
Another Happy Day Trailer

January 21, 2012 by · Comments Off on Another Happy Day Trailer 

Another Happy Day Trailer, Black comedies are unique in that they are some of the only movies where everybody can take something different out of it. It can be tough to tell whether one should laugh or cry, but in most cases they leave viewers with a meaningful lesson. Such is the case in “Another Happy Day,” which comes to DVD January 24.

Lynn (Ellen Barkin) split with her husband Paul (Thomas Hayden Church) and although things went poorly, she is forced to return to his estate when their son Dylan (Michael Nardelli) gets married. The nuptials also bring together Lynn’s dysfunctional younger sons and her daughter Alice (Kate Bosworth).

The wedding proves as stressful as it seems. Lynn has to confront many of the decisions she’s made and come to grips with the criticism of some people, including her mother (Ellen Burstyn), who blames her for the problems her family faces.

When done correctly, black comedies have the tendency to be some of the best movies in Hollywood. To see some excellent examples, viewers may want to watch “The Royal Tenenbaums” and “Fargo.”

Another Happy Day

January 21, 2012 by · Comments Off on Another Happy Day 

Another Happy Day, Black comedies are unique in that they are some of the only movies where everybody can take something different out of it. It can be tough to tell whether one should laugh or cry, but in most cases they leave viewers with a meaningful lesson. Such is the case in “Another Happy Day,” which comes to DVD January 24.

Lynn (Ellen Barkin) split with her husband Paul (Thomas Hayden Church) and although things went poorly, she is forced to return to his estate when their son Dylan (Michael Nardelli) gets married. The nuptials also bring together Lynn’s dysfunctional younger sons and her daughter Alice (Kate Bosworth).

The wedding proves as stressful as it seems. Lynn has to confront many of the decisions she’s made and come to grips with the criticism of some people, including her mother (Ellen Burstyn), who blames her for the problems her family faces.

When done correctly, black comedies have the tendency to be some of the best movies in Hollywood. To see some excellent examples, viewers may want to watch “The Royal Tenenbaums” and “Fargo.”

Ellen Barkin Just Threatened On My Street By NYPD

January 21, 2012 by · Comments Off on Ellen Barkin Just Threatened On My Street By NYPD 

Ellen Barkin  Just Threatened On My Street By NYPDEllen Barkin Just Threatened On My Street By NYPD, Tony-winning actress Ellen Barkin rang in the new year in her typical brash style — uncorking a profanity-laced Twitter tirade against the NYPD and Mayor Bloomberg after watching the predawn arrests of suspected Occupy Wall Street scofflaws near her West Village townhouse.

“F–k all of u, Bloomberg & every1 goosestepping behind u,” she tweeted at one point, insisting that she herself had been “threatened” and “shoved” by an officer — a claim that a video shot by her own boyfriend appears to belie.

“I cannot believe what I am seeing. U protect nothing,” she rants in a post directed at the mayor — a man she had rubbed elbows with at many a charity dinner, back when she was the fourth wife of Revlon Chairman Ron Perelman.

“U ARE the violence in my city,” she seethed. The still-sultry 57-year-old star — who reportedly made $40 million in her 2006 split with Perelman — had spent New Year’s Eve at Joe’s Pub in the East Village, watching a performance by her pal, comedian Sandra Bernhard.

“Walking home . . . 13th and 6th,” she told her followers at around 4 a.m. “Police making random arrests of non protesters. Young girl in police van screaming ‘I’m just trying 2 get home.’ ”

“Just threatened on my street by NYPD, cop shoved me, both hands, onto sidewalk.”

Video shot by her hunky boyfriend — 20-something actor-screenwriter Sam Levinson, son of director Barry Levinson — tells a different story.

In the video, the young uniformed officer calmly says, “Miss, sidewalk,” as he uses both hands to guide her gently backward out of the street and onto the curb. “Get your motherf–king hands off me,” Barkin tells him.

A spokesman for Barkin did not respond to requests for comment. Bloomberg declined comment through his own press office. The NYPD declined comment on Barkin’s complaints.

Cops made some 68 OWS-related arrests yesterday, nearly all for misdemeanors or violations such as obstructing governmental administration or disorderly conduct.
