

December 3, 2010 by  

Smurfette, Version bruised Smurfette is history and the seal now strong and healthy has been restored to the Salish Sea this week. A month ago the young seal was taken to Ogden Point by a lover of animals and led to the peninsula where she jumped from a water taxi to rehabilitate the island’s natural wildlife center Care in Salt Spring Island.

“It was 26 pounds and very critical when it came,” said Jeff Lederman, founder of the clinic.

Center names of all seals are in rehabilitation, a student called Smurfette – since this year’s theme is cartoon characters. At the time of Smurfette, a joint young weaned, weighed about 26 pounds, about half of what it probably did when the mother left, Lederman said.

“She did well, it is up to 60 pounds now,” said Lederman days Smurfette was released. “We have dealt with pneumonia several weeks of broad spectrum antibiotics and it went through the complex procedures deworming. After his blood test showed her infection is gone we will have moved into a pool 16 feet with five or six other puppies we had. ”

This basin is provided a baby herring buffet to feast and “she started eating like crazy,” said Lederman. “She was probably gaining a pound a day.”

It was republished in the wild on Tuesday, November 30, almost exactly a month after his arrival in Salt Spring.

“She has a thick thick layer of fat on her to keep her warm. She has extensive experience of eating whole fish,” said Lederman. “I’m very confident she will do well.”

The facility is the center of the wildlife of British Columbia offers year-round rescue and treatment to marine mammals.

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