
Apple Announcement

September 1, 2010 by · Comments Off on Apple Announcement 

Apple Announcement, There are two cultural events that will convince geeks to play “Wookie Hookie” – to call in sick at school or work: a new installment of “Star Wars” and a speech by Steve Jobs.

Throughout the world, from London to China, Apple fans are preparing to feign illness in order to tune to the Jobs of Apple announced today, which is being streamed live over the Internet for the first time many years.

When Jobs takes the stage in his trademark sweater, jeans and sneakers, promises an exciting show of the last of Apple sales statistics followed by some new products. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, “frothy anticipation about Apple’s event Wednesday focused on music and updates the iTunes and iPod line expected. But television is also likely to be on the menu .

“Impressive,” said a commentator on MacRumors Forums. “I can see where your attention on the first day of school.”

It is amazing that Jobs has managed to turn the most boring event in the catalog of events boring – a corporate press conference – in a global cultural phenomenon to rival the rock star concerts or major sporting events. In fact, Jobs’ iPod / AppleTV event will attract more attention than this year’s Coachella.

All through the network, Web sites are buzzing with news of the issuance of surprise, and instructions on how to tune and to ensure good power, glitch-free. For several weeks, blogs and websites have been reporting every rumor and piece of information about what might have up his sleeve.

It is significant that these rumors are reported by large organizations, news. A couple of years, major news organizations not deign to inform Apple rumors. Today, all that is revealed splashed across the television news, newspapers and websites.

Jobs has always been a cult hero technology. Apple fans lined the seats from one day to another problem in his speeches Macworld. They would fill the room with wild shouts and cheers. Some had laptops open, ready to order any product immediately released.

But these days, we are all geeks. Everyone has an iPod, an iPhone or IPAD, and it seems the entire world is waiting impatiently to see what Jobs will do next.

There are some figures in business – or culture for that matter – have had as great an impact as employment. Help not only to invent the PC industry late 70s (and then reinvent itself in the 80s with a Mac), who helped define the computer animation, digital music, and now the business intelligence and mobile computing. Jobs products are not only leaders in the industry, are cultural artifacts. The iPod is so iconic to the times like 78s, jukeboxes or Walkman.

No wonder there is so much interest in his next move – could be large.

Geek culture is a new counterculture – a world filled with incredible products and movies, music and games for people who are proud to be nerdy and square.

Chief among his heroes is employment, a figure of the counterculture 60 years who is cold fact alone computer. Jobs has made of the freshest products that media play.

The IPAD is infinitely cooler than the new Arcade Fire album. In the sixties, were the Stones. In these days, “Employment” One last thing. “
