
Valentine Crafts For Kids

February 6, 2012 by  

Valentine Crafts For Kids, When we enrolled my daughter at her school two years ago, I fully expected the laundry list of “parent must-do” activities: Bake fairs, parent-teacher nights, conferences, etc. What I was not expecting, and what caught me completely off guard the first year, was the request by teachers at Valentine’s Day.

As mentioned before, I do not consider myself particularly crafty. I have learned to overcome the panic attacks that used to suffocate me when entering a craft store and I have learned to just let some things go in the middle of craft time at our house (paint on the table, glitter on the floor, glue on the cheek). But when I received the newsletter from my daughter’s school that had the following guidelines for their Valentine’s Day celebration, I felt more than just a little overwhelmed.

There is a card exchange only. No cupcakes, no streamers, no cupid fanfare. This, as a parent of a child with a “sugar allergy,” I was able to embrace wholeheartedly. It’s the second part of the guidelines that stressed me.

“Valentine’s Day always provides a wonderful opportunity for a fun craft project for you and your child. For a special treat, try making cards together rather than buying them. Handmade greetings are truly meaningful for all concerned and appreciated for the time and love they convey.”

So no prepackaged cards that simply require folding them to fit into the tiny envelopes. A craft a “fun craft project” and “wonderful opportunity” were not meshing.

Last year we simply cut out red hearts, added princess stickers and my daughter painstakingly signed her name to each and every one of them-30 in all. This year, I decided to ramp things up a bit.

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