
Tiger Woods Affairs

December 2, 2009 by  

Tiger Woods Affairs:Golfer Tiger Woods is like a magnet who only attracts women but mostly the affairs turns out fake or alleged. After Rachel Uchitel denies allegations of an affair with Tiger Woods. Now Jaimee Grubbs, 24, a Las Vegas cocktail waitress claims that she had a relationship with none other than Tiger Woods. She becomes second in the row to claim an alleged affair with Tiger.

In this week’s edition of US Weekly magazine she told that she had a 31 month affair with Tiger, she was working as a cocktail waitress in Las Vegas when she met Woods in April 2007. She claims that she has more than 300 text messages from Tiger, according to US Weekly. Grubbs had 20 sexual encounters with Tiger, includes photos, racy messages and a voicemail allegedly from Tiger on November 24, according to the magazine.

In a statement by Tiger on November 29, he said,

“Embarrassing” accident was entirely his fault and that he’s “not perfect,” while his wife “acted “courageously” when she saw that he was hurt, adding that any other assertion is “absolutely false.”

That statement comes after his car crash on November 28, when his car struck a fire hydrant and he got injured. According to reports he had a fight with his wife before the accident during which his wife allegedly confronted him about his affairs. After the accident, Tiger said in statement,

“I’m Human and I’m Not Perfect.”

Rachel told the New York Post,

“I do not have sex with celebrities and I have not had an affair with Tiger Woods,”

She added,

“It’s horrible to Tiger’s family. His wife must feel horrible, It’s just their word against mine and Tiger’s.”

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