
Amanda Knox

September 5, 2011 by · Comments Off on Amanda Knox 

Amanda KnoxAmanda Knox, A pale and anxious Amanda Knox returned to court today for the final leg of its appeal. Experts have questioned the evidence used in the first trial, when the 24-year-old was convicted for the murder of British student Meredith Kercher.

The U.S., Foxy Knoxy called, has been behind bars since November 2007 murder, was in the courtoom Perugia, like her co-defendant and one-time boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito.

Before the hearing began, Meredith’s sister Stephanie sent a letter asking the court to evaluate “every piece of evidence” so that justice can be done.

She wrote: “My sister, a daughter brutal and selfish, we removed about four years ago – and yet not a day goes by that we can get any peace or closure.”

Earlier this summer, the appeal heard by two experts who said that forensic scientists had made mistakes in handling the evidence.

They said that Miss Kercher’s DNA on the blade was minimal enough not to be reconsidered.

Knox and Sollecito were convicted in December 2009 with sexually assaulting and killing Kercher’s apartment Knox and the British shared 21 years of age while studying in Perugia.

Knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison, Sollecito to 25.

Chris Nicks, Knox’s stepfather, said: “There were aspects of the case to be addressed, which addressed, and now nothing remains of the case.”

Knox described as “happy we’re back in court again, and I think a little anxious, not wanting to get her break out is difficult -. up.Every want this thing to continue until it becomes”

Prosecutors have questioned some of the conclusions of independent experts, and maintain tests should be.

However, Kercher’s family insisted he still had faith in the police in Perugia, investigators and the court.

The appeal late last year.
