
Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday, 14 February 2012

February 13, 2012 by  

Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday, 14 February 2012, Tomorrow, Tuesday February 14 is Valentine’s Day; therefore the offices of NEWS-ONE got a bit alarmed when the paper received a red envelope containing a letter addressed to the editor and dated Friday, February10, 2012.

After opening the envelope, it was revealed the letter was from the Chief Executive of Movie Africa Production, controversial movie producer Socrate Safo.

We reproduce the contents of the letter in full for the benefit of our readers:-

“This may be my final communication to you with regards to the type of stories you publish on my person, my movies and my company.

In the first place, I hope you would be objective enough to publish this letter just the way I am writing it and not to twist it to suit your editorial style or rephrase it in a way to make me look stupid as you have always done.

I want to put on record that I am not happy at the negative image your paper has carved for me and the continuous nature of your attack on my person, my movies and my company.

If I have wronged you in any way to deserve this negative publicity, I deserve to know what my crime or crimes are so I apologise where and if necessary.

I consider it very unfair that I have committed no offence yet your newspaper continues to attack my person, my movies and my company.

I have neither slept with your wife nor broken the virginity of your daughter. I have neither taken a loan from you and refused to pay nor seized your ancestral lands. I therefore find it impossible to understand your motive and mission.

Because of your negative publications, I now walk in town with an evil tag on my neck. People see me as someone with no morals, no proper upbringing and no sense of responsibility all because of your negative stories.

All these years, I have tolerated your nonsense and held back my anger. I have decided not to write any rejoinders because my reputation and integrity is worth more than a rejoinder which I know you would hide somewhere in your middle pages. I have worked hard to earn my reputation and it is an expensive one far more than what you have reduced it to.

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