
Michael Douglas Tumor

August 17, 2010 by  

Michael Douglas Tumor, Michael Douglas has been diagnosed with a tumor in his throat, his representative confirmed to People. According to the representative, doctors expect the actor Douglas 65 years of age to make a full recovery soon after completing eight weeks of treatment, including radiation and chemotherapy.

Douglas himself is still positive about his battle with the disease. The husband of Catherine Zeta-Jones said in a statement: “I am very optimistic.”

cancers of the larynx are usually related to smoking and heavy drinking, Robert Haddad of the head and neck cancer program at Dana-Farber in Boston, Cancer Institute, told U.S. today. Haddad also said around the tonsils cancers are often caused by a virus called HPV, which also causes cervical cancer. He also said doctors usually do not use throat cancer term to describe esophageal tumors.

As to whether or not treatment will affect working time Douglas has not yet been revealed. He is currently promoting her new movie “Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps”, which premiered in U.S. theaters on 24 September. And also scheduled to star alongside Ewan McGregor, Channing Tatum and Antonio Banderas in the movie thriller upcoming “Haywire.”

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