
Rick Snyder

August 4, 2010 by  

Rick SnyderRick Snyder, [Washington Post] Auto-finance entrepreneur Rick Snyder (R) will face Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero (D) In the election for governor of Michigan, and Rep. Jerry Moran (R) is very likely to become the next senator from Kansas after defeating fellow Rep. Todd Tiahrt in their primaries.

Meanwhile, Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-Mich.) became the fourth House incumbent to lose the primaries this year.

Snyder, former president of Gateway, which ran on the slogan “takes a nerd”, came out of nowhere to defeat two experienced politicians. Starts the general election as the favorite.

Bernero, who was backed by labor, won the Democratic nomination in state House Andy Dillon while the upstart Snyder beat Peter Hoekstra and Attorney General Mike Cox for his party’s nod in the seat being opened by the outgoing Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D).

Moran Tiahrt defeated in a battle remarkably difficult for the Republican nomination to succeed Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kan.). Moran led 49 percent to 45 percent of Tiahrt, who had the backing of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R).

(Interactive: Track records of Sarah Palin)

Brownback, who won his primary for governor Tuesday, also is a heavy favorite in November. Moran facing the college administrator Lisa Johnston (D), while Senator Brownback, faces Tom Holland (D).

Kilpatrick, who nearly lost his primary in 2008, fell to state Sen. Hansen Clarke this time. Kilpatrick has fought in the dealings with the legal problems of his son, sentenced former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (D). She dragged Clarke 48 percent to 41 percent more than half of the constituencies.

She joins three other home owners losing their party’s nomination in a given year against the establishment – Representatives Alan Mollohan (DW.Va.), Parker Griffith (R-Ala.) and Bob Inglis (RS.C.). Senators Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) and Robert Bennett (R-Utah) also lost his party’s nod.

In a third state holding primaries on Tuesday, Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan (D) and Rep. Roy Blunt (R) will meet in the open race in the state Senate as expected after both easily won their primaries.

Blunt sent aligned Tea Party Senator Chuck Purgason (R), having more than two thirds of the votes. Carnahan did not face major opposition in his primary and won easily.

The seat is widely regarded as a coin toss, Senator Kit Bond (R-Mo.) retiring at the end of this Congress.

Also in Missouri, former state Rep. Vicky Hartzler won the Republican nomination to face long Rep. Ike Skelton (D), while the businessman Billy Long won a race full GOP and is likely to succeed Blunt.

In Michigan, former Rep. Tim Walberg (R) won his rematch with Rep. Mark Schauer freshman (D) in a House race up after Walberg defeated (R-Fla.) Rep. Tom Rooney’s brother, Brian , in a primary.

State Rep. Justin Amash won the GOP primary to retire (Rep. Vernon Ehlers, R-Mich.) District and will face Democratic attorney Pat Miles, while former state Rep. Rocky Raczkowski had a wide lead in primaries Republican Party to face freshman Rep. Gary Peters (D-Michigan).

GOP primaries in districts Hoekstra and Rep. Bart Stupak removed from (D-Michigan) were too close.

In Kansas, (D) retiring Rep. Dennis Moore wife, Stephene, will face state Rep. Kevin Yoder (R) in a key pickup opportunity for Republicans.

State Rep. Tim Huelskamp Republican National Committee and will likely replace Mike Pompeo Moran and Tiahrt, respectively, after winning his Republican primary in the dark red areas.

In addition, a ballot measure in Missouri trying to cancel part of the health bill was recently passed through Congress a large margin, with nearly three quarters of the votes. Proposition C would allow Missouri residents to opt for individual coverage mandate and laws passed by legislatures in other states mirrors.

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