KWQC and Weather WIU-Quad
February 1, 2011 by USA Post
KWQC and Weather WIU-Quad, Western Illinois University Macomb and Quad Cities campuses follow specific procedures regarding weather announces the operating condition in case of bad weather. The decision to close the University, cancel classes or take other appropriate action in response to adverse weather or emergency will be made by the president or his delegate, the President as soon as possible to better assist employees and students who must travel.
All listings weather related is immediately displayed on homepage University ( and / or page WIU-Quad Cities ( / qc) and planks WIU local newsletter network. The Office of Public Safety [(309) 298-1949] and Table campus [(309) 298-1414] are immediately informed of the operational status of the campus. & # 8232; & # 8232;
Furthermore ads Weather campus WIU-Macomb are called radio below and stations television: Communications Prestige stations WKAI FM 100 WJEQ FM 102.7, WNLF 95.9 FM WMQZ FM 104.1, WLMD 104.7 FM and AM WLRB 1510, Wium WIU 91.3 FM and 89.5 FM WIUW; WGIL Galesburg AM 1400, FM 95, 92.7 The Laser, K 105.3 FM, TV WGEM – Quincy (NBC), TV KHQA – Quincy (CBS); TV WQAD – Moline (ABC); WHOI-19 – Peoria (ABC) and WEEK-25 Peoria (NBC). University Television will broadcast information about Macomb Cable Channel 3.
WIU-QC weather announcements are called radio and television following: WQAD TV – Moline (ABC) [which feeds KLJB TV – Davenport, IA (Fox) and & # 8232; Clear Channel FM stations KCQQ 106.5, 101, Kuula 3 FM, Mix FM KMXG 96, WLLR FM 103.7, AM WFXN 1230]; Cumulus FM 104.9 KBOB, KQCS FM 93.5 and 96.9 FM WXLP; KJOC AM 1170; KBEA 99.7 FM; KWQC TV – Davenport, IA (NBC); WHBF TV – Rock Island (CBS), and 90.3 FM Radio WVIK, Augustana.
University employees and students must assume that they are working on campus to participate and function as normal unless an announcement is made & # 8232.
Two announcements operating state can be called to campus: notice University and discontinuation University. & # 8232; & # 8232;
A review of the university allows employees the option of using accrued leave, compensatory leave or approved leave without pay after informing her supervisor, said Vice President for Administrative Services Jackie Thompson. If classes are not canceled, students who cannot attend should contact their teachers to organize meet academic course requirements missed during the term of the notice. Faculty members are responsible for their academic course requirements, and it is the decision of the faculty member whether or not to grant a request to make up work that was interrupted after a notice of University.
During a stoppage of the University, employees will be laid off and paid for their regular shift. Employees working in sensitive positions may be required to work regular hours during a blackout. Essential employees from non-essential will be determined by the supervisor and will depend on the nature of the situation advisory & # 8232; Policy on limiting the activities of the University because of emergency conditions is described in the Manual of administrative procedures, and on the Web at wiu. Edu / policies / emergency.php.
Macomb Western Illinois University and Quad campus cities follow specific procedures regarding weather announces operating status in inclement time. Decision closing university cancels courses or takes other measures appropriate response weather unfavorable or contingency will make by President or delegate Chairman soon possible to better help employees and students must surrender.
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