
Uc Pathways

December 1, 2009 by · Comments Off on Uc Pathways 

Uc Pathways:As expected, the University of California’s Board of Regents has raised tuition fees by 32%. Such a steep increase in the price of anything usually triggers a certain incredulity as to its justification. Oil companies were widely suspected of price gouging when fuel prices quickly spiked by 50% last year. How can anything suddenly cost so much more?

From the perspective of business, the more appropriate question might be; what price yields the greatest profit without damaging the franchise? Charge too much and you lose so many customers that profits suffer. But, the right balance of price and volume can actually increase profits.

By ratcheting up its fees 181% since 2004, the UC is recognizing the fundamental mechanism of free-market capitalism, supply-and-demand. Like big oil and big oil’s fellow species, the health insurance industry, the UC is maximizing “shareholder value” by raising prices on a high-demand commodity. If that means some folks can no longer afford to drive cars, buy health insurance, or attend college those are simply market adjustments.

Who are the UC shareholders for whom value is being added? Apparently, they are not California students aspiring to attend the world’s premier public university system. The “public” aspect of the UC is becoming less important to the UC’s Board of Regents and executive administrators.

There are subtleties in the current UC situation that are moving it away from being California’s great engine of public education and leaning it toward privatization. The UC regents, president, and chancellors are responsible for maintaining the financial health of the system, but relying on State funding has become increasingly problematic.

The corruptive special interest greed, fiscal mismanagement, and partisan stupidity in Sacramento are perpetuating and worsening the State’s failing financial condition. The UC is prudently seeking to uncouple itself from the slow train wreck that is California state government, and has turned to the private sector for financing.

Private sector financing requires collateral. For the UC that collateral is the stream of income from tuitions—now totally pledged to secure private bond financing. The less money the UC gets from the State, the more it borrows in the bond market and, therefore, the more collateral it needs. So, tuition goes up and will continue to do so, if for no other reason than to cover the $300 million in debt service on those bonds.

To the extent that it relies on taxpayer funds, the UC is a public institution. But, the less it relies on public funding, the less it must adhere to certain state mandates tied to that funding. The UC can spend private funds as it likes, and it can decide which and how many students it admits.

Back to supply and demand. Foreign and out-of-state students pay higher tuitions than do in-state students. That is why the ratio of admissions between state residents and non-residents increasingly favors the latter. Seeing that private universities on average command two and a half times the $10,320 tuition the UC now charges, UC management knows it has vast opportunity on the price side—especially for a university system with the stature UC has.

But, as it edges towards privatization, the UC is becoming more subject to the unregulated egos of its management. Most of the money the UC has borrowed is being spent for construction, not instruction. Ultimately, a university’s stature and success is measured by the proven quality of its instruction, not by its monuments. However, the UC has furloughed faculty and reduced library and class availability—ostensibly because of State funding reductions. Meanwhile, it continues to pay lavish executive salaries and spend over a billion dollars on extensive construction projects.

The UC’s edifice complex is not shared by all great universities. In fact, Harvard, rather than adversely affect its core mission, education, has suspended construction projects until finances improve. The folks who run Harvard understand what keeps it the world’s preeminent university.

The on site university experience is compelling. Walk the campus of a Harvard or UC Berkeley. The elegant buildings, the manicured gardens, meandering pathways, and sprawling plazas, exude an intellectual gravity that impresses visitors and elicits pride from students, faculty, and management. But, let’s not lose sight of the main purpose of higher education—it is education, discovery, and increasing human knowledge.

Ultimately, the direction the University of California takes depends on the priority state residents place on maintaining it as a public institution dedicated to serve California first and foremost. The UC is demonstrating that it will survive and even thrive with or without California’s tax money. It can join Harvard, Stanford, USC, and other great private universities. And, given its size, it might surpass all of them as a private institution—providing its management focuses on instruction rather than construction.

If the UC goes private, that will be just another consequence of California’s chronically dysfunctional government.

Uc Application Deadline Extension

December 1, 2009 by · Comments Off on Uc Application Deadline Extension 

Uc Application Deadline Extension:The Knight Digital Media Center has extended the application deadlines for the January, 2010 Multimedia Workshop and the February, 2010 Web 2.0 Training for Journalists.

Applications for the January 10-15, 2010 workshop are due: November 30, 2009.

Applications for the February 22-26, 2010 workshop are due: December 18, 2009.

If you have any questions about the application process, please see our FAQ page or contact kdmcinfo at

Uc Application Login

December 1, 2009 by · Comments Off on Uc Application Login 

Uc Application Login:The University of California is one of the best research universities in the world, now it has opened applications for fall 2010. The admission application submission process started on 1st November and it will finish on 30th December on 11:59 pm. If you are interested students to apply for admission to the fall term 2010 then visit UC official site and submit your form.

About California University

The California University is public university, which is a part of the state’s three-tier public higher education system, California State University system and the California Community Colleges system. Its academic offerings span 150 disciplines, with more departments ranked in the top 10 nationally than any other public or private university. The University of California consists of at least five campuses includes Berkeley, Davis, Los Angeles, Riverside and Santa Barbara.

How to apply for UC Admissions?

First open the UC official site and select the right campus, where you want to take admission and read the requirements for freshman admission and transfer admission to determine which route is best for you.

To read the Eligibility criteria for freshman applicants, click here.

To read the Eligibility criteria for transfer applicants, click here.

You can apply online or postmarked by the last day of the appropriate filing period. After filling date application will not be accepted by campuses. If you plan to apply after the filing period, then check with the campus to see if there are openings before submitting your application.

First set your self-report of SAT and/or ACT results in the application and also it is also required to submit official test scores. Please order score reports from the testing agency.

Provide your e-mail address which you will check regularly and keep until you enroll. E-mail addresses must be not more than 50 characters.

Consider your personal statement, which is important part of your application for admission. Get full details of personal statement here.

An application fee is $60 for each campus to which you apply. You can pay fees by credit cards. Keep a copy of your application receipt and personal statement for your files.

Application Fees
Campuses U.S. Applicants International Applicants
1 $60 $70
2 $120 $140
3 $180 $210
4 $240 $280
5 $300 $350
6 $360 $420
7 $420 $490
8 $480 $560
9 $540 $630

Print a copy.

Keep a copy of your application receipt and personal statement for your files.

If you have any question about the application process then call at (800) 523-2048 (in California) or (925) 808-2181 (outside California), during normal business hours.

Apply online:

If you want to make UC Admissions Application online, then open official site and click on the admission tool and click the undergraduate menu. Click to apply to UC option and get the information of UC application, and then click on the apply online option and click on the Go to the applications. After then login at applications login, enter username and passwords. If you are first time user, then click on begin option and enter username, password, which you want and enter your email address and get the UC admission form.

After the application:

After the application process you will receive an e-mail from the UC Undergraduate Application Processing Service within four to five weeks. If you do not receive it, then contact the processing service at or call (800) 523-2048.

Use the links in the menu at left to check your application status, update transfer application and learn how to submit transcripts.

If you want to change after you’re submit process, then send written request to the application processing service at this address:

University of California Undergraduate Application Processing Service

P.O. Box 4010

Concord, CA 94524-4010

You must include:

  • Application ID number
  • New campus name(s)
  • Major(s) to which you wish to apply
  • Check or money order for $60 for each additional campus ($70 for international applicants), payable to The Regents of the University of California.

Get the full information about UC Admissions Application here.


Csu Mentor

November 30, 2009 by · Comments Off on Csu Mentor 

( — Computer chip maker Intel wants to implant a brain-sensing chip directly into the brains of its customers to allow them to operate computers and other devices without moving a muscle.

Intel believes its customers would be willing to have a chip implanted in their brains so they could operate computers without the need for a keyboard or mouse using thoughts alone. The implant could also be used to operate devices such as cell phones, TVs and DVDs.

The chip is being developed at Intel’s laboratory in Pittsburgh, USA. It would sense brain activity using technology based on FMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging). The brain sensing chips are not yet available, but Intel research scientist Dean Pomerleau thinks they are close.

Theoretically, different people thinking of the same word or image would have the same activity in their brains, but since no one really knows exactly how the brain works, this is not certain. Pomerleau and his team have used FMRI to scan the brains of volunteers to see if brain patterns match when they are thinking of similar things, and so far the results look promising.

Pomerleau said that with human beings and machines converging in many ways, people will want to give up the need for an interface such as a keyboard, mouse or remote control and operate the devices using their brain waves. Pomerleau believes that some time within the next decade or so people will be “more committed” to the idea of the brain implants.

Pomerleau said a headset incorporating brain sensing technology to operate a computer is close, and the next step is to develop the tiny brain implant, which would be much less cumbersome for the user.

Associate Professor Charles Higgins of the University of Arizona predicts people will be using hybrid computers using a combination of living tissue and technology within 10 to 15 years. Researchers at his University have successfully built a robot guided by the eyes and brain of a moth. Researchers with Toyota are also working in the area, have developed a wheelchair controlled by brain waves.

While it seems unlikely many people would volunteer for the Intel chip implant at present, it could have applications for people who are unable to move, such as quadriplegics.

Csu Mentor

November 30, 2009 by · Comments Off on Csu Mentor 

Daily Sundial
CSU Mentor, the CSU application submission Web site, recorded a total of 187329 submissions between Oct. 1 and Oct. 28, compared to 124684 during that same

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