
Fayette County Public Schools

January 26, 2011 by · Comments Off on Fayette County Public Schools 

Fayette County Public Schools, A student who carries a handgun at Bryan Station High School and Tates Creek Middle School student for making threats to bomb – held responsible for the Fayette County Public School held Tuesday.

In the first case, a student Bryan Station was found to have a loaded handgun in his possession just before classes started Tuesday morning. The student was detained and charged with possession of a weapon to school, “Fayette County Public Schools,”said.

Bryan Station Principal Gladys Peoples said it arrested two students who were taking a shortcut through the school office Tuesday morning and decided to conduct an administrative search based on their behavior. A student was found to have a gun, “she said.

“We asked him why he had the handgun, and he said there was a problem in his neighborhood with adults,” said Peeples. “He had no problem with anyone here at school. ”

The other student did not participate in the implementation of the handgun, “she said.

Bryan Station High School is in custody after being found with a loaded gun on campus last week.

School officials say they immediately began an investigation with the help of the “Fayette County Schools Public”ministère of law enforcement and assistance from the Lexington Police Department when he was briefed on Firearms. They say the gun was loaded, but say that the student has given no indication he had a gun with him because of all the problems related to Bryan Station High School. He told officials he was carrying a gun following a dispute with the adults in her neighborhood.

The student was charged with possession of a weapon to school and placed in detention. He will face legal consequences in the juvenile justice system and the administrative consequences through the school district.

Montgomery College

January 26, 2011 by · Comments Off on Montgomery College 

Montgomery College, Montgomery County Public Schools are closed on Wednesday because of weather emergency.
The school and community activities in school buildings are also canceled, but administrative offices are open.
Montgomery College has announced it will open at noon.
The National Service issued a winter storm warning for the region from 7 pm on Wednesday at 4 pm Thursday. The snow will be the most probable precipitation with a mixture of rain and sleet. The anticipated snow is 4 to 8 inches, and the heaviest snow should be between 16 pm and on Wednesday midnight.

A workshop in Spanish: Preparing Your Child for College will be held from 7-8:30 pm Feb. 2 at Wheaton High School, 12601 Dalewood Drive, Wheaton. Parents can get information from a “Montgomery College”recruteur admissions on how to help their children prepare for college, how to pay for higher education and how to support students in their quest for a degree. The workshop is free and childcare and free interpretation services are available. For more information 301-517-5940, e-mail or visit
A workshop focusing on education: Parents as Advocates and family-school partnership will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at Francis Scott Key Middle School, 910 Promenade Schindler, Silver Spring. Experts will discuss the special education process and share tips on how to effectively advocate for your child. This is the first in a series of four workshops conducted by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. Other workshops in the series will be held Feb. 3, 10 February and 17 February. The workshop is free and childcare and free interpretation services are available. For more information 301-517-5940 or visit www.mcpsparentacademy.o

Federal Government Closings

January 26, 2011 by · Comments Off on Federal Government Closings 

Federal Government Closings, That was the order of Senate to the Minister of Education, Rufai Rukiyat to reopen all the schools closed for the registration of voters as soon as possible but no later than Friday, January 28.

The senate gave the order Tuesday when he met again after four weeks of vacation for Christmas and the various party primaries held until last week.

The order followed a motion before the Senate by Victor Ndoma Egba (PDP Cross River State) seeking compensation for problems caused by voter registration in progress.

Mr. Ndoma said it was wrong for the executive to close both private and public schools for voter registrations, even if the premises are not all schools are used for recording.

All primary and secondary schools across the country were closed following a directive by the federal government to allow the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to use school premises for the voter registration project that was scheduled to last two weeks.

The order was widely criticized by the public and the Senate has said they acted on the concerns of the public they represent.

Mr. Ndoma said that closing schools means “sacrifice the future of our children for political purposes.” According Ayogu Eze, the spokesman for the Senate, even if the directive to close the schools was that of the executive, he was badly advised, and therefore it is their duty and responsibility as representatives of the people to address them.

“Nigerians frown, even when it happened it was the right thing to do,” he said. “We can not withdraw our future and spend it on the advisability of this, because pulling children from schools is like spending all your future savings for today and I think it was something Nigerians have spoken and of their representatives so as we are now talking to the executive that their decision was wrong at trial. “He added that the decision to close schools should not occur because the Most private schools and public schools are not registration centers.

“It was a statement that was wrong and I hope they (federal government) will pay compensation to the school, because when you close the schools for this period, many of degeneration happens, many things will happen. The government does not contribute one naira to private schools, if I owned a school, I do not obey him. People do not wake me up and preceded to trial without considering the consequences of such instructions, ” Eze said.


January 26, 2011 by · Comments Off on OPM 

OPM, Federal government in the Washington area might want to prepare for telework on Thursday. The National Weather Service issued a winter storm watch, which says that the snow could reach the capital, from the afternoon on Wednesday night, and we could see at least five inches falling when all is said and done.

We will not know until early Thursday if the snow is enough to throw a wrench into the operations of government. So it would not hurt the federal government that telework can bring their laptops or home Wednesday evening a few files just in case the Office of Personnel Management says leave unexpected / unscheduled telework days.

OPM Director John Berry praised last month the option of teleworking as a new way to keep the government operating as much as possible moderately bad weather – for example, when some snowy roads are dangerous, but not badly scolded or widespread to justify a government full closure. The alternative for the feds who cannot telework, but feel they can safely do to work, is to take a day of unscheduled leave. OPM”has already done once this winter

Rain and a little rain here in the Fort Washington section Tantallon. Walked down the aisle to get the print version Wapo and the street was all wet, but the entrance was a layer of slush very smooth. The grass and the cars are covered with snow and slush. Thank you”OPM, to learn to go to work and go home during the rush in the afternoon … Oh goody …


December 16, 2010 by · Comments Off on Wtop 

Wtop, Day before the Virginia State employees receive their first pay boost in three years in the form of premiums, the Governor Bob McDonnell said Tuesday they do not expect raises real.

The governor also said he will not go hand in hand with efforts to allow motorists to be ticketed just for not wearing seat belts and insisted that he continue his efforts to put government Monopoly State Alcohol 76-years in private hands.

Thank you to balance and $ 403 million in unspent 2010 budget, a bonus of 3 percent will be included in paychecks on Wednesday for 117 000 workers whose compensation the state government has been frozen since November 2007.

But McDonnell said on his show question and answer monthly WTOP radio in Washington, DC on Tuesday that the pursuit of lean budgets means “I do not see any pay increase coming in the near future for the state. ”

The Republican governor made the remarks in defense of Democratic President Barack Obama freezes the salaries of federal workers in order for two years. McDonnell said it was a prudent step toward reining the nation and 13 trillion debts.

When a state employee – a professor at George Mason University – McDonnell asked why was excluded from wage increases, he stood his ground.

“We have so many unfunded liabilities in our system, we have unfunded mandates by the federal government, we have Medicaid and other expenses that are growing at astronomical prices, we had to invest more in places like higher education, we have underfunded, “he said.” I will continue to do everything I can to take care of state employees, but I do not see an increase going on in the short term “.

McDonnell also said he would not go along with federal efforts to failure to wear seat belts a primary offense in each state.

No seat belt in Virginia is a secondary offense, meaning people can be cited to him that if he is arrested for another reason such as speed or burn a traffic light.

“I think the system is already functioning as a secondary offense,” said McDonnell.

McDonnell also said he is unlikely to approve any efforts to legalize marijuana use for medicinal purposes.

“I’d have to see proof that she had medical benefits and that there are appropriate checks,” said McDonnell. “I have not seen the clinical data to convince me that (a) all therapeutic effects as some might expect.”

He also pursued his plan to privatize liquor store boasting that even the legislative leaders in his own party have abandoned as dead.

Own estimates show that the administration would return to 47 million per year less than the current supplies of liquor control system of the state general fund.

And a new study by the investigative arm of the General Assembly, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, argues that the administration may have overstated revenue from the sale of liquor licenses in bulk and nearly 80 million.

McDonnell has dropped his original plan to privatize and paid a financial advisory firm of nearly 77,000 and a new way to get the government to the state’s liquor business.

“I will continue the privatization ABC. He’s right. Most people support it. We just gotta find the right mechanism that ensures we keep the same amount of revenue coming to the state and ensure that everyone is achieved equal access to licenses to be generated, “said McDonnell.

Part of the original proposal McDonnell was triple the number of outlets that sell liquor bottle from the current 332 stores belonging to the State. By licensing not only of independent stores, supermarkets and convenience stores to sell alcohol, the state would have nearly 1,000 outlets.

McDonnell proposes to use most of the profits of the state to sell liquor in the private sector to help finance road construction projects.

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