
New Orleans Newspaper

January 9, 2011 by  

New Orleans Newspaper, The most influential newspaper in the Gulf of Mexico took a critical look at the string of post-oil from the sea disaster and wondered if the green light from U.S. government should instead be a flashing yellow warning.

In an extensive article published Sunday in The New Orleans Times-Picayune and written by journalist Bob Marshall, the paper addresses many issues toxicologists and health professionals have raised the issue of security guarantees seafood

The newspaper notes that skepticism is widespread, even among those living in the Gulf region.

“Sales of seafood caught locally are down and some restaurants still will not serve,” said Marshall.

The final concern is the basis for determining safe levels of personal contamination, implying an average weight of 176 pounds and an average weekly consumption of seafood by residents of the Gulf.

Many observers believe the level of weight too high, especially in leaving children at risk and the consumption level is too low for a normal diet of those living on or near the Gulf and integrate local seafood in their daily diet.

USDA officials, the Food and Drug Administration and Health in the Gulf States have collaborated on various tests of seafood and to set safe limits. But as pointed out by newspaper article, “Like most programs, food analysis, it does not certify products that are free from contamination, or even safe for all consumers. Rather, it attempts to establish a likelihood of lifetime cancer that is deemed appropriate by the risk managers.

“In this case, FDA and state officials said they decided the risk was a proper party 1-for-100, 000 chance of contracting cancer 176-pound person at times during its life life of 78 years if specified eat seafood every day for five consecutive years. ”

The full article can be found at

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