
Gene Simmons Family Jewels

February 22, 2012 by · Comments Off on Gene Simmons Family Jewels 

Gene Simmons Family Jewels, When you imagine a colorful and odd-shaped bird that flings into a group of round green pigs, can think of a man in gaudy black-&-white makeup & gothic black outfit simultaneously? Well, maybe you can. Nevertheless, with different promotions & partnerships managed by Rovio out of Angry Birds, it seems to make sense.

Apparently, Gene Simmons, who is known as the star of a reality show named Gene Simmons’ Family Jewels, or the band leader of KISS, possesses a soft corner for the ill-tempered avians. In a recent interview, Simmons has had a discussion with developer Rovio about a potential partnership between KISS & Angry Birds.

However, a bunch of miscellaneous mental images will certainly hit your mind, & not necessarily all of them will be incredibly pleasant. Normally, we can expect the Angry Birds having a very dark & gothic background. Gene Simmons has come up with a new version of the game where the furious birds will appear in KISS garb, or the evil pigs will own ridiculously huge tongues.
