
Watch Conan

November 11, 2010 by  

Watch Conan, Although Conan O’Brien and his new TBS show Conan is winning the ratings war so far, is losing their lives in war search engine optimization.

If you search “Look Conan” on Google, the Web site of Jay Leno Tonight Show is the first result. See for yourself.

This could be a simple mistake, right? Maybe the web team has just changed the name in the web page header when the two armies exchanged places. But here at PopWatch as conspiracy theories. After all, the search term “Conan Obrien” site Leno returns as the result of the third, and the search term “Conan O’Brien”, which again is the sixth. NBC is holding in O’Brien’s web traffic and the characters?

PopWatchers, what do you think is happening here? Does Google search algorithm have a sense of irony?

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