] of being seen as a bunch of treachery “he says. “Or have a dramatic revolution in the government, if they succeed?”

Monitor / TIPP poll was conducted September 9-12 is 3.3. Percentage of error.
