
Bobby Kristina Brown

February 13, 2012 by · Comments Off on Bobby Kristina Brown 

Bobby Kristina Brown, Whitney Houston’s ex-husband Bobby Brown has left his reunion tour with New Edition and flown to Los Angeles, Calif., to be with daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown, who was briefly hospitalized after Houston’s death on Saturday at age 48.

Bobbi Kristina, 18, the only child of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston, was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center around 11:15 a.m. PT on Sunday morning. She was released later that day, a source close to the family told CNN. But in the wake of her mother’s tragic death, family members are reportedly worried that the singer’s daughter may be suicidal.

According to TMZ, Bobbi Kristina was “hysterical, exhausted and inconsolable” when she was hospitalized Sunday, and sources close to the family report that they are worried she might try to kill herself. Sources at, meanwhile, report that the singer’s daughter “does not want to live anymore.”

Bobbi Kristina Brown

February 12, 2012 by · Comments Off on Bobbi Kristina Brown 

Bobbi Kristina Brown, Whitney Houston’s 19-year-old daughter Bobbi Kristina was turned away by Beverly Hills police when she arrived at the Beverly Hilton to see her mother’s body.

When Bobbi Kristina showed up on the 4th floor of the hotel, officers informed her that no one was allowed to see the body, which, as you can imagine, made Bobbi extremely upset.

She apparently got into a shouting match with police, as she screamed, curse, and demanded to see her mother.

She was still denied access to the room and eventually left. And that’s not all – Dionne Warwick had also showed up to the hotel, but was also turned away.

Bobbi Kristina Brown 2012

February 12, 2012 by · Comments Off on Bobbi Kristina Brown 2012 

Bobbi Kristina Brown 2012, The world was shocked and saddened to learn of singer Whitney Houston’s death today at the age of 48. However, earlier this week the Grammy-winner was in a festive mood, celebrating award season with her 19-year old daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown.

“They were amazingly close,” journalist Jawn Murray told of Houston’s relationship with her daughter. Murray interviewed Houston and Brown many times over the years.

“They had a relationship that really resembled the relationship that Whitney Houston had with her own mother, Cissy Houston,” Murray said. “Whitney loved her daughter. Bobbi Kristina was her only child and her pride and joy. Because of that, she treasured her.”

Despite divorcing in 2007, Houston and her ex-husband Bobby Brown did their best to keep things civil for the sake of their daughter.

“Let me tell you, after Bobby and Whitney’s divorce, they had a functioning, healthy, blended family,” explained Murray. “Less than a week ago, Bobby, his girlfriend Alicia, their new child, Whitney and Bobbi Kristina were all photographed having a family dinner. (Brown and Houston) still liked each other as people, and got along very well for the sake of Bobbi Kristina.”

But now that Bobbi Kristina has lost her mother, fans and friends are worried about how the aspiring dancer, actress and musician will cope.

“Whitney had a very public struggle with drug addiction, and a drug addiction not only affects your family relationships-it affects everything,”psychotherapist Dr. Jenn Berman, who has not treated Houston, told “Now, it’s especially important for Bobbi Kristina to surround herself with people who love her, support her and who she trusts. And it’s especially important at a time like this not to turn to drugs or alcohol.”

“I want Bobbi Kristina to recognize that her mom was an American treasure, a music icon and really someone who set the precedent for so many others to follow,” suggests Murray. “If she could really focus on the contributions to American music, I think it would help her cope with the loss. I’m praying for her, as I’m sure lots of other people are as well. I really hope that this is something that she can come out of and be OK after she processes it all.”

Bobbi Kristina Brown

February 12, 2012 by · Comments Off on Bobbi Kristina Brown 

Bobbi Kristina Brown, The world was shocked and saddened to learn of singer Whitney Houston’s death today at the age of 48. However, earlier this week the Grammy-winner was in a festive mood, celebrating award season with her 19-year old daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown.

“They were amazingly close,” journalist Jawn Murray told of Houston’s relationship with her daughter. Murray interviewed Houston and Brown many times over the years.

“They had a relationship that really resembled the relationship that Whitney Houston had with her own mother, Cissy Houston,” Murray said. “Whitney loved her daughter. Bobbi Kristina was her only child and her pride and joy. Because of that, she treasured her.”

Despite divorcing in 2007, Houston and her ex-husband Bobby Brown did their best to keep things civil for the sake of their daughter.

“Let me tell you, after Bobby and Whitney’s divorce, they had a functioning, healthy, blended family,” explained Murray. “Less than a week ago, Bobby, his girlfriend Alicia, their new child, Whitney and Bobbi Kristina were all photographed having a family dinner. (Brown and Houston) still liked each other as people, and got along very well for the sake of Bobbi Kristina.”

But now that Bobbi Kristina has lost her mother, fans and friends are worried about how the aspiring dancer, actress and musician will cope.

“Whitney had a very public struggle with drug addiction, and a drug addiction not only affects your family relationships-it affects everything,”psychotherapist Dr. Jenn Berman, who has not treated Houston, told “Now, it’s especially important for Bobbi Kristina to surround herself with people who love her, support her and who she trusts. And it’s especially important at a time like this not to turn to drugs or alcohol.”

“I want Bobbi Kristina to recognize that her mom was an American treasure, a music icon and really someone who set the precedent for so many others to follow,” suggests Murray. “If she could really focus on the contributions to American music, I think it would help her cope with the loss. I’m praying for her, as I’m sure lots of other people are as well. I really hope that this is something that she can come out of and be OK after she processes it all.”

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