
Michelle Malkin

August 19, 2010 by  

Michelle Malkin, Not every show where people who watch the show live on UStream chat (and boys, we all need a name. I can still call “The People Chat!”) Came to see me do a double fist pump after an interview , but it happened last night thanks to my host, Michelle Malkin.

Episode 52 marks one year anniversary of the delivery. We have not lost a show once, thanks to a power outage at birth by World Headquarters, we show a day late. I am proud of what has become entertainment, and more proud of what we will become as we continue to improve the content and production, adding new bells and whistles, fun, and find more ways that you will participate in the program each week.

Michelle Malkin got into the second half and lit up the show as a bank of stadium lights. I guarantee you will not get heard and interview as the conversation we had in this week’s episode. We stayed away from politics for the most part, but we did spend time in new media and the good and evil as experienced by the construction of its considerable online presence. We also spent some time splashing in the geek end of the pool and have learned a few things about it certainly did not know before.

In addition, she threw a couple of suggestions for the future … it sounded interesting. Verrrrry interesting.

I hope you enjoy listening to the show this week much as I enjoyed doing it. It was a fun, no doubt.

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