
Florida Governor Election Results

November 3, 2010 by  

Florida Governor Election Results, Republican businessman Rick Scott will be the next governor of Florida, Alex Sink, a Democrat on Wednesday granted after what had been a very tight race.

With 99 percent of votes counted on Tuesday, Scott had a 49 percent to 48 percent of the vote Sink. Scott’s campaign called a victory by Democrat Alex Sink, “a mathematical impossibility.”

Scott, a billionaire 57 years old, unexpectedly jumped to the Republican primary race in April. With an anti-message and support Tea Party, the political newcomer proceeded to spend about 73 million of money from his family playing Attorney General Bill McCollum for the Republican nomination and after taking the sink.

Sink is the financial director. He worked for 26 years in the banking business, becoming one of the most important entrepreneurs of the state.

“We fought very hard,” he told supporters Wednesday morning sink. “We just fell a little short while.”

Sink said he planned to return to private life, but added, “I will keep the politicians accountable for the results of Tallahassee.”

Scott will replace Gov. Charlie Crist, who avoided a second term lasting U.S. Senate. Marco Rubio lost Tuesday.

Scott will be sworn in Jan. 4.

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