
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

September 5, 2011 by  

Tinker Tailor Soldier SpyTinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Any film of John Le Carré, ‘as Soldier Spy Tinker’ 1974 novel Cold War spy has the twin shadows of the book and television series that against him. How equal or exceed the 1979 five-hour version starring Alec Guinness as George Smiley – now played by Gary Oldman, recently lost by the film very seriously – a British spy who colorless different James Bond to fit more comfortably tearooms in a provincial train station on a tropical beach or a country club in the Caribbean?

Moreover, how quiet get as much information about retirement, ex-MI6 luminaire Smiley’s campaign to discover mechanical “mole right in the center of the circus” in a feature film version, while maintaining broad characterizations Le Carré Fruity and barbs about a change in Britain?

History is more or less like Le Carré had, about the strange set-Hong Kong Istanbul becomes, for example, Czechoslovakia and Hungary now. But the essence remains the same. A well-connected officials, silent, conspiratorial Oliver Lacon (Simon McBurney, of course), Smiley recruits and an assistant, the young spy Peter Guillam (Benedict Cumberbatch, playing Watson to Sherlock Smiley), figure out which of his former colleagues is a spy high pass secrets to the Russians. Others are starting to believe the former head of control Smiley (John Hurt) had suspected for a long time before their expulsion from the service after a failed operation to sullen, tough as nails spy Jim Prideaux (Mark Strong) in Budapest is one rotten apple in the upper part of the service.

Is Bill Haydon dilettante Peacock (Colin Firth), Percy Scottish Alleline acid (Toby Jones), rough, smooth Roy Bland (Ciar? N Hinds) and the Hungarian emigre Esterhase Tony (David Dencik)? The catalyst for the operation of Smiley’s new information revealed by the renegade agent Ricki Tarr, played by a brilliant and cunning libertine Tom Hardy. She only briefly to steal the show is Kathy Burke, fill the boots of tough old Beryl Reid as an old friend and colleague Connie Smiley Sachs, although it is difficult to imagine Reid delivering the line, “I am seriously underfucked”, as does deliciously Oldman: ‘George … bad, bad George.

Swedish director Tomas Alfredson (‘Let the Right One In’) blows a fresh continental style in the history of Le Carré without damaging the period 1970 British feel of its source material. There is a touch of ‘The Ipcress File’ his’ Soldier Spy Tinker as how industrialized the circus – the Circus Cambridge HQ service – turning inside portacabin structures similar to soundproof meeting rooms. He does the same moving the base of Smiley Paddington to what looks like a warehouse near Liverpool Street. Everything feels a touch more urban. There is also a touch of Scorsese on the road slips Alfredson chamber through history and some of the amazing images and the music matches the one chosen as the cut of an exciting and concise final assembly of Charles Trenet ‘La Mer ‘sung by Julio Iglesias.

Yet this is a world of dusty files, ramshackle caravan and remote schools to prepare. Smiley Oldman – more gaunt, grim and silent Guinness, but with enough of a voice track of the great man to honor his memory – even appears Trebor mint in your mouth in the run up to the great revelation of the film. The new script by Peter Straughan and Bridget O’Connor his late wife (who dedicated the film) is a marvel of intelligent and respectful adaptation. Sometimes you need your wits about you to keep up with a tangle of a plot, and prior knowledge of the work or TV show certainly smooths the ride.

Of course, some episodes of the book and the TV series they do in the movie, but it is surprising how much remains, preserved by a sly look fast image here or there. Anyone not familiar with the book or the series might find the latest revelation of the mole – a door opens and there it is – disappointing. But that’s exactly how Le Carré had. The spy story is about the journey – the process – and the ways of the road, not the final. Excellent cast of this film, written and directed by threatening to make the journey as exciting as the book of Le Carré.

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