
Lost Alternate Endings

May 24, 2010 by · Comments Off on Lost Alternate Endings 

Lost Alternate EndingsLost Alternate Endings:After watching the latest episode of Lost, it seems highly unlikely that the executive producers ever thought of ending another show that with the final shots they used.

Once I saw him, did not come as a surprise that the alternate endings that were promoted by Jimmy Kimmel Live were hoaxes. However, they were well made, made fun of two of the most famous series finales in television history, and worth watching.

Take a look …
Lost Alternate Endings Video:

Jimmy Kimmel Aloha to Lost

May 24, 2010 by · Comments Off on Jimmy Kimmel Aloha to Lost 

Jimmy Kimmel Aloha to LostJimmy Kimmel Aloha to Lost:If you did not understand Jimmy Kimmel: Aloha to Lost, I have the highlights for you. There were great moments – both serious and hysterical. It’s times like these I remember that Kimmel has a program worth watching.

Jimmy Kimmel Live had a special night called Lost Episode “Lost Aloha.” Attended Matthew Fox, Terry O’Quinn, Michael Emerson, Josh Holloway (via satellite), Emilie de Ravin, Evangeline Lilly (through a sketch), Daniel Dae Kim Naveen Andrews Nestor Carbonell, Jorge Garcia (through a dramatization), Harold Perrineau, Jeremy Davis and Alan Dale.

While Kimmel would take some time to talk about his theories (all plausible!), The show quickly became fun. “Is it good or bad Terry Terry have here tonight?” Kimmel asked. The answer? “Terry is out of work!” Terry O’Quinn and Michael Emerson was released after being in The Amazing Race or a show in Las Vegas on forensic science / magic called “Cadaver Cadabra.” And as in the real show, the music was great effects. I love that they had a band there for the whole live show. I wish someone would score my day. When the music began to play poorly would signal to leave where I was!

Matthew Fox is scary intense (Lost tape casting! 17!)

As Matthew Fox was a little drowned and perhaps a kind of fuddy Duddy (it was agreed that he was one of the most professional of the bunch), Emerson and O’Quinn were especially hilarious. Who is the least professional on the show? “Kimmel asked. O’Quinn said:” Josh Holloway … he’s here tonight? “Unfortunately, it was not – but he was there via satellite at least! pretended to be on the set of a new movie called Snakes on a Plane 2.” Remember, keep snakin! “Come on, Josh. We will.

What kind of scenes do not like to play? “I had a lot of great scenes involving food,” said Emerson.

Ten ‘Lost’ parody is to see

Then it was time for foreigners to join the interview! Emilie de Ravin, Naveen Andrews and Daniel Dae Kim appeared to join the interview. Kimmel said Jin was always exploding boats, and left his baby! That did not sit well with many people – and I was one of them if you remember.

Next, another group of survivors to speak out. Reported for thatMichael Jimmy was not in the church at the end of Lost – Harold Perrineau and said that’s because Michael is stuck on the island. Sucks for him!

‘Lost’ mystery of Adam and Eve settled skeletal age: drink lots of milk

A montage of couples kissing Lost touch was followed by a montage of slapping, punching, and violence in general! That’s what we want! knows.This Kimmel, of course, includes a lot of hits Michael Emerson as Ben.

Some alternative endings were presented to Lost viewers. But all the fun they were false. A host of Survivor included. Another was the end of The Sopranos. Another included Bob Newhart!

Ian Somerhalder has a curious choice of words on ‘Lost’ End

Lost Purgatory

May 24, 2010 by · Comments Off on Lost Purgatory 

Lost Purgatory:Purgatory Oceanic 815 were in a kind of purgatory. Everything refers to flash back and sides was his life flashing before them. Purgatory is the condition or process of purification or temporary punishment in which the souls of those who die in grace prepared for heaven.

The episode “The Brig” when Sawyer asked John’s father, Anthony Cooper, how he came to the island, he explains that he was in a car accident and the next thing I knew, tied to a chair and gagged and looking his “dead son”: John Locke. Sawyer asks if Locke thought he had died because he shot through a window and Cooper replies: “He died because a plane flying on crashed in the Pacific.” Sawyer does not believe him then, Cooper says, “If this is not hell, where are we friends?”

Purgatory, explaining why women can not give birth to babies conceived on the island. Everyone on the island is actually dead and their actions on the island “to” determine when they will leave purgatory for heaven – no one in Purgatory goes to hell is a time of purification of sin before God to face a in the middle with an option for the sky or Hellion.

The end of all series as equals and everything in the last clear. Lost People begged to solve them, and throughout the network in the forums dedicated to the topic. But Jack’s neck wound back and forth should have been a week, certainly.Last, it made no sense in linear time that the character of Michele Rodriguez, Ana Lucia, could have appeared at a moment’s side after she died on the island. But neither makes sense in the same episode that Rousseau and his daughter, Alix, could have existed in the history of Ben.

Josh Holloway

May 24, 2010 by · Comments Off on Josh Holloway 

Josh HollowayJosh Holloway:Last Thursday, the guest on Jimmy Kimmel’s show was to guess who? Yes, it was known as Josh Holloway Sawyer, the more sexy and handsome guy from Lost.

Lost is’ the ABC television series aired on Channel and has captured the hearts of many. The grand premiere of Lost aired last eve, exactly two hours after the Jimmy Kimmel show. Jimmy Kimmel Josh asked quite curious about what will happen in the final episode. Josh kept beating around the bush and not spitting nothing solid. I cleverly managed to say that these questions because he earns money by making people stick to Lost-TV. If he had revealed the mystery of the final episode, who would have seen? Apart from this, Josh Holloway also spoke about their favorite scenes from the series, the most fun and hard times he faced during the shooting and friendly relationship he shares with co-star. Some of the scenes

Final episode of Lost was shown also that gathered more than hold on viewers. Speaking of his personal life, Josh Holloway unravel something very strange in itself that has a habit of licking things. Even licked his daughter right after when he was born.

Josh Holloway is the top model and actor. He is forty but looks half his age. He developed an interest in acting and modeling since she was in early adolescence. Luck and hard work helped him and is now a Hollywood celebrity and star of half of the nation.

Lost Explained

May 24, 2010 by · Comments Off on Lost Explained 

Lost ExplainedLost Explained:Lost Final has finally been explained! Lost, the TV series that sticks to many of his fan base has come to an end. The final explanation of Lost is what we all want and love. Lost Finale, who are in purgatory or not? What actually happened in all these episodes and whose interpretation was correct among the millions of fans in the world?

As they say “Viewers, where are we? The answer: almost anywhere we want to be”! The simple answer after the final show is that the entire story was not purgatory, but only part of last season was!

All you saw on the show happened. From the plane crash, through the smoke monster to protect the island and others. In simple words, all the flash forwards and flash backs of the series was in fact the reality and the things that happened.

Confusing the series right? That’s what the producers wanted. Each character who died in the show, in fact, died in the real world and then be transported to a single point in purgatory. The final goal was the afterlife, so everyone had to die to get to that point including those who escaped the island.

Now coming back to our real life, the question is whether the fans are happy with the final series. Some are more confused than ever, while some are very happy to have predicted the correct meaning of the series.

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