
A-OK with new Miss USA

May 19, 2010 by  

A-OK with new Miss USAA-OK with new Miss USA:The beauty contests are degrading to all plastic and the implementation of the heap feminist reasons: the history of racism and exploitation in the competitions, impossible beauty ideals, and the overwhelming feeling that everything is orchestrated for the excitation of a Most male audiences.

So imagine my surprise when, a Muslim feminist, she heard Rima Fakih, a Michigan-based Lebanese-American Muslim woman, won this year’s Miss USA contest last Sunday in Las Vegas. Did his victory all the rules change overnight just because she is Arab and Muslim?

Not exactly. Should not underestimate the fact that the crown Fakih represents the ideals and s-e-xist expectations. Its not a real victory for Muslim women or Arab-American women because they do not have to do anything to advance the rights of groups.

But there are reasons to welcome the victory Fakih. His victory is a victory over the white beauty ideal (although it does not indent to other standards of beauty as thinness or light skin). The winners of Miss USA the last 10 years represent a diverse racial mix of whites, Latinos and African Americans, and Fakih added to this diversity.

The reaction has already started, but winning is a booster Fakih (small) of the American Muslim presence in this country. We remind the United States despite an Faisal Shahzad appears from time to time, most of us are just Americans who live and work as Rima Fakih. As Janan Delgado states in their own thoughts on winning ambivalent Fakih, “the focus of American media disproportionate ‘Arab’ t*rror*sm is so overwhelming that a connection between” Arab “and almost anything that does not involve violence is a welcome relief .

Fakih comes from a Lebanese Shiite Muslim family. She has a face of Muslim Americans that most Americans are not accustomed to seeing. As someone who sees America, Muslim women often represented as victims dimensional headscarves, which is refreshing to see something more. To dispute over whether to represent Muslim women, since she has danced with a stripper pole and won a beauty contest btch sermons and feel shame. She does not have to represent Muslims in general and Muslim women in particular – it is only part of the Muslim American cornucopia.

Although Fakih has won the crown of Miss USA, who will never gain the whole world over. Americans are conservatives foaming at the mouth of spurious connections to Hezbollah, and many feminists are disapproving of his victory because it came from another s-e-xist doll factory. Women as Fakih’s face double trouble when they make some kind of success is a victory for Arab Americans, but a loss for women in general. She represents the various facets of the Muslim American culture, but also represents the cultural norms that women in this country can not assume that height.

But why throw the beauty queen with the bathwater? Instead of bristling at the bidding process all the chatter about whether his victory is one for Muslims or not, can only be happy that a Lebanese Shiite immigrant women rose to win Miss USA.

Source: Guardian

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