
Michael Bloomberg

February 6, 2012 by · Comments Off on Michael Bloomberg 

Michael Bloomberg, Michael Rubens Bloomberg (born February 14, 1942) is the current Mayor of New York City. With a net worth of $19.5 billion in 2011, he is also the 12th-richest person in the United States. He is the founder and 88% owner of Bloomberg L.P., a financial news and information services media company.

A Democrat before seeking elective office, Bloomberg switched his registration in 2001 and ran for mayor as a Republican, winning the election that year and a second term in 2005.

Bloomberg left the Republican Party over policy and philosophical disagreements with national party leadership in 2007 and ran for his third term in 2009 as an independent candidate on the Republican ballot line.

He was frequently mentioned as a possible independent candidate for the 2008 presidential election, which fueled further speculation when he left the Republican Party.

There was also speculation that he would run as a vice-presidential candidate. Bloomberg did not, however, seek the presidency nor was he selected as a running mate by any of the presidential candidates.

In the fall of 2008, Bloomberg successfully campaigned for an amendment to New York City’s term-limits law, in order to allow him to run for a third term in 2009. Bloomberg won the election on November 3, 2009.

New York City Mayor Terms Extended To Three Terms

February 6, 2012 by · Comments Off on New York City Mayor Terms Extended To Three Terms 

New York City Mayor Terms Extended To Three Terms, 2008 – The New York City Council has approved changes in the term-limits law that will allow Mayor Michael Bloomberg to seek re-election next year. The council passed the bill Thursday by a vote of 29-22. The bill gives city officeholders the option of three consecutive four-year terms.

They had been limited to two terms. Bloomberg’s term concludes at the end of 2009.

Bloomberg announced his plans to change the term-limits law and seek re-election three weeks ago. He had opposed changing the law earlier in his administration, but now says he needs a third term to deal with the city’s financial crisis.

Opponents said the mayor was going over the heads of voters, who twice approved term limits in the 1990s. Many said they did not disagree with his goal to add a third term option, but found fault with the way he went about it.

Bloomberg, whose wealth is estimated at $20 billion, has argued that his business background as founder of the financial data firm Bloomberg LP makes him the best leader to help the city weather the turmoil on Wall Street.

The committee held two hearings last week on the fast-tracked legislation, with testimony lasting several hours. A poll this week found that registered voters overwhelmingly believe the public should have a say on the matter, and not the council.

On Wednesday, three council members who say they are undecided on Bloomberg’s bill announced they will introduce an amendment at the Thursday meeting that essentially rewrites the legislation and seeks to have the term limits issue decided by voter referendum.

The measure would establish a charter review commission with the intention of holding a special election by next spring.

Mayor Of New York City

February 6, 2012 by · Comments Off on Mayor Of New York City 

Mayor Of New York City, With little political capital to lose and millions of his own cash to spend, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is determined to check the role of guns in American society.

A 30-second Super Bowl ad featuring Mr. Bloomberg on a couch with Boston Mayor Thomas Menino will go a long way toward cementing Bloomberg as the king of gun control as the billionaire turns from attacking transfats and smoking to cracking down on illicit sales of firearms, too many of which he says end up in the hands of violent criminals.

“Mike Bloomberg is the only major political figure for whom gun control is a front-burner cause right now,” says University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds.

Since 9/11 and the 2004 sun-setting of the assault weapons ban, courts, legislatures and public opinion have bit-by-bit turned toward the expansion of the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms. That trend has been exacerbated by the Obama presidency, a sense of economic insecurity, and lingering worries about the decline of Western civilization and American ideals like individual liberty, says Brian Anse Patrick, a communications professor at the University of Toledo.

The boom in the number of Americans who have concealed carry permits, for example, hasn’t come in the nation’s rural, gun friendly reaches, but in cities, exurbs, and suburbs, where women often make up a significant portion of permit-seekers, Mr. Patrick says.

It’s in part that spread of gun culture into major cities that inspired Bloomberg to join with Mayor Menino to launch Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), which has hired private investigators to reveal how easily weapons move through gun shows in places like Arizona and Tennessee and end up as illegal guns in cities like New York and Boston.

Given the fact that three-termer Bloomberg can’t by law run for mayor again, and that he has a $19 billion personal fortune, his emergence as a major gun control advocate has a lot to do with his independence. Democrats, including President Obama, have largely laid off proposing new gun restrictions in order to stave off attacks on conservative Blue Dog Democrats supported by gun lobbies like the National Rifle Association and the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Given the power of national and state gun rights organizations to confront politicians who attempt to restrict Second Amendment rights, Bloomberg’s anti-gun stance would make a presidential run, which he has considered, difficult.

Whether Bloomberg can make a dent in how Americans perceive the role of the gun in society is also still very much a question, though his Super Bowl ad certainly raises the stakes. The ad will show in the local New York and Boston markets, largely liberal enclaves where laws and authorities still do more to discourage gun ownership than encourage it.

Two recent Supreme Court decisions – McDonald v. Chicago and District of Columbia v. Heller – have made it unconstitutional for cities like New York to ban handguns intended for self-defense. But MAIG, which is funded mainly by Bloomberg, has publicized independent stings that showed how consumers in Ohio, Tennessee, and Nevada can buy weapons at gun shows without having to pass a background check.

The group has also highlighted how gun shows allow legal straw purchasers to resell weapons into the black market.

The intent of the campaign, MAIG says, is not to restrict gun carry rights for legal gun owners, but to highlight and curb the illegal sales of guns. Bloomberg claims that illegal guns have killed more Americans since 1968 than all US casualties in World War II.

Michael Dukakis: Massachusetts, United States

January 22, 2012 by · Comments Off on Michael Dukakis: Massachusetts, United States 

Michael Dukakis: Massachusetts, United States, Every four years as the first-in-the-nation caucuses approach in Iowa, back east the national and New Hampshire (read: Boston, Massachusetts) media recites the old yarn, “Iowa picks corn, New Hampshire picks presidents.” There are, in fact, 47 citations of this quote since December 22 in the major media aggregated by Google News.

It’s a popular little ditty. And it’s been entirely wrong for the last 30 years.

Decades ago, New Hampshire did pick presidents: Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter each forged a non-incumbent path to the White House by winning New Hamsphire’s first-in-the-nation primary. Think you’re a smart political junkie? Answer me this: When was the last time a non-incumbent (that is, not a sitting president or vice president) took first place in New Hampshire to go on and win the election?

It was 32 years ago and his name was Ronald Reagan.

That’s the last time that New Hampshire “picked” a president.

What happened to the Granite State’s former primacy in the electoral process? The downfall came via what could be called the Massachusetts invasion. People born out of state, many from next-door Massachusetts, but also from New York, New Jersey and other industrial mid-Atlantic states, began to populate the charming little state of New Hampshire. Boston TV channels 4, 5 and 7 displaced Manchester’s WMUR channel 9 as primary news sources, just as the Boston Globe and Herald cut into the market niches of Granite State dailies. White-collar workers commuted from southern NH to the Bay State and listened to Boston talk radio and music stations in the car.

And then, prior to 1988, then-Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis figured out that the state to the north was already a media colony of his own commonwealth, and mounted a NH primary victory to win the Democratic nomination for president.

Four years later, in 1992, Massachusetts then-junior United States senator, Paul Tsongas, won the NH primary. In 2004, his senate successor, John Kerry, did the same. They were “favorite sons” in the state next door. Now, if you are a Massachusetts pol in the New Hampshire primary, victory is expected (so much so that in 2008, when former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney lost the NH primary to John McCain, the wheels quickly came off his campaign bus).

Romney’s defeat four years ago aside, in recent decades, coming in second in the New Hampshire primary has in fact served as a better springboard to the presidency than outright winning the contest has accomplished for anyone. Bill Clinton came in second to Tsongas in 1992 and got nicknamed “the comeback kid.” George W. Bush placed to McCain in 2000 and repeated that luck. And Barack Obama, in 2008, placed to Hillary Clinton in 2008, but turned his “concession speech” into the single-largest night of online fundraising and momentum in US electoral history.

(Walter Mondale, losing to Gary Hart in 1984, and Bob Dole, to Pat Buchanan in 1996, forged second-place NH finishes into national party nominations, but went on to lose the general election against popular incumbents).

This is all to state the obvious: Everybody expects Romney to win in Tuesday’s NH primary – he was at 49 percent in the polls in a crowded field just a week ago! – and so the real attention is on second place, a spot that Texan US Rep. Ron Paul has occupied since the end of last year. Paul’s candidacy, though, is something like previous crusades of Pat Buchanan or Pat Robertson; not even he believes he can become the president! He’s in it for other motives, and for purposes of analysis, we can punt on whether they are ideological or ego-driven. It doesn’t much matter to the narrative of who gets to be the GOP nominee or have a shot at serving as president starting next year.

Behind Romney and Paul is the third tier of candidates trying to break out of the pack and emerge as the Anti-Romney: the Iowa victor and former US senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum (it seems he really did win the Iowa caucuses outright, after a typographical error gave Romney 20 votes he never obtained: The Field 1, the pundits and polls, 0), former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia, and former Utah Governor and recent US Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, Jr., each would love to come in a surprise second – or at least edge out the rest of the tier for third – in Tuesday’s primary to set up a chance to knock Romney down when the contests move to the South later this month.

While Santorum, Gingrich and Texas Governor Rick Perry – bypassing NH for the January 21 South Carolina primary – are jockeying to become the Anti-Romney, the recent boom-let in NH polls by Huntsman is interesting from a different angle: a member of the same Church of Latter Day Saints as Romney (although more secular than Romney, a former Mormon bishop, Huntsman likes to boast that his grandfather, contrary to his Church’s teaching of abstinence, owned a saloon), Huntsman isn’t gambling on becoming the standard bearer of the GOP’s Southern Baptist and Evangelical base. Rather, he wants to be the shadow Romney; the guy who can pick up the pieces when Romney stumbles in the road ahead. Think of Huntsman as the Tim Tebow in the contest, waiting behind Kyle Orton for his shot at starting quarterback.

After 160 campaign stops in New Hampshire (Huntsman skipped the Iowa caucuses altogether), the grassroots organizing is paying off. In the RealClearPolitics aggregate of polls, Huntsman has bounced from the back of the pack to a third-place tie with Santorum, each at 11.2 percent. Last night’s PPP survey even had Huntsman challenging Paul for second place, with these results: Romney 35 percent, Paul 18, Huntsman 16, Gingrich 12, Santorum 11, Perry 1 (and a freak 3 percent status for former Louisiana governor – and former Democrat – Buddy Roemer).

Somewhere in that sweet spot between second place or strong third place there is the possibility that Huntsman emerges as a media narrative coming out of New Hampshire’s vote. What would that suggest? While it would not set Huntsman up for Anti-Romney status in Evangelical-heavy South Carolina on January 21, it might be worse news for Romney in this sense: How could another centrist, corporate CEO (of the chemical company Huntsman Corporation), and Mormon take a significant vote away from Romney’s NH base in just a week’s time? Indeed, if Huntsman takes 15 percent or more, that comes pretty much out of the 15 percent or so that Romney has sunk in the past week’s NH polls (with another part of it coming from moderate NH Republicans who had “settled” for Ron Paul before learning more about his wild patchwork of issue stances).

Best Time To Buy

January 17, 2012 by · Comments Off on Best Time To Buy 

Best Time To Buy, Timing is everything, it seems. Knowing when is the best time to buy that new car, house or lawn mower could be the difference between saving hundreds if not thousands of dollars every year. That’s why we created the Best Time to Buy Guide for over 75 products and services. Before you make another major purchase, check with this guide to know when the best time to buy is.


Big Appliances
The new models for large appliances roll out in September and October, so stores will be working to make room by discounting previous models. Some stores will keep older inventory in stock through the holiday months and then reduce what ever is left at the beginning of the new year.

During the rest of the year look for holiday sales around Memorial Day and Independence Day.

Best time to buy big appliances: October and January

Cute kittens, Tuscan vistas and boring-old Daytimers fly out the door during the holiday season. Come early January, calendar sales falter faster than a celebrity marriage. Wait until calendars hit the bargain bin and you can save up to 70 percent, although the selection is limited.

Best time to buy a calendar: January

Carpet and Flooring
Americans love to spruce up their homes for the holidays, which means carpet and flooring is in high demand through the end of December. Once the new year hits, however, demand and prices plummet.

Best time to buy carpet and flooring: January

Christmas Cards
Merchants like to unload their supplies directly after Christmas. If you’re willing ot store Christmas cards until the following year — and can depend on finding them again next December — you’ll be rewarded with unbeatable sales of 50 to 80 percent off.

Best time to buy Christmas cards: January

New furniture is typically released bi-annually. Retailers like Crate and Barrel slash prices in January with anticipation of new furniture arriving in February. Prices are lowered again in July for the arrival of new furniture in August.

Furniture also goes on sale around Mother’s day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Father’s Day, Black Friday and Christmas.

Best time to buy furniture: January and July

Gift Cards
Gift cards are the most popular Christmas gifts and every year people receive gift cards to merchants that they don’t care to shop at. Some of these people try to sell their merchant gift cards at a discount on websites like eBay, and Plastic Jungle. Due to supply and demand forces the best time to buy a discount gift card is a couple weeks after Christmas. Visit Gift Card Granny for a detailed listing of merchant gift cards that are for sale.

Best time to buy merchant gift cards: January

Linens and Bedding
Since 1878 people have counted on the new year to bring in sales on whites. John Wannamaker originated the marketing strategy of “The White Sale”. Today, January is still the best time to look for discounts on bedding and linens as retailers (like Bed Bath & Beyond), cataloguers and others still follow his lead. Keep an eye out during the rest of the year for good bargains as previous season styles will go on sale with the release of new lines.

Best time to buy linens and bedding: January

Whether new or used, motorcycle prices drop at the beginning of the year because fewer people are interested in riding on snow-and-ice-slicked roads. However, this rule doesn’t hold truth in states with warm climates and cleaner streets.

Best time to buy a motorcycle: January or February

Office Furniture
Most home-based business start up in January and right after tax time. These are usually when retailers like Office Depot have their best deals on office furniture.

Best time to buy office furniture: January and end of April

Outdoor Gear
Sometimes it feels the biggest adventure is finding outdoor gear at a reasonable price. Make a resolution to buy after the New Year, when merchants are eager to clear out the old and bring in the new.

Best time to buy outdoor gear: January

Christmas and Valentines Day are among the two biggest sales months for perfume. If your sweetie can do without this holiday, waiting a few weeks can save you a bundle. (Remember, we’re giving shopping advice here, not relationship advice.)

Best time to buy perfume: January and March

Prom Dresses
Winter is officially over and spring formals are just around the corner; At least thats how retailers tend to think. The latest styles appear in stores at the beginning of the year and shopping now gives prom goers a large selection and plenty of time to have alterations performed.

Best time to buy prom dresses: January and February

Seasonal Produce
There’s a lot more produce available in January than you would think, although it might take some looking to find good prices.

Seek out deals on lemons, oranges, papayas, tangelos, tangerines, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, grapefruit and leeks.

“Suit up” on fall suits in January and spring suits in July. Before you buy, however, make sure the style is timeless. Avoid such time-dated fashions as double-breasted suits and the gargantuan shoulders of the 1980s.

Best time to buy a suit: January and July

Video Games
Save your video game spending for after Christmas. Video game manufacturers release new games in November and December in time for holiday shopping. Wait until January and February to buy your video games to get a better deal.

Best time to buy video games: January and February

Winter Coat
The longer you wait after winter’s onset, the better the prices. Merchants need to make room for spring clothing and winter coats take up a lot of floor space. On the other hand, the longer you wait the worse the selection.

Best time to buy winter coats: January and February

Wrapping Paper
Buy your wrapping paper twelve months before it will be used to save the most. You can pick up a roll of wrapping paper in early January for a fraction of what it would cost pre-Christmas.

Best time to buy wrapping paper: January


Some experts say winter boat show season is the best time to buy. Others recommend checking out dealerships from January to March as they won’t bundle boat-show expenses into the final price. In either case, merchants offer better prices so they can clear their decks to exhibit new models.

Best time to buy a boat: February

New camera models usually come out in January and February, when trade shows reveal their new wares to the best advantage. Unless you absolutely have to own the very latest model, this is your chance to buy last year’s version.

Best time to buy a camera: February

Home Theaters
Like, duh! The biggest sales of both big-screen TVs and home theaters are directly before the Super Bowl. Dealers want to clear their inventory for new product lines and customers want to upgrade for the highest-rated show of the year.

Best time to buy a home theater: February

Prom Dresses
Winter is officially over and spring formals are just around the corner; At least thats how retailers tend to think. The latest styles appear in stores at the beginning of the year and shopping now gives prom goers a large selection and plenty of time to have alterations performed.

Best time to buy prom dresses: January and February

Seasonal Produce
February’s chilly weather puts a damper on fresh produce.

While lemons, oranges, grapefruit and papayas are shipped in from southern climes, broccoli and cauliflower are still readily available at a fair market value in February.

Video Games
Save your video game spending for after Christmas. Video game manufacturers release new games in November and December in time for holiday shopping. Wait until January and February to buy your video games to get a better deal.

Best time to buy video games: January and February

A wedding in the cool of winter can result in hot savings. The peak season for weddings is May-September which means services are more expensive and booking venues are more difficult. Negotiating low prices for wedding services in the winter is possible because there is low demand during the cold months. The best wedding venues aren’t as highly sought after and will be open to negotiating price and extra services that would be more expensive the rest of the year.

Wedding savings can carry through to a winter honeymoon. Prices are lower during hotel and resort off-seasons in the winter and the best suites are also more likely to be available.

Best time to have a wedding: Feburary and November

Winter Coat
The longer you wait after winter’s onset, the better the prices. Merchants need to make room for spring clothing and winter coats take up a lot of floor space. On the other hand, the longer you wait the worse the selection.

Best time to buy winter coats: January and February


China and Flatware
If you don’t mind buying last-season’s patterns, shop after Christmas and the wedding season.

Best time to buy china and flatware: March and September

Frozen Foods
Happy National Frozen Food Month! The National Frozen and Refrigerated Foods Association, founders of the event, encourage producers to offer coupons for their frozen delectables in March.

Best time to buy frozen foods: March

Gardening Tools
Hoe, hoe, hoe. Shop from February to April for up to 50-percent off on rakes, hoes, shovels (dirt — not snow) and other garden implements at places like Home Depot.

Best time to buy gardening tools: March

Christmas and Valentines Day are among the two biggest sales months for perfume. If your sweetie can do without this holiday, waiting a few weeks can save you a bundle. (Remember, we’re giving shopping advice here, not relationship advice.)

Best time to buy perfume: January and March

Seasonal Produce
The pickings are fairly slim for frugalistas in March as winter takes over crops in this side of the hemisphere. Still, some produce is shipping in, though it’s usually limited to broccoli, lettuce, pineapples and mangoes.


Since cookware is a popular gift item for newlyweds and graduating college students, stores like Williams-Sonoma often run specials on cookware in early summer. Because cookware is such a practical gift stores offer specials on these items again during the Christmas holiday season.

Best time to buy cookware: April, May and December

If spur-of-the-moment getaways are your style, book a last-minute cruise in April and you’re likely to save big. If you can’t wait, you might give sites like a shot. Of course if your vacations require a bit more forethought, just keep an eye on travel deal sites like Orbitz, Travelocity or Jetsetter. Naturally the non-traditional vacation months offer the best deals, but they might offer less fun in the sun as well.

Best time to buy a cruise: April

The best time to buy electronics is in the Spring and early summer, shortly after the Japanese fiscal year. This is when most Japanese electronics companies release their new models. Stores make room for the new products by reducing the price on last years model.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the best time to buy electronics over the holidays. Retailers like Best Buy reduce prices more on these two days than any other days during the holidays.

Best time to buy electronics: April, May, Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Office Furniture
Most home-based business start up in January and right after tax time. These months are usually when retailers like Office Depot have their best deals on office furniture. Look for everything from ergonomic chairs to adjustable desks.

Best time to buy office furniture: January and end of April

Seasonal Produce
Produce picks up in April, with everything from artichokes to zucchini and lettuce ready for veggie lovers.

Fruit fans will enjoy pineapples and mangoes in April.

The gym rats have been at it all year, but casual runners don’t hit the pavement until Spring. Sneaker companies like FinishLine and Footlocker know this, and come armed with plenty of deals and coupons. Save some money, and drop some pounds at the same time.

Best time to buy sneakers: April

Have you ever tried to buy a snowblower in the winter? Merchants enjoy a flurry of sales during winter storms. Come March, however, customers are as rare as hen’s teeth. What’s a merchant to do but drop prices to rock bottom in April?

Best time to buy a snowblower: April

You don’t have to wait for holiday blowout sales to find a good deal on a television. The best deals can be found in the spring when new models are released. The fiscal year ends in March for most Japanese companies and new-model year releases typically coincide with the new fiscal year. Discounts of up to 20 percent are offered on previous year models.

Retailers also have big sales on televisions during the run up to Christmas. You will usually find the best deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Best time to buy a television: April and December

Vacuum Cleaners
The best time to buy a new vacuum cleaner is before you start spring cleaning. The introduction of new models will result in lower prices in April and May as new vacuum models are released in June.

Best time to buy a vacuum cleaner: April and May


Since cookware is a popular gift item for newlyweds and graduating college students, stores often run specials on cookware in early summer. Because cookware is such a practical gift stores offer specials on these items again during the Christmas holiday season.

Best time to buy cookware: April, May and December

The best time to buy electronics is in the Spring and early summer, shortly after the Japanese fiscal year. This is when most Japanese electronics companies release their new models. Stores make room for the new products by reducing the price on last years model.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the best time to buy electronics over the holidays. Retailers like Best Buy reduce prices more on these two days than any other days during the holidays.

Best time to buy electronics: April, May, Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Kitchen Accessories
Merchants know more people buy kitchen appliances for graduation and wedding presents, making spring a good time to buy. On the other hand, consumers tend to feather their nests in preparation for the holidays, prompting reduced prices in October and November.

Best time to buy kitchen accessories: May and November

Mattresses and Box Springs
The best time to buy a mattress and box springs is in May when retailers need to make room for new models. Your chances of getting a great deal at this time are quite good as manufacturers leave retailers enough room to reduce prices.

Best time to buy a mattress: May

Party Supplies
You don’t need to buy plastic plates and cups for your wedding or graduation party, but merchants really want you to go disposable. If you don’t have your heart set on fine china and silverware, May is the time to stock up.

Best time to buy a party supplies: May

Picnic & Barbecue Supplies
Step right up and get your condiments, napkins, paper plates and other barbecue supplies in preparation for the best weather of the year. Manufacturers and merchants tend to offer deep discounts in mid-May and early June to entice shoppers away from their competitors.

Best time to buy a Picnic & Barbecue Supplies: May

Stores discount existing refrigerator lines to make room for the new models. Since spring is when people are anxious to feather their nests, now is your chance to buy last year’s models at a great discount. Shop on a weekday, when sales reps have time to give you their full attention.

Best time to buy a Refrigerator: May

Seasonal Produce
From apricots to zucchini, May is a great time to find bargain produce.

You’ll want to seek out and eat artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, okra, rhubarb, spring peas, cherries and pineapples.

Vacuum Cleaners
The best time to buy a new vacuum cleaner is before you start spring cleaning. The introduction of new models will result in lower prices in April and May as new vacuum models are released in June.

Best time to buy a vacuum cleaner: April and May


Butter production is typically best in June or July, meaning prices are low. Since butter freezes well for at least six months, stock up now for holiday cooking.

Best time to buy butter: June and July

Any other time of year, champagne gathers dust on liquor store shelves. Come the holidays and the approach of New Years Eve, the bubbly beverage begins to fly out the door. June weddings also give champagne sales a kick.

Best time to buy champagne: December and June

Gym Membership
New Years’ resolutions have gone out the window by June and gym rats are more interested in outdoor activity than exercising indoors. Membership representatives will leap at the chance to sign up new members, even if it means waiving initiation fees and giving away a free month.

Best time to buy a gym membership: June

Hardware and home improvement stores hammer us with heavily advertised sales directly before Fathers Day and during the holiday season. Apparently merchants believe all men — particularly fathers — lust after nothing quite so much as power tools.

Best time to buy hardware and tools: June and December

Mad dogs and Englishmen paint in the noon-day sun…or in the heat of summer. That’s why paint retailers have sales on both interior and exterior paints during the hottest months of the year.

Best time to buy paint: Summer

Seasonal Produce
Fruit starts to pour in from all areas in June.

Look for such favorites as apricots, blueberries, cantaloupe, peaches, strawberries and watermelon beginning to appear in supermarkets.


Broadway Tickets
New Yorkers flock to new shows in the fall and consider summer performances “très gauche.” That means theaters are more likely to fill empty seats in July with cut-rate tickets. On the other hand, some truly good theater closes quickly, so availability depends on a show’s popularity.

Best time to buy broadway tickets: July

Butter production is typically best in June or July, meaning prices are low. Since butter freezes well for at least six months, stock up now for holiday cooking.

Best time to buy butter: June and July

New furniture is typically released bi-annually. Retailers like Crate and Barrel slash prices in January with anticipation of new furniture arriving in February. Prices are lowered again in July for the arrival of new furniture in August.

Furniture also goes on sale around Mother’s day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Father’s Day, Black Friday and Christmas.

Best time to buy furniture: January and July

Mad dogs and Englishmen paint in the noon-day sun…or in the heat of summer. That’s why paint retailers have sales on both interior and exterior paints during the hottest months of the year.

Best time to buy paint: Summer

Seasonal Produce
Look for a wide assortment of veggies and fruits in sweet July, including apricots, blueberries, watermelon, summer squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, green beans and lettuce.

“Suit up” on fall suits in January and spring suits in July. Before you buy, however, make sure the style is timeless. Avoid such time-dated fashions as double-breasted suits and the gargantuan shoulders of the 1980s.

Best time to buy a suit: January and July


Computers have become essential items for students which is why most retailers have big back to school sales in August. You can also get a good deal on a computer during the run up to Christmas.

Technology blogs and manufacturer websites like should have information about when new computer models will be released. If you have your eye on an older model and a new model is soon to be released, it may be worth the wait in order to buy it at a lower price.

Best time to buy a computer: August and December

MP3 Player
Some stores place older models on sale to make way for the latest and greatest MP3s, so this is your best chance to find deals on an iPod and its brethren. By October, shoppers are on the prowl for Christmas presents and few want to give an older version of the hottest thing.

Best time to buy a MP3 Player: August and September

Apparently people are less interested in sucking the moisture out of their homes in late summer as August is when merchants put dehumidifiers on sale.

Best time to buy a dehumidifier: August

Flip Flops
The summer months are when stores stock up on hundreds of different flip-flop styles and patterns at low, low prices. Wait until the fall and you may have to pay a hefty premium for out-of-season and out-of-style sandals.

Best time to buy flip flops: August

Garden Plants and Flowers
Prices on plants and flowers fall drastically after midsummer when nurseries and garden supply stores are trying to clear inventory.

Best time to buy garden plants and flowers: August

Lawn Mowers
Once summer is over stores like Lowe’s begin preparing for Fall products, which means big sales on lawn mowers. Stores need to make room for new inventory and lawn mowers take up plenty of space.

Best time to buy a lawn mower: August

School Supplies
There are two schools of thought here: 1)Buy early to capitalize on back to school sales, or 2)Buy late when stores like Target are burning off excess inventory. The latter can be very appealing, since merchants making room for new products are known to discount school supplies by 75% or more. To maximize your savings, find out exactly what your child needs on day 1, and what can wait a few weeks.

Best time to buy school supplies: August and September

Seasonal Produce
The summer harvest is in full swing by August.

Look for great prices on cucumbers, corn, eggplant, tomatoes, summer squash, green beans, strawberries, cantaloupe, lettuce, watermelon, peaches, apricots, plums and raspberries.

Every women above a size six knows there’s really no good time to deal with the nightmare of finding a swimsuit that looks good and fits. The rest of humanity should wait until the end of summer, when crowds at pools and beaches begin to thin out.

Best time to buy a swimsuit: August and September

Swing Sets
Swing sets go on sale at summer’s end, when children have abandoned outdoor play for indoor pursuits. Swing sets also take up a lot of floor space merchants are just itching to fill with holiday merchandise.

Best time to buy a swing set: August


New bicycle models are released in September, as the riding season slows down. Dealers don’t want old models haunting their show rooms all winter, so they slash prices. Because bike manufacturers drastically change models every few years — to keep up with new technology — you’ll want to investigate to make sure you don’t end up with an out-of-date bike.

Avoid bikes that are more than several seasons old as advances in component and carbon tech move swiftly, making what seems a great deal not so hot.

Best time to buy a bicycle: September

China and Flatware
If you don’t mind buying last-season’s patterns, shop after Christmas and the wedding season.

Best time to buy china and flatware: March and September

MP3 Player
Some stores place older models on sale to make way for the latest and greatest MP3s, so this is your best chance to find deals on an iPod and its brethren. By October, shoppers are on the prowl for Christmas presents and few want to give an older version of the hottest thing.

Best time to buy a MP3 Player: August and September

Lawn Mowers
Once summer is over stores begin preparing for Fall products, which means big sales on lawn mowers. Stores need to make room for new inventory and lawn mowers take up plenty of space.

Best time to buy a lawn mower: August

Boarding horses through the winter is expensive and the weather isn’t conducive to riding, which is why some private owners, tourist operations and summer camps sell their horses once the summer is over. Thoroughbreds also sometimes go on sale at reduced prices after the horse racing season.

Best time to buy a Horses: September and October

Patio Furniture
Wait until the first week after summer ends to buy your patio furniture. Stores like Walmart and Target will drastically reduce the price of patio furniture because they need to make room for Christmas decorations.

Best time to buy patio furniture: September

Seasonal Produce
September is a great month to go locavore, with fall harvests making for great meals.

Look for broccoli, lettuce, pumpkins, spinach, sweet potatoes, apples, cranberries, grapes and pomengrantes.

Every women above a size six knows there’s really no good time to deal with the nightmare of finding a swimsuit that looks good and fits. The rest of humanity should wait until the end of summer, when crowds at pools and beaches begin to thin out.

Best time to buy a swimsuit: August and September

The best selection of wines will be available after fall harvest. The latest vintages are released by most vineyards at this time. This is also the best time to find good buys on “cult wines”.

Many wine retailers are trying to keep a low inventory in these uncertain times and are marking down prices to sell off overstock. There are great deals being offered on wines of all quality so today may be the best day to buy a bottle of wine.

Best time to buy wine:Early Fall


Air Conditioners
The price of air conditioners rise and lower with the temperature. Most old air conditioners expire when the temperature goes up which creates a high demand in the summer months.

If an air conditioner is a must buy right now, then begin looking for discounts today on last years models. If you have a unit that can make it through another season, then the best option is to wait until stores are clearing their inventory at the end of the summer. As temperatures cool the prices will drop and you can find great deals to keep you cool next year.

You can save money on the purchase of a new air conditioner by having your current system serviced. Early in the season is the best time to find deals on service for your air conditioner. In the heating and air conditioning business, the summer months are the most profitable. Many companies will offer discounts on air conditioner service before the heat arrives to stay busy.

Best time to buy an air conditioner: October
Best time to have your air conditioner serviced: February

Big Appliances
The new models for large appliances roll out in September and October, so stores will be working to make room by discounting previous models. Some stores will keep older inventory in stock through the holiday months and then reduce what ever is left at the beginning of the new year.

During the rest of the year look for holiday sales around Memorial Day and Independence Day.

Best time to buy big appliances: October and January

New model year vehicles are typically introduced in late summer. The end of a model year can be a great time to get bargains on a recommended model as dealerships are making room for new models. Vehicles remaining on the lot at the end of the model year are considered to be “leftovers”. They have been on the lot the longest and can generally be negotiated for considerable savings.

The end of the month can be a good time to buy a car also as many dealerships establish monthly quotas and salespeople may be willing to take much less than asking price in order to make a sale to earn their bonus. The best way to save on end of the month purchases is to walk onto the dealership with a good idea of what you want to buy. Some salespeople may try pressuring you into making decisions about a car you are not prepared to buy if you don’t know what you are looking for.

Throughout the year, manufacturers offer rebates, incentives and cheap financing which often coincide with a holiday, long weekend, or special promotion. Sales incentives can be worth investigating to see how much money you can save.

Best time to buy a car: October, and end of the month

Gas Grills
Gas grills are in high demand during the summer and prices rise to match the demand. This makes Fall and Winter the best time to buy a new grill. Companies like Home Depot and Walmart will cut prices on summer grills when winter merchandise arrives.

Best time to buy gas grills: October

Boarding horses through the winter is expensive and the weather isn’t conducive to riding, which is why some private owners, tourist operations and summer camps sell their horses once the summer is over. Thoroughbreds also sometimes go on sale at reduced prices after the horse racing season..

Best time to buy a Horses: September and October

There’s a double bonus if you buy new jeans in October: You miss back-to-school crowds and can take advantage of clearance sales scheduled before holiday shopping season. You’ll also have less of an audience to squiggle into new jeans if the store has one of those communal dressing rooms.

Best time to buy jeans: October

School Supplies
There are two schools of thought here: 1) Buy early to capitalize on back to school sales, or 2) Buy late when stores are burning off excess inventory. The latter can be very appealing, since merchants making room for new products are known to discount school supplies by 75% or more. To maximize your savings, find out exactly what your child needs on day one, and what can wait a few weeks.

Best time to buy school supplies: August and September

Seasonal Produce
October brings the tail end of the harvest season.

Look for pumpkins, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, pears, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, papayas and pomegranates.

Early winter is the best time to begin your wish list if toys are what you want for Christmas. Retailers like Toys R Us will be trying to maximize holiday sales by reducing prices and pushing sales as early as October. Your chances of finding cheaper games and puzzles are especially good during this time.

If you simply can’t wait to buy toys but you still would like to find a bargain, then August will be the best time to look for discounts. With holiday shopping on the horizon, retailers will be reducing prices on current stock to make room for the seasons hottest toys. Retailers will be willing to let items go at huge discounts in order to make room to stock newer items.

Best time to buy toys: October and November

The best selection of wines will be available after fall harvest. The latest vintages are released by most vineyards at this time. This is also the best time to find good buys on “cult wines”.

Many wine retailers are trying to keep a low inventory in these uncertain times and are marking down prices to sell off overstock. There are great deals being offered on wines of all quality so today may be the best day to buy a bottle of wine.

Best time to buy wine: Early Fall


Christmas Trees
Right after Thanksgiving is your best bet. Shoppers are focused on Christmas presents and will put off purchasing a Christmas tree until late in the season. Since this holiday greenery typically stays fresh for at least a month, you won’t end up with a dead tree on Christmas Day. Besides, many of the trees purchased late in the season were cut many weeks earlier.

Best time to buy Christmas trees: November

The best time to buy electronics is in the Spring and early summer, shortly after the Japanese fiscal year. This is when most Japanese electronics companies release their new models. Stores make room for the new products by reducing the price on last years model.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the best time to buy electronics over the holidays. Retailers like Best Buy reduce prices more on these two days than any other days during the holidays.

Best time to buy electronics: April, May, Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Frozen Turkeys
Wait until after the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays then dive in for some great deals. While grocery stores may offer good prices before these holidays, demand is down directly after and merchants just want to get these space hogs out of their freezers.

Best time to buy Frozen Turkey: November and December

Kitchen Accessories
Merchants know more people buy kitchen appliances for graduation and wedding presents, making spring a good time to buy. On the other hand, consumers tend to feather their nests in preparation for the holidays, prompting reduced prices in October and November.

Best time to buy kitchen accessories: May and November

Recreational Vehicles
The absolute, hands-down, best time to buy both new and used RVs is a couple weeks after cold weather sets in and buyer traffic has slowed. Dealers want to increase their cash flow and unload excess inventory. Private owners don’t want to winterize and store their RVs. Of course, that means you’ll have to deal with storage, but the hassle and expense can be offset by a cheaper price.

Best time to buy a recreational vehicle: November

Seasonal Produce
It’s time for supermarkets to start hitting foreign shores for out-of-season produce, but there are still a few fruits and vegetables offered at good prices this month, including broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, grapefruit, oranges, papayas, pears and pomengranates.

Early winter is the best time to begin your wish list if toys are what you want for Christmas. Retailers will be trying to maximize holiday sales by reducing prices and pushing sales as early as October. Your chances of finding cheaper games and puzzles are especially good during this time.

If you simply can’t wait to buy toys but you still would like to find a bargain, then August will be the best time to look for discounts. With holiday shopping on the horizon, retailers will be reducing prices on current stock to make room for the seasons hottest toys. Retailers will be willing to let items go at huge discounts in order to make room to stock newer items.

Best time to buy toys: October and November

A wedding in the cool of winter can result in hot savings. The peak season for weddings is May-September which means services are more expensive and booking venues are more difficult. Negotiating low prices for wedding services in the winter is possible because there is low demand during the cold months. The best wedding venues aren’t as highly sought after and will be open to negotiating price and extra services that would be more expensive the rest of the year.

Wedding savings can carry through to a winter honeymoon. Prices are lower during hotel and resort off-seasons in the winter and the best suites are also more likely to be available.

Best time to have a wedding: November and February


Any other time of year, champagne gathers dust on liquor store shelves. Come the holidays and the approach of New Years Eve, the bubbly beverage begins to fly out the door. June weddings also give champagne sales a kick.

Best time to buy champagne: December and June

Computers have become essential items for students which is why most retailers have big back to school sales in August. You can also get a good deal on a computer during the run up to Christmas.

Technology blogs and manufacturer websites should have information about when new computer models will be released. If you have your eye on an older model and a new model is soon to be released, it may be worth the wait in order to buy it at a lower price.

Best time to buy a computer: August and December

Since cookware is a popular gift item for newlyweds and graduating college students, stores often run specials on cookware in early summer. Because cookware is such a practical gift stores offer specials on these items again during the Christmas holiday season.

Best time to buy cookware: April, May and December

Frozen Turkeys
Wait until after the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays then dive in for some great deals. While grocery stores may offer good prices before these holidays, demand is down directly after and merchants just want to get these space hogs out of their freezers.

Best time to buy Frozen Turkey: November and December

Golf Clubs
The holidays certainly bring plenty of deals for the golfer in your family, but March is actually a better bet. It’s during this month that the latest equipment hit the shelves, which means deep discounts on last year’s model. If you really want to get good, spend the savings on a lesson or two.

Best time to buy Golf Clubs: December

Hardware and home improvement stores hammer us with heavily advertised sales directly before Fathers Day and during the holiday season. Apparently merchants believe all men — particularly fathers — lust after nothing quite so much as power tools.

Best time to buy hardware and tools: June and December

NFL Tickets
Despite the super-sized stadium seating, NFL tickets are rarer than hens teeth because teams play a limited home schedule. By December, however, half the teams will have losing records with little chance of making the playoffs. As a result, fewer people are interested in watching a pointless football game in the middle of winter. Of course, tickets for play-off-bound teams will still be difficult to secure.

Best time to buy NFL Tickets: December

Though the anemic economy has helped drive down year-round prices for major purchases like a swimming pool, off-season remains the best time to buy. Note that some stores don’t hold on to all their best inventory through the winter, but a little research and legwork should help you find the pool and the price you’re looking for. Short-term summer deals do also exist, so keep your eyes peeled.

Best time to buy a pool: December

Seasonal Produce
December simply isn’t the best month for fresh produce. Still, there are the perennial favorites like broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, papayas and pomengrantes.

Small Appliances
Small appliances can be bought for much less during the holiday shopping season at the end of the year. Small appliances make for a practical gift and retailers do their best to sell as many as possible over the holidays by marking down prices.

Best time to buy small appliances: December

You don’t have to wait for holiday blowout sales to find a good deal on a television. The best deals can be found in the spring when new models are released. The fiscal year ends in March for most Japanese companies and new-model year releases typically coincide with the new fiscal year. Discounts of up to 20 percent are offered on previous year models.

Retailers also have big sales on televisions during the run up to Christmas. You will usually find the best deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Best time to buy a television: April and December


Airline Tickets
Increase your odds of cheaper airfare by purchasing well in advance of your departure. Viewing ticket prices up to 4 months ahead of departure will give you the best chance of finding a guide deal. Look for tickets early in the week to find deals as prices have a tendency to rise as the week goes on.

Try to fly on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday and avoid flying on Sundays to get a better deal. Holiday travel is always more expensive so determining a travel schedule can be especially valuable when looking for discounts around the holidays.

Flight discounts are unpredictable so the best advice is to check frequently, and once you find a good deal take it. It might not be around very long.

Best time to buy airline tickets: Tuesdays, months in advance of departure

Amtrack Tickets
The earlier you book, the better the deal. You can purchase a ticket up to 11 months in advance of your trip. Wait until the holidays or other rush seasons and you’ll pay for the delay.

Best tme to buy Amtrack tickets: Up to 11 months in advance

During a Live Auction
The more merchandise up for sale, the more likely people will overspend at the beginning of the auction. That’s when buyers have more money, the adrenaline is flowing and bidding rises faster. For this reason, auction houses traditionally place pricier items closer to the beginning of the event.

Best time to buy during a live auction: Just before the deadline

Baby Clothes
The best time to buy baby clothes is when you are pregnant. Baby clothes go on sale at the end of each season to make room for new items. If you know the sex of the baby, you can start shopping for clothes now.

Figure out how old the baby will be when they need that seasons clothes. Then buy that size of clothes.

Best time to buy baby clothes: During pregnancy

Bakeries discount their products by up to 50% after 4 p.m. to avoid tossing out leftovers. Remember that bread is freezable, so stock up on lunch supplies when you see a good sale.

Best time to buy bread: Late in the afternoon/evening

Take a look at when major bookstore chains release weekly discounts and you’ll soon find Thursday is the best time to buy a book. Barnes & Noble offers sales and coupons for the week on Tuesdays and Borders releases offers on Thursdays. By waiting until Thursday to shop for your books you can compare prices between the two largest book chains to ensure you get the best deal.

Best time to buy books:Thursdays

Bottled Water
Trick question – there’s never a good time to buy bottled water! Though they are certainly useful in certain situations like traveling abroad or sports activities, there are many other options that are both cheaper and environmentally friendly. Look into a Brita water filter, or just (gasp!) drink from the tap. Despite what marketers will tell you, there’s very little hard evidence that bottled water is any healthier than what most developed nations run straight to your house.

Best time to buy Bottled Water: Never

Become an off-hour pin head. Take advantage of early bird specials and avoid league bowlers and weekend daters. Some lanes also try to keep the balls rolling by offering specials after 9 pm weekdays.

Best time to go bowling: Before 10am or after 9pm Mon-Thurs

New model year vehicles are typically introduced in late summer. The end of a model year can be a great time to get bargains on a recommended model as dealerships are making room for new models. Vehicles remaining on the lot at the end of the model year are considered to be “leftovers”. They have been on the lot the longest and can generally be negotiated for considerable savings.

The best way to save on end of the month purchases is to walk onto the dealership with a good idea of what you want to buy. Some salespeople may try pressuring you into making decisions about a car you are not prepared to buy if you don’t know what you are looking for.

Throughout the year, manufacturers offer rebates, incentives and cheap financing which often coincide with a holiday, long weekend, or special promotion. Sales incentives can be worth investigating to see how much money you can save.

Best time to buy a car: October, and end of the month

Car Wash
As with oil changes, full-service car washes experience their heaviest traffic after 5 p.m. and on weekends. Show up in the first hours after opening and you may get both a better price and better service.

Best time to get a car wash: Early Morning

Cell Phones
The best deal on a cell phone is offered when signing up for new service. Consider moving to another carrier, if you are at the end of an existing contract. Another way to save on cell phones is with rebate savings. “Free After Rebate” offers are made on most every popular phone at some point. Pricing usually includes a combination of instant savings and a rebate. The best time to buy is when you can get a cell phone for free, either by signing up for new service or with “cash back after rebate” offers.

Best time to buy a cell phone: When starting a new contract

Chocolates and Candy
Chocolate is one of the most economic resilient items in the food industry. The best time to buy chocolate and save money is right after major holidays. Retailers fill shelves with chocolate for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween and Christmas. Shop for Chocolate right after these major holidays when prices are marked down as much as 75% off.

To save even more shop for higher quality and typically more expensive chocolates like dark chocolate bars or Truffles during those after holiday sales.

Best time to buy chocolates and candy: After major holidays

Once merchandise has been in stores a month or more, retailers begin dropping prices to circulate new items. Stores begin stocking shelves on Thursday to prepare for the weekend. Weekends are when the most items are sold so the best selection and best prices can be found if you make it to the store before the weekend.

Save additionally by shopping at the end of the season. Clothing stores need to make room for new collections and will mark down clothing significantly to reduce stock. As a new season nears begin looking for deals on clothing. For example, spring is the time to get a good deal on winter clothing.

Best time to buy clothing: Weekdays and end of season

Concert Tickets
Wait until your favorite performer or group adds extra tour dates then scoop up the first releases. Hard-core fans will buy tickets for the initial offerings, so you’ll have less competition. Matinees and weekday shows also make for better pickings.

Best time to buy concert tickets: When new dates are added to a tour

Department Store Merchandise
Cruise the aisles of a department store like Kohl’s or Nordstrom on a Saturday evening and you may have the place to yourself. Most people are either out on the town or wrapped up at home with their Snuggies, leaving you alone with miles of merchandise. Better still, merchandise typically is marked down on Saturday evening in preparation for Sunday sales.

Best time to buy department store merchandise: Saturday Evening

Dinner Out
Most restaurants receive new food supplies on Tuesdays. By dining out on a Tuesday or Wednesday, you will have the freshiest ingredients in your meal.

Food deliveries to restaurants don’t generally occur over the weekend and Sundays are usually when restaurants are using up what is left over from the previous week. Many restaurants offer specials to draw customers on Sundays, so you may eat cheaper but you won’t necessarily be getting the best value.

Best time to eat out:Tuesdays for quality, Sundays for price

Easter Decorations
You can find discounts of up to 75% off after Easter, but move fast as these items often are snatched up by those with an addiction to nibbling chocolate bunny ears. Merchants are willing to give big discounts as they don’t want to haul away or store all the extra merchandise.

Best time to buy Easter decorations: 1 week after Easter

Entertainment discounts are offered at many museums and amusement parks on during the middle of the week. Some museums even have free admission days. Not only will you save on the price of admission by going on a weekday but it will also be less crowded.

Matinee showings of movies are a good way to save a couple bucks on the price of a ticket.

Best time to buy entertainment: Wednesdays

Exercise Equipment
The best strategy for purchasing exercise equipment is to find a specialty fitness retailer where you can spend time using the equipment.

Try to shop during hours when associates are available to spend time explaining details about the equipment. Most fitness equipment is expensive so it is very important to find equipment you are comfortable with and understand. If you know before buying that you are going to be able to operate the equipment, then chances are better of you putting it to use once it is in your home.

Best time to buy exercise equipment: After testing the equipment

Farmers Markets
Vendors don’t want to schlep unsold wares and wilting produce home after a farmers market, so they’re more willing to barter with remaining customers. Your selection will be limited but, if you’re flexible, you can score some great deals.

Best time to buy at a farmers market: 10-15 minutes before closing time

Wait until contractors aren’t so busy repairing and installing air conditioning and heating systems and you’ll likely find them more willing to cut you a deal.

Best time to buy a Furnace: Spring or Fall

The price of gas is usually higher on the weekends as demand increases. Elevated prices tend to hit the pump by mid-morning on Thursday so save by getting fuel on Wednesday or early in the morning on Thursday.

Another advantage to fueling in the morning is you’ll get more for your money. Gasoline is most dense in the cool of the morning. Pumps charge by the volume and not the density of gas so you will fuel for less.

It is a good idea to add fuel beore the guage reads a quarter tank. Running your car on near empty fuel levels can be damaging to the injection system.

Best time to buy gas: Wednesday and early morning

Gold prices are lowest when the economy is stable. During a recession, the dollar decreases in value and people look towards gold as a solid investment. This demand drives up prices, meaning you’ll pay more than you would during good times.

Best time to buy gold: When the economy is stable.

Grocery sales tend to run Wednesday through Tuesday making the first day of the sale the best time to get in on discounts before items sell out.

Buy items at lower prices or in-season and save them for later use by freezing them. You can also plan ahead for your holiday meals and buy a discounted turkey then freeze it for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Enjoy savings on your favorite accessory when you hit the shops on Thursdays to purchase a new handbag.

Best time to buy a handbag: Thursday

Spring is a great time to buy a new house as this is the time when more homes are for sale than at any other time of the year. You will have a greater selection of homes to choose from but there are also a lot of people looking at this time of the year.

Best time to buy a house: Spring or Fall

Prices rise for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, wedding season, etc. Purchase your new jewelry when others aren’t buying gifts and stores offering their deepest discounts.

Best time to buy jewelry: Non-giving months

It seems the only way to afford turly nice lingerie from stores like Victoria’s Secret is to buy it on sale, so wait for Saturday when the majority of deals are posted for Lingerie.

Best time to buy Lingerie: Saturday


Hunt for meat first thing in the morning Monday through Friday and you’ll likely find manager’s specials that must be sold by noon. Buy in bulk and freeze what you don’t need immediately.

Best time to buy Meat: First thing in the morning on weekdays

Oil Change
Wait until your a national lube shop is about to close and swoop in for fast service and less pressure to purchase additional work. That’s because the staff is eager to get out of there and isn’t interested in pushing for the up-sell.

Best time to buy an oil change: Right before closing

Travel falls off in autumn, meaning the State Department receives fewer applications and your passport should take less time to process. Avoid January, however, as this is when people begin planning their trips for the rest of the year.

Best time to buy a passport: Fall

Dust mites build up in pillows over time and can lead to sneezing and itching. Before you buy, however, check to see if your pillow is washable. Give it a thorough cleaning then pop it in the dryer with a tennis shoe for maximum fluffage.

Best time to buy pillows: Every 2 years

Thrift Store Merchandise
Hit thrift stores when people are cleaning out their attics and holding garage sales. You’ll garner the fruits of their labors and take advantage of price markdowns resulting from overflowing inventory. Many dry cleaners donate unclaimed items, so check with your thrift store to find out what day of the month these quality products appear.

Best time to buy thrift store merchandise: Spring and right after a dry cleaner has donated

Rental Car Service
Business travelers start their rental contracts on Monday, while vacationers and city residents wait until Thursday or Friday to rent for the weekend. Whatever you do, however, don’t automatically agree to an upgrade when suggested by the agent as this usually means the rental company has run out of compacts and wants you to pay for their mistake.

Best time to buy rental car service: Tuesday/Wednesday

Travel Insurance
Travel insurance tends to duplicate coverage you already may have from credit cards as well as homeowners and health insurance. In addition, airlines are required to reimburse you for lost luggage. The exception to this rule is if you’re in bad health and are traveling overseas. Emergency medical insurance replaces Medicare coverage, which doesn’t travel with you outside the U.S.

Best time to buy travel insurance: Never

Nurseries drop their prices in the fall as they try to clear out landscaping summer stock. Autumn also is a good time to buy flower bulbs. You can safely store them in a dark place over winter, then plant the bulbs in the spring.

Best time to buy shrubs: Fall

Protect your eyes and save when you guy shades on the first day of the work week. Make sure they have all the bells and whistles you need for true sun protection, however.

Best time to buy sunglasses: Mondays

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